Maya and Liam At the Station

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Maya sighed as she finished polishing the truck. It was a slow, boring day at the station. That wasn't a bad thing, but she felt she could spend the time with her wife and son instead.

As if her wish came true, the doors to the garage swung open, revealing just the two people she was thinking of.

"Hey, babe. What's up?" Maya asked, stepping off of the truck and walking over to the two. "Hey, little man." She cooed as Carina gave the baby to her.

Maya adjusted her son against her chest and kissed his forehead before looking back at her wife. "I know it is my day off, but I just got called into an emergency c-section. Can you take him for a little bit?" Carina asked, clearly stressed.

"Of course." The blonde replied with a smile. "Go to work. We'll be fine." She assured.

"Thank you, bambina. Ciao, Liam." Carina said, hurrying out of the fire station.

"Wanna go say hi to everyone?" Maya asked Liam, cradling his little body to hers as she began to head up to the beanery.

Maya turned the corner to where everyone was. "Firehouse baby! Give me." Vic exclaimed, immediately standing up from her spot on the couch and running over. Maya laughed as she handed Liam over.

"Hey, there, kid. It's Auntie Vic. Do you remember me? Yes, you do." Vic babbled, sitting back down on the couch between Andy and Travis.

Maya sat down across from them and watched in amusement as the firefighters surrounded her son.

"How is he at home?" Andy asked, directing her attention to Maya. "He's good. Still wakes up a few times throughout the night, but overall he's pretty easy." Maya responded.

"Ah, I remember when Pru wouldn't stop waking us up every few hours. Thank god we broke that habit." Ben pitched in with a relieved smile.

"Okay, times up, my turn." Travis said, quickly taking Liam from Vic's arms. "Wait, why is he even here? Not that I'm complaining." Vic asked.

"Carina has an emergency procedure so she dropped him off a few minutes ago. He's starting daycare at the hospital next week so it won't be an issue again." Maya explained.

"Is it hard? Leaving him and going to work everyday?" Andy questioned. "Honestly? I've never not wanted to work more." Maya admitted.

"Wow. Never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth." Ben teased. "I love that fucking kid so much." Maya said bluntly.

"Look at you, Bishop. Married and a parent before almost all of us." Vic said with a proud smile.

"What can I say? I've changed." Maya chuckled.

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