A Lazy Day Off

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Waking up before Maya was a rarity. Maya was always up with the sun, whether she had work or not, and with or without an alarm. It was something that was drilled into her as a kid, and unlike other habits, it was something that she never learned how to stop.

Carina, on the other hand, was a deep sleeper. She was never a morning person, and getting up for work was not easy for her.

However, one particular morning, Carina found herself awake, with her wife still fast asleep curled into her side.

Carina looked down at her chest, where Maya's golden blonde hair laid spewed across. Something that surprised her early on in their relationship was Maya's love for cuddling.

Every night, the firefighter would wrap herself around Carina's body like a koala, pressing herself as close as possible to her wife.

The Italian didn't mind it at all. Physical touch was her love language, and knowing that Maya very rarely received physical affection growing up, she was always happy to give it.

Carina couldn't help but press a small kiss to Maya's hair, rubbing her back softly. Maya scrunched her face up before nuzzling her nose farther into Carina's chest.

For a while, Carina didn't know if she'd ever be able to hold Maya like this again. After Maya's demotion, everything went downhill, including their relationship.

But Maya was working very hard to repair that, and so was Carina. Because their love was something worth fighting for, and the two women knew that.

"What time is it?" Maya's raspy morning voice asked as she sat up slightly, pulling Carina out of her thoughts.

"Just before 8. You slept in today, bella." Carina smiled softly, stroking Maya's cheeks and admiring her ocean blue eyes.

"You tired me out last night." The blonde smirked, raising her eyebrows suggestively as she moved her body to lay fully on top of her wife.

"You are the one who begged for round 3." Carina retorted, putting her arms around Maya's waist and holding her flush against her body.

Maya didn't answer, instead pressing her lips and bringing Carina in for a lazy kiss.

That lazy kiss, however, turned into a heavy make out, and before they knew it, they were going for round 4.


A little while later, the two wives found themselves in the kitchen, Carina cooking at the stove and Maya leaning on the island.

"Smells good." Maya commented as she wrapped her arms around Carina's waist from behind, pressing a light kiss to her shoulder.

Carina smiled for a moment before putting their breakfast into plates and placing them onto the counter.

"Do you have any plans today?" Carina asked after a mouthful. "No. I was just planning on doing nothing. Last shift was really busy. You?" The blonde replied.

"Nope. I do have some ideas of what we can do, though." Carina smirked with a playful look in her eyes.

"You're a sex hound!" Maya exclaimed with a giggle, watching as Carina got up and walking to stand between her legs. 

"Let's call it....making up for lost time." The OB offered, pressing a sloppy kiss on Maya's lips.

"What about breakfast?" Maya asked huskily, blue eyes darkening with desire as she ran her hands up and down Carina's back.

"I'll make more later." Carina dismissed, pulling Maya to her feet and walking her back into the bedroom. 

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