Lane Makes Maya Pay

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Maya sighed as she sat at the desk at the station. It was her first week back to work after Carina 5150'd her, and though she was physically cleared, she opted for desk duty to try to focus on her herself more.

Let's just say she forgot how much she hated desk duty.

The team was out on a call right now, and there wasn't much to do. The paperwork was finished, no calls were coming in, and no one was even there aside from her.

However, when she heard the door open, she spun around in her chair and her heart leaped into her throat when she saw who it was.

None other than Lane Bishop.

"What are you doing here?" Maya asked coldly. After everything she was working through with Diane that he did to her, the last thing she wanted was for him to be here.

"Well, Maya, it seems your mother officially wants a divorce. Gave me the papers this morning." Lane said, slurring his words. Even multiple feet away, Maya could smell the alcohol on him.

"It's about time." Maya scoffed. "That doesn't explain why you're here."

"I'm here because....because it's your fault, and you made a big mistake ripping our family apart." Lane said, stepping closer behind the desk.

"Back up, Lane." Maya said, standing up herself and backing away. "Why should I? Hm? I don't see anyone else here." Lane smirked, backing Maya up against a wall.

Maya swallowed thickly and looked around for anything she could defend herself with, but nothing. Maya may have been strong, but she was small. She wouldn't win this fight.

When Lane threw the first punch to her gut, Maya was not expecting it. She hunched over, the wind getting knocked out of her.

"Almost down after one, huh? Thought I raised you better than that, but I guess not." The man said, punching her in the stomach twice more.

Maya yelped as she collapsed to her knees, her ribs throbbing. "You're a pussy, just like your pathetic brother." Lane yelled, raising his voice.

Deciding to switch up his target, he directed his punches to her face now, hitting her repeatedly.

Maya's face was bloody and swollen, but that didn't stop the man. "Please stop." Maya begged, her eyes swelling shut, though tears were falling down her cheeks.

"You r-ruined our family. You ruined my life. Why should I stop? Why shouldn't I just kill you?" Lane slurred.

Maya rolled on to her side painfully, an attempt to shield her face somewhat. Lane took that as an opportunity to kick her in the abdomen.

Maya groaned as she spit the blood out of her mouth. She had no idea if the blood was coming from her face, mouth, or if she coughed it up at this point. She was on the verge of unconsciousness, and that was all she wanted right now. To sleep and not feel the pain.

"Dad..." Maya whispered, her body throbbing and hurting in a way she'd never felt before.

Lane was about to go in for another kick, but suddenly collapsed.

And all Maya felt was relief.


Carina was scheduled for the clinic at 3pm today. That's when it opened. She heard there was a 5-alarm going on, but she still went there anyways.

She walked in the front doors, at first seeing nobody, which was what she was expecting. However, when she turned to go into the garage, where the clinic setup was, her eyes widened at the sight.

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