6x12 End Scene

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Maya plopped herself down on an empty gurney in the hallway, legs swinging back and forth anxiously. She knew Carina was okay, but that didn't ease the anxiety based on the mere fact that Carina could have been injured today.

Snapping her out of her thoughts, a nearby door swung open, revealing none other than her beautiful, exhausted looking wife.

"Hey. Are you sure you're-" Maya said quickly, standing up. Carina cut her off, walking up to  Maya and crushing her in a hug.

Maya breathed a sigh of relief, melting into her wife. She felt one of Carina's arm go around  around her waist, and the snake behind her shoulders and pull her close.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I got you." Maya murmured, her heart aching as Carina began sobbing. Maya led the two of them into an empty supply closet and focused her attention back onto her wife.

"Carina, hey. Look at me. Look at me. I'm right here and you're okay, alright? Just breathe." Maya said, gently cupping the sides of Carina's face and forcing her chocolate eyes to look at her.

Maya's ocean blue eyes locked onto hers, and Carina found herself breathing a little easier. Breaking the eye contact, Carina threw herself back closer into Maya's arms, nuzzling her face into Maya's neck.

"I was so scared. I-I didn't know if I would-if I would see you again." Carina whispered. "I got you. I'm okay and you're okay. We're okay." Maya replied.

Carina sniffled and pulled back a little. "You smell. Did you come from a call?" Carina asked randomly. Maya laughed and wiped a stray tear away from her wife's cheek.

"Our rig couldn't get through, so I ran a few blocks." Maya shrugged, leaving out the fact that she ran almost 10 blocks in total.

"Oh, bambina." Carina sighed, her this time palming Maya's cheek. Maya leaned into it and sighed.

"I was worried. I-I heard on the radio that you were on lock down and there were protesters and I couldn't reach you and I-I panicked." The blonde admitted.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, bella." Carina said. "No, don't apologize. I know what you feel like everytime I go to work. Or...what you felt like." Maya replied.

"I still feel that everyday, Maya. Can I....can we go home together?" The OB asked. She was ready. Spending another night apart when there was no guarantee they would be together the next day was wasteful, and she was ready.

Maya's blue eyes lit up, and she smiled. "Of course." She said. Carina grinned, and hesitantly pressed her lips against her wife's.

"I love you." Maya whispered, face inches away from Carina's. "Ti amo tanto, bambina."

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