Maya Takes Another Trip to Grey Sloan

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Everything happened so fast.

One minute Maya was fine, the next she was falling through one of the floors of the burning apartment building.

"Bishop!" She heard Ben yell from where she once was standing alongside him.

"I'm okay." Maya said shakily, standing up, her ribs screaming out in protest. She knew for sure that she broke at least one, if not more of her ribs.

"Hold still, I'm coming down." Ben said. Maya didn't protest to that. Moving sounded awful right now.

Once Ben got safely down to her level, he started assessing her. "What hurts?" He asked, noting the pale expression on her face and the wincing.

"I think I...broke a few ribs. It hurts to breathe And my wrist hurts." Maya responded, grateful when Ben moved to take some of the weight off of her.

"Think you can get out of here on your own or do you need more help?" Ben asked. "I'm good," The blonde replied.

The two very slowly and carefully made their way out of the building. Once they were successfully out, Andy met them with a gurney. "Probable broken ribs and wrist." Ben explained, helping lift Maya onto the gurney.

"What the hell happened?" Andy asked, concerned in how weak her best friend looked. "The floor collapsed and she fell." Ben replied, watching as Maya got situated.

Maya groaned, the movement sending sharp pain throughout her body. "Just breathe, Maya." Andy soothed, pulling an oxygen mask over her face.

"Did she hit her head when she fell?" Andy asked, staring an IV. "Um, Im not sure. Maya?"

Maya didn't respond. The aid car hit a pothole, making the pain increase. She cried out, tears beginning to pour from her eyes.

"Hey, hey, it's okay Maya." Andy said, heart aching for her friend, "I don't want to give her pain meds if she hit her head."

"Probably best if we don't." Ben agreed.

A few minutes later, the aid car pulled into the ambulance bay. Ben opened the doors and met the concerned eyes of his wife.

"What happened?" Bailey asked with concern as they unloaded the gurney from the vehicle.

"She fell through a floor. She probably has a few broken ribs, and possibly a broken wrist. We didn't give her any medication because we don't know if she hit her head or not, but she's in a lot of pain." Ben explained.

Bailey watched the squirm in discomfort and saw the tears streaming down her face. "Okay. Everything's okay, Bishop, we're gonna get you feeling better," Bailey said as she looked at Maya, "Page Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Lincoln." She added, looking to a nurse.

They got Maya into a patient bed and Bailey lifted up Maya's uniform top. Since nothing looked out of place, she began gently prodding around, feeling for the breaks.

As she did this, Maya cried out once again. "Okay, okay, I won't do that. Hold on a few minutes, Maya, and we'll get you some pain meds."

Amelia came in a minute later and performed a neuro check. "Her pupils look fine. You're free to give her medication." She said, putting a hand on Maya's ankle and squeezing comfortingly. "I'll go grab Carina."

Bailey quickly pushed the pain medicine, and Maya's whole body relaxed almost immediately. "Can you...find my wife?" She asked, eyes fluttering shut, her fighting to keep them open.

"Already on it, Maya." Andy said from the corner of the room.

Link walked into the room, a portable x-ray close behind him. He took images of both Maya's ribs and her wrist, confirming fractures of four ribs and the wrist.

Just as Link was going to begin casting the wrist, Carina came hurrying in. "She's okay," Bailey said quickly, "four fractured ribs and a broken wrist."

"Oh, Bella." Carina cooed, seeing the red rims around Maya's eyes and using one hand to grab Maya's, the other brushing the hair out of her face.

Maya leaned into her wife's touch, letting it sooth her. "I'm okay." Maya slurred sleepily, the pain meds clearly having an affect.

"Just rest, bambina. I'll be here when you wake up." Carina said, pressing a kiss to Maya's forehead.

"She is okay?" The Italian asked as she watched Maya's eyes close, then looking up to the doctors in the room.

"She's fine. We can keep her overnight for observation if you like, or she can go home since you'll be there." Dr Bailey offered.

"I will take her home when she wakes up." Carina replied, sighing in relief.

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