Maya Gets Stabbed Instead of DeLuca

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Maya knew what her girlfriend and her brother were doing, and she knew it was dangerous.

However, she knew that as a first responder, she couldn't let Andrew DeLuca run off and chase down a sex-trafficker by himself.

She heard Carina's shouts get farther and farther away as she got closer to Andrew. She saw him approach a guy and quickened her pace when she saw a shiny, sharp object in his hand.

Maya didn't hesitate in throwing herself into Andrew, taking them both to the ground. The man ran away as Andrew scrambled to his feet.

"Maya, what the hell!" He exclaimed as he looked back to the woman angrily , only to see her still laying on the ground, looking paler than before.

"Maya?" The surgeon asked, in a softer and unsure tone, quickly kneeling down. Maya groaned as he pulled off her mask carefully.

His heart jumped into his throat when he noticed the blood seeping through her uniform. He ripped open her shirt and saw a deep stab wound, clear as day.

"He...stabbed me." Maya gasped, feeling Andrew's hands on her abdomen.

"Help!" Andrew yelled, looking around to bystanders who were watching them. "It's okay, Maya. You're gonna be fine." He said before yelling out again.

Then a rush of activity happened, and suddenly Maya was looking into the big, teary brown eyes of her girlfriend.

"It's okay, bambina. You're okay." Carina said, her voice shaking as Ben and another paramedic loaded Maya onto a stretcher and pulled an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth.

"C-carina?" Maya asked, disoriented and on the verge of unconsciousness. "I'm right here, bella. I'm right here." Carina replied, stroking Maya's sweaty hair out of the her face.


They got to the hospital quickly and the ambulance doors swung open, revealing Schmitt  and Bailey.

"32 year old female, abdominal stab wound. She's tachycardia and hypotensive." Ben said as they lifted the gurney out of the ambulance.

"What the hell happened?" Bailey asked, looking at the bloody fire captain.

"I-I was running after the sex trafficker and-and he was gonna stab me. She tackled me and....this is all my fault." Andrew said, panting at the realization.

They quickly got Maya into a trauma bay and started working on her. "Carina, you can't be here. You need to go wait outside." Meredith said, who joined the group as Bailey paged her.

Maya deserved the best, and they were going to do everything they could to save her.

"No-no, I can't leave her." Carina said, tears in her eyes. Maya was barely conscious, and truthfully, Carina was scared that if she left, that would be the last time she would see those beautiful blue eyes.

"We need to get control of this bleeding in the OR now." Bailey instructed.  The doctors immediately went to work in transporting Maya, and Carina watched helplessly as her girlfriend was rushed to the OR.

Andrew watched his sister stare aimlessly down the hall, and knew he had to do something. "Hey, let's go get a cup of coffee. It's gonna be a while." He said gently.

The two siblings walked in silence to the coffee cart and then sat down in the waiting room.

"We need to inform Maya's team." Carina said, breaking the silence, her voice hoarse from crying. 

"I already did, they're on their way." Ben said, who overheard the statement and sat down next to them.

"Grazie." Carina replied absently. "I don't know what I will do if she....I don't know what I will do." The OB whispered, putting her head in her hands.

"She's gonna be fine. She's strong. She'll be okay." Andrew said confidently, though as a general surgeon he knew stab wounds were fatal sometimes.


Hours later, Bailey, Meredith, and Teddy all came out to the waiting room. Carina and Andrew, plus all of Station 19, stood up in anticipation.

"She's stable. The stab wound luckily missed any major organs, minus the spleen which we had to take out. We resolved the bleeding and closed. She's still intubated, just as a precaution, but we're confident she'll make a full recovery. Since she's in the ICU, it's only 2 at a time." Teddy explained.

"Does she have any other family we should call?" Meredith asked.

Carina shook her head. "Not right now. We're her family." She said, looking around to the big group of firefighters and her brother.

Meredith nodded and smiled sympathetically. "Whoever wants to come first you guys can follow me." Teddy said.

Carina and Andrew unanimously decided to go first and followed the doctor. "As I said, she's still intubated and we gave her a light sedative to keep her calm, but she could wake up soon."

Carina gasped a little when she stepped into the ICU room. Maya was laying in the bed, eyes closed, a tube down her throat, looking paler than ever.

The tears formed in her eyes as she approached the bed and grabbed Maya's hand gently. "Hi, bambina. You're gonna be okay." She whispered to Maya's unconscious body, kissing her forehead gently.

Teddy left the gave the two some privacy. "Thanks for saving me." Andrew said, grabbing Maya's other hand.

Slowly, Maya's eyes started to flutter open, and soon Carina was looking into the big, blue, teary eyes of her girlfriend.

"Hey, bella. It's okay. Everything's okay." Carina said, a small smile on her face at the relief she felt.

Maya's hands slowly went up to the tube, but Andrew stopped them gently. "You need the tube in for a little while, Maya."

Maya rolled her eyes, getting a laugh out of the siblings. "You are a hero, Maya, but I never want you to do that again." Carina said, kissing her forehead.

Maya just nodded, her eyes fluttering shut again, but fighting the sleep. "Rest, Maya. Don't fight it." Andrew said. Maya simply shut her eyes, and soon enough she was asleep.

"She's my favorite girlfriend of yours, you know that?"

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