Maya After The 72-Hour Hold

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Carina anxiously waited outside in the parking lot of Grey Sloan. She truly was not sure how Maya would react to seeing her. When her and Teddy first informed her of the mandatory stay, Maya was angry and lashed out. But from what's she heard, Maya has calmed down and asked about Carina multiple times.

She just hoped that Maya knew that what she did was in Maya's best interest and it was done out of love and concern. She just couldn't watch Maya kill herself overtime anymore.

Carina thought's were interrupted when she saw those blue eyes she craved to see everyday walk out of the entrance, a slight limp due to the boot she had on.

She got out of the car and smiled slightly, looking at her wife. To her relief, Maya smiled as well and picked up the pace.

"Hi, Bambina." Carina said, smiling as Maya walked right into her awaiting arms and melted. "I missed you so much. I'm sorry." Maya whispered, nuzzling into Carina's neck.

"I missed you too, bella. Are you....are you okay?" Carina asked hesitantly, pulling back just enough so she could meet the blondes eyes . She knew the answer was no, but she wanted to know if Maya would admit it.

Maya hesitated before answering. "I....I will be. I, uh, saw Diane a few times and I made a schedule with her for appointments." She admitted, eyes fluttering up and down anxiously.

Carina's lips twitched up and her body relaxed. "That's great, bambina. I'm very proud of you, you know." She said, kissing Maya's forehead.

"Thank you. I....have a lot of stuff to work through mainly because of my...Lane, but if you hadn't made me stay I don't think I would ever try." The firefighter said. It was hard for Maya to be this vulnerable and open, but for Carina and for herself, she would try.

Carina smiled. "I would do anything for you, Maya. Ready to go home?" She asked.

"Very. No offense, but I can't stay in that hospital any longer. I don't know how you do it everyday." Maya joked.

Carina felt like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders.

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