Maya Gets Electrocuted - 5x05 rewrite

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"Bishop, get on the ladder, try to contain from the top!" Beckett ordered, looking around the destroyed homes and flames still looming.

Maya nodded and quickly climbed on the truck and began making her way up the ladder.

She got to the top, and waited for the water. Seeing the fire from the height she was at made it seem more intimidating than it was, but Maya was always up for a challenge.

"Water coming your way, Bishop!" Dean exclaimed. Maya smiled to herself as the water began pouring down on to the buildings.

Suddenly, the power line snapped, and Maya whipped her head to the sound only for her body to go limp, and for everything to go black.


The next thing Maya was aware of was Jack, looking down at her. "Jack?" Maya asked, disoriented. Her body felt...weird. Something wasn't right.

"Yeah, yeah, I got you Maya. I got you." Jack said, letting out a laugh of relief. Everything was happening quickly, and before Maya knew it, she was on a backboard, being carried to an aid car by her fellow firefighters.

"Travis, Ben, incoming!" Andy exclaimed, a group of them rushing Maya over to the triage tents. "Electrical injury from a live wire. She went into respiratory arrest." Andy explained.

"God, Maya." Travis gasped as he saw her, helping them put the backboard down on the ground.

"I didn't see the wire." Maya said, gasping for breath. "Don't talk, Maya." Andy said, grabbing her hand gently.

"But-but-" Maya tried, unable to get a sentence out. "Her pulse is thready." Ben said, looking up at Travis, Andy, and Jack.

They put Maya in a c-collar and began doing a cardiac work up while waiting for an aid car. "I need an ETA on an aid car." Travis asked into his radio. It was just him and Ben now, the others went back to help.

"Carina." Maya murmured, her voice muffled from the oxygen mask. "We'll get her at the hospital, okay? Just try to relax Maya." Ben said.

"No, no. Carina. It's Carina." Maya insisted, struggling to sit up and meeting her wife's eyes. "Maya!" Carina gasped, seeing her with a c-collar on and sitting on a backboard.

"Maya, you need to lay down." Travis said, pushing her down gently. "What happened?" Carina asked, grabbing Maya's hand and moving the hair out of her face.

"I got electrocuted. It happens." Maya shrugged. "I love you. Did you know that?" Maya asked, grinning sleepily at her wife.

"Is she high? Why is she still here if she got electrocuted?" The OB asked. "A little morphine. We're waiting on an aid car." Travis replied.

"There's one stuck in traffic a block over. I ran here for the pregnant woman, but I-I can't help her right now." Carina said.

"We can carry her over." Travis said. Carina nodded and a few other firefighters helped lift Maya up. "Ben, keep her on her side, it will help slow the contractions down." Carina said, offering as much as she could give right now before jogging with Maya.


At the hospital, Ben and Travis helped unload the gurney and Carina watched as Bailey's face contorted into surprise.

"Bishop." Bailey exclaimed, eyes widening as she looked at Carina. "32 year old female firefighter, status post electrocution, GCS 15, stable vitals." The paramedic who drove said.

"Uh, Bailey. Hi. I almost died." Maya mumbled, disoriented. "Uh, let's get her inside! Move!" Bailey commanded. Carina followed quickly behind as they got her into a trauma bay.

Teddy and Bailey met and immediately began running tests. "Maya, how's your chest feel? Any tightness?" Teddy asked, listening with a stethoscope.

"I-I don't...I'm still..." Maya muttered. "Still in shock." Carina stepped in. She shouldn't be in the room, but there was no way anyone could get her to leave.

"Vic, was....was Ben...." Bailey trailed off. "I'm pretty sure he gave me some morphine." Maya said with a drugged grin.

"So what exactly happened?" Carina asked, trying to get an idea herself. "Pipeline got nicked by a construction worker, and the whole block went up. Then I went up to go put water on the building and a power line just went rogue and I got fried like a chicken wing." Maya exclaimed.

"And then when I got up, I was dangling and Jack-Jack was giving me mouth to mouth....oh my god. Jack was giving me mount to mouth. I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to." Maya continued, face contorting as she turned to face Carina.

If this wasn't such a serious situation, Carina would've busted out laughing. "It's okay, bambina, if he didn't, you might not be here." Carina said, trying to calm Maya down.

Teddy ordered a bunch of tests and stepped out to prepare them, leaving Bailey, Carina, and Maya.

Carina noticed Maya's eyes drooping and kissed her forehead. "Rest, bella. It's okay." She said. Maya smiled sleepily, and allowed her to be pulled into slumber.


The next thing Maya knew, she was being woken up by Carina. "Am I in heaven cause I think I'm looking at an angel." Maya said, laughing

Her laughter turned into a frown when she saw the serious faces on Carina and Travis' faces.

"What-what happened?" Maya asked, sitting up slightly. "Maya, there was a second explosions. Dean....Dean didn't make it." Travis said, trying to hold back his own tears.

Maya stared at him, her heart breaking. Her and Dean weren't that close, but Station 19 was a family. He helped her through some hard times, and she did the same for him.

"No." Maya said, her heart now racing, chest tight. "No." She repeated, her vision getting spotty, feeling herself get weaker.

"We need some help in here!" Travis yelled as Maya's monitors began beating, indicating cardiac arrest.

Teddy and other nurses and doctors came rushing in, and Travis began doing CPR. "Maya!" Carina exclaimed, tears pouring down her face hysterically.

Carina felt someone lead her out of the room, and she watched helplessly though the window as the the doctors fought to get Maya back.

Andy and Jack joined her, arms around her as they sent a silent prayer for their friend ti be brought back to them.

"Please don't take her from me." Carina whispered, watching as they shocked Maya.

"She's back." Teddy said, the firefighters and Carina letting out a breath of relief.

Carina walked back in and stood near Maya's head. Maya's eyes fluttered opened, and she looked around, dazed.

"Hey, the electrocution caused myocardial injury, and it's causing some arrhythmias to your heart. We'll admit you to the CCU and know more after testing." Teddy explained.

Maya just nodded, and looked into the teary eyes of her wife. "Don't cry." Maya mumbled, weakly bringing up her hand and wiping a stray tear away.


Carina stood outside of Maya's CCU room a few hours later, just watching the rise and fall of her chest from a distance.

"She'll be okay. She's young and strong. She'll pull through." Bailey said, who was watching the OB.

"Physically, sure. But Maya carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. She's gonna blame herself for this even thought she is not captain anymore. He was like a brother to her." Carina sighed.

"You'll be there for her, and her team will be there for her. And you already know all of us will be here for both of you." Bailey replied, putting her hand on Carina's shoulder gently before leaving her.

Carina stepped into Maya's room and saw those beautiful blue eyes watching her. "Hi." Maya said, tired and sad.

"Hi, bambina." Carina answered, kissing her gently. "I love you, you know that?" The Italian asked.

"I know, I love you too." Maya whispered.

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