Maya Saves Her Team

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"19, call out." Maya heard Beckett's voice through her radio. "Copy." She replied, slowing moving through the poor visibility.

"Gibson, Herrera, copy!" The radio crackled again. Nothing. Maya was about to say something, but was cut off by the chilling sound of two PASS alarms  going off.

"Chief, I hear their PASS alarms going off. I'm looking for them." Maya said. "We can't send anyone else in, Bishop, it's too unstable. You probably have 5 minutes. If you can't get both of whatever you can, understood?" Beckett asked.

"Copy. I'm not leaving without both of them." Maya replied, turning off her radio and calling out.

Maya was just about to give up when she suddenly saw a hand. She rushed over to it and knelt down, finally seeing both of them unconscious on the ground.

"Hey, Jack, Andy, can you hear me?" Maya asked, checking both their pulses, finding strong ones luckily. She felt the sweat dripping down her face, the exhaustion hitting her but ignoring both.

Neither of them responded, and Maya knew what she had to do. She was grateful she was on the first floor, because she would have to drag both of them out the door.

Maya grabbed them both by the collar and began pulling.

Dragging two firefighters in full, heavy gear? Hard. But dragging two firefighters in full heavy gear with the added wait of her own heavy gear? Even harder.

But Maya did what she did best.

Embraced the pain.

Her muscles burned with the effort, her teeth grinding together. Almost there.

Maya got to the door and didn't hesitate to kick it down. She was quickly met other firefighters and paramedics, and once Jack and Andy were taken away, she let herself drop to to her knees.

"Bishop!" Vic exclaimed, running over to her. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just- I'm okay." Maya panted, her voice croaky.

Vic got Maya sitting up, and listened to her lungs quickly. "You definitely have smoke inhalation. Lets get you to the aid car for some oxygen and you, my friend, will be taking a trip to the hospital."

"Vic, I don't-" Maya began, cutting herself off with a coughing fit.

"Maya, you just save two of our own. You're funny if you think I'm gonna let you die from soot in your throat or something like that. Let's go." Vic said sternly, helping the blonde up and into the aid car.


Maya arrived at the hospital and was quickly checked out. Everything was okay, but she definitely had a moderate to severe case of smoke inhalation and dehydration, which she was put on supplemental oxygen and given an IV for. Now, she was sleeping, waiting for her oxygen level to reach a healthy point.

Meanwhile, outside of the ER curtains, Carina came storming into the emergency room. She immediately spotted the group of firefighters standing around and approached them.

"What happened? Where's Maya? Is everyone okay?" Carina asked worriedly, a frown on her face.

"Carina, hey. Maya's fine, she just has some smoke inhalation and dehydration. Jack and Andy have some concussions too." Vic explained.

"What happened?"

"I guess a beam came down on Jack and Andy and they got knocked out. Maya was in there, too, and dragged both of them out of there." Vic said.

Carina rolled her eyes. She was proud of Maya for saving her team, but Maya always being the hero and being so selfless scared her.

Carina quietly entered the curtain Maya was in and sighed in relief. She was okay, an oxygen mask on her face  and an IV in.

Maya opened her eyes at the rustling in the room and smiled when she saw her girlfriend. "Hi." Maya said, voice still croaky.

"Hi, Bella. I'm glad you're okay." Carina smiled, kissing Maya's forehead.

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