When World's Collide

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Maya's brow furrowed in confusion as her phone rang from an unknown number.

"Hello?" She asked, fiddling with a pencil. She was still on desk duty after her accident, by choice. She was cleared for physical field duty, but she didn't think she was ready.

"Hello, is this Maya Deluca-Bishop?" A voice asked. "Yes, this is she. Who is this?" Maya replied, heart fluttering for a moment at her full name.

"Hi, I'm calling from Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. We have you written down as an emergency contact for a man named Mason Bishop." The lady's voice said.

Maya froze. She hasn't spoken to her brother i. years, let alone seen him. Why would she be down as his emergency contact?

"Is he okay? What happened?" Maya asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

"He's stable. He was in a single car accident this afternoon. He seems to have overdosed on fentanyl and crashed his car into a telephone pole."

"Oh god." Maya breathed shakily. She couldn't lose her brother. The guilt she already felt for letting him be homeless was bad, but this....if he died, she didn't know if she could handle it along with her personal issues.

"I'll be there in 15 minutes." Maya said hurriedly, ending the call and sending Andy a text letting her know what was going on.


15 minutes later, Maya hurried into the ER and looked around before heading to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm here for my brother, Mason Bishop." She said, fidgeting anxiously.

"Maya, hey!" A voice called out. Maya turned and recognized the familiar face of Owen Hunt. "Hey." The firefighter replied.

"I treated your brother in the ER. He's okay. Want me to take you to him?" Owen offered.

Maya nodded wordlessly and followed him up to the ICU and into a room. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw her brother, pale and intubated laying in the bed.

"Mason overdosed when he was brought into the ER. That's why he crashed the car most likely. We did need to go in and resolve some internal bleeding in his abdomen, but that's fixed. He's intubated due to the strain the overdose put on his heart, we just want to give him some time to recover." Owen explained.

Maya nodded, exhaling shakily, fighting tears. "He'll be okay, Maya. Would you....do you want me to get Carina?" The doctor offered cautiously.

"No. We're not....I'm okay." Maya replied, smiling sadly. Owen nodded and left the room, leaving Maya and Mason.

"I'm here, Mase. I'm here." Maya whispered, kissing his hand and pulling a chair next to him.


Carina's heart starting racing when she saw Maya in the ER from a distance.

The two had barely spoken since Maya's hospitalization, but Carina was still so in love with Maya. She just needed more time.

Maya looked scared, and she looked anxious, and it took a lot for Carina to not march up to her and wrap the blonde in her arms.

She watched as Owen led Maya to a room, and waited until the trauma surgeon appeared once again.

"Was that Maya?" Carina asked, approaching the fellow surgeon. "Yes." Owen replied. "What happened? Is she okay?" The OB asked worriedly.

Owen sighed. "Her brother was admitted for an overdose. Crashed his car. We had to operate."

Carina was surprised. Maya hadn't spoken to her brother in years, and it confused her as to why Maya is his emergency contact. She couldn't imagine how her wife was feeling.

"You could talk to her, you know," Owen offered, "She looked anxious."

Carina nodded and went off in the direction Owen came from. "Room 148." Owen called after her.

Carina took a deep breath and knocked once on the window before entering. "Hey." Carina said timidly.

"Hi." Maya said absently, looking at her quickly before turning back to Mason.

Carina didn't fail to notice the way Maya's leg tapped up and down anxiously, or the way she was picking her fingernails.

"So, this is your brother, hm?" Carina asked, trying to gage Maya's feelings. "I don't know why I'm his emergency contact. I don't...I haven't seen him in years. He overdosed again and I...I can't....I did this to him." Maya said, her voice breaking and her breaths quickened.

"This is not your fault, Maya. You know that." Carina said, her heart squeezing for the woman in front of her.

"I'm his older sister. I was supposed to protect him from my dad and...and I couldn't do it. He's a drug addiction because of me." Maya whispered.

"Bambina, you had no one to protect yourself from your father. You can't be expected to take care of another person, too."

Maya took a deep breath and just started sobbing. This was all too much.

Carina didn't hesitate this time to go over to Maya and pull her up, wrapping her arms around the woman.

"It's okay, bambina. It's okay." Carina murmured as her wife fell apart in her arms. "Ti amo. It's okay." The Italian murmured.

"I missed you." Maya's hoarse voice whispered, pulling back just enough. Carina looked into Maya's teary ocean blue eyes and smiled softly.

"I missed you too, bambina." The OB said, wiping, Maya's tears away.

"When he wakes up...I want you to meet him." Maya said, clearing her throat as Carina laced her fingers through Maya's.

"I would love to." Carina grinned.

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