Maya + the Grey Sloan Women Have a Girls Night

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Carina sighed contently as she sat at the bar with her close friends, Jo, Teddy, and Amelia. Their weekly girls' night at Joe's bar was something she could always look forward to. And this time, Maya wasn't on shift, so she was on her way, too.

"Hey, where firefighter Barbie?" Amelia asked with a smirk. Carina checked her watch and looked up, "She should be here any minute."

As if on cue, the bell on the door jingled, and in came Maya. Carina, not so subtly, looked her wife up and down, who was clad in jeans that hugged her body well, and a simple long sleeve shirt on.

"Hey, babe." Maya said with a smile, pressing a kiss to her lips. "Hi yourself." Carina replied, wrapping her arms around Maya's waist.

There weren't any open seats at the bar, so Carina stood up, motioning for Maya to sit down. Maya did so, and opened her arms for the Italian to sit.

With Carina firmly on her lap, arms around the blondes neck, Maya turned her attention to the other women, "Hey guys."

"Looking good, Bishop." Amelia winked, watching in amusement as Maya's cheeks turned pink.

"Hows it going, Maya?" Teddy asked. "Good, you?" Maya asked. "Good. You know what? I think that because Maya's finally here, we should celebrate with a round of shots!" Teddy suggested enthusiastically.

The women all agreed, and before they knew it, they were already 3 shots in.

"Can I ask you guys a question?" Jo asked. Jo was easily the drunkest, with Amelia and Carina close behind.

"Sure." Maya responded hesitantly, not knowing what was gonna come out of the brunettes mouth.

"What is sex like with a woman?" Jo asked, causing Maya to choke on her drink that she was nursing.

"Easy, bambina," Carina giggled, holding on tighter, "and to answer your question, it is magnifico."

"But what's it like? Like, if you had to compare it to sex with a penis, what would you say?" Jo slurred.

Maya's face just redder and redder, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. "Sex with Maya is much better. Her fingers and her tongue are like magic and her body is better than any man I've ever been with." Carina said proudly, pressing a kiss to Maya's cheek.

"Can we see your abs?" Amelia cut in excitedly. "Uh-" Maya began with a nervous chuckle.

"No! She's my wife. Her abs are for me to see and lick and me only." The drunk OB said, deciding to  mark her territory by fully straddling her wife on the chair and shoving her tongue into her mouth.

Maya's arms naturally came to rest on her lower back, just grazing Carina's ass.

Maya pulled back after a moment, remembering that they were in public. "Damn, you guys are hot. Are you sure you can't just lift your shirt up a little bit?" Amelia pleaded.

"Okay, guys, let's leave Maya alone. I think it's time to head out, yeah?" Teddy asked, looking at Maya for backup. "Yep, let's go." Maya said quickly.

Teddy offered to take Amelia and Jo home, so Maya and Carina carefully made their way to the car, Carina's world spinning slightly.

Once they got home, Maya eventually got Carina settled and into bed with a bottle of Advil and water on the bedside table.

"I'm sorry Amelia and Jo were harassing you." Carina mumbled into Maya's neck, half asleep. "It's okay. If it means you sitting on my lap and making out with me, then I'm okay with it." Maya joked.

"I love you, bambina." Carina said with a sleepy smile. "I love you too, babe. Get some sleep, because you're not going to feel good in the morning."

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