Hot Box - Round 2

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When Maya wasn't a lieutenant at the station, back when she first started, Jack, her, and Andy were all trapped inside of a garage, fire blazing all around them with no way out.

It had been a terrifying moment, one that Maya didn't know if she was going to survive. It felt like the heat was suffocating her, and had they not thought to explode the garage open, they probably would've all died.

Now, she found herself in a similar position, except she was with Ben and Vic.

They had been in the house, searching for a family of four when they found an older man in the garage.

When they attempted to get him out, the door wouldn't budge, so they tried the garage. That wouldn't work either. The hydraulic system and electricity must've been faulty, because they were trapped, and it was like deja vu.

Maya shed her turncoat and helmet, leaving her in her turn pants and station 19 tee, but she was still dying of heat.

"We have to get out of here." Maya said, standing up and walking around anxiously, looking for something, anything, that could help them out.

"Bishop, sit down. Don't waste your energy. They're working to get us out." Ben said calmly.

"This cannot be happening to me again. I-I need to get home to Carina. Damnit!" Maya exclaimed, slapping the wall in anger.

Little did Maya know, Carina was waiting outside, anxiously looking for any sign of her wife.


Carina had been called to the same scene 19 was called to because of a pregnant mama she needed to check out.

However, what she didn't prepare herself for was for her wife to be trapped inside of a burning garage with no way out.

The pregnant woman had been checked out almost a full hour ago, but Carina could not bring herself to leave while knowing that Maya was in danger.

"What is taking so long to get them out?" Carina asked, storming up to Andy. "The garage system must be hydraulic, which means that in a fire, it can completely stop. We run the risk of a flashover if we just knock the garage down, which is dangerous." Andy explained.

"So-so what do we do?" The OB asked, fear pooling in her stomach. Andy sighed and looked at Carina sympathetically, which told her everything.

"This happened when Maya and I were probies. We found a way then, they'll find a way now." The Latina said confidently, trying to reassure her best friend's worried wife. This is why spouses should never attend scenes.


Inside the garage, the three firefighters were brainstorming ways get them out.

"When this happened last time, we found a way to explode us out of there using a water heater and gasoline to blow the door open. I say we do it again if we can." Maya suggested, spotting a gas can and a heating unit.

"There's literally nowhere to hide," Ben replied, "It's too dangerous."

"Well, we don't really have another option, Ben. We're going to die in here if we don't do something." The blonde said.

"She's right. It's worth a shot at this point." Vic agreed. "Fine. Let's do it now before any of us pass out." Ben said with a sigh.


"Andy, are you there?" Maya's voice crackled through the radio. "Copy. What's going on?" Andy asked.

"We're going to try to blow the door open like last time." Maya replied. "Do you have any cover?" Andy asked, looking at Carina through her peripheral vision.

"No. The garage is empty but I don't think we have any other choice."

The brunette firefighter sighed and hesitated before replying, "Permission to proceed."

Maya, Ben, and Vic all huddled the furthest away from the water heater and set the bomb off.

Maya felt her body get thrown back from the force, her head hitting something painfully before her vision blurred and went black.


Andy, Jack, Travis, and Theo all bolted towards the garage as soon as the door blew off the hinges.

"Get fluids ready and cooking packs. Let's go!" Andy exclaimed. Carina followed closely behind Andy, and her heart almost stopped when she saw her wife laying on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

"Maya? Maya, open your eyes." Andy said, kneeling next to Maya and taking her pulse. The blondes eyes fluttered open, and she sat up, disoriented.

Maya's ears were ringing. She couldn't hear much except for that and muffled noises, so seeing Andy and Carina's lips moving and hearing nothing was scary.

"Bambina? Can you hear me?" Carina asked, seeing Maya's brow furrow in confusion. She motioned to her ears, and Maya shook her head.

"Let's get her outside and onto a gurney." Andy said. The two women put their arms around Maya and helped her outside.

As they sat Maya into a gurney, she was immediately given ice packs all over her body. "Her temperature is 104. I'm going to start fluids." Andy said.

Maya leant back into the gurney, her eyes closing. "Uh uh. Eyes open, bella. You might have a concussion." Carina said, shaking Maya's arm gently, grimacing at how hot her skin was.

"I'm so hot." Maya complained, her voice much louder than usual due to the fact that she couldn't hear herself.

"We're cooking you down, Maya. Just try to relax and stay awake." Andy replied loudly so Maya could hear.

They pulled up to Grey Sloan and Amelia and Owen were waiting for her at the trauma bay. "She cannot really hear at the moment." Carina said to Amelia as they unloaded her out of the aid car.

Owen quickly checked Maya's ears, and confirmed what Carina and Andy already suspected. "Looks like her right eardrum is ruptured. Left looks red but no sign of a rupture." He said.

"Did you hit your head, Maya?" Amelia asked, looking at her pupils with a flashlight, noting that they were a little slow.

"She was unconscious when we found her." Andy offered. "I think I hit it on something when the blast went off." Maya answered.

"Okay. I want a CT to be sure, but I'm guessing just a mild concussion." The neurosurgeon said. "Her body temp is still at 101. I want to keep for overnight to monitor her organs and watch for hypothermia, but she'll be okay." Owen said.

"Thank you both." Carina said, signing in relief.

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