Carina and Katherine Talk About Maya's Childhood

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"Maya should be home in about an hour. She said she is running late." Carina said, pouring two glasses of wine for herself and Maya's mother.

The two had invited Katherine over for dinner, something that they had been doing weekly ever since she officially left Lane.

However, this time, Maya had been called to a house fire just minutes before shift was supposed to end, so she was running late.

"Oh, that's okay. Now I get some alone time with my other daughter." Katherine smiled, sitting on the couch next to Carina.

"So, how is the IVF going?" The older woman asked. "It's going. The insemination should be in about two weeks," The Italian replied, "Maya can't stop talking about about taking the bambino to the station and giving him or her a tour."

Katherine laughed. "You know, I was afraid that with everything Lane did to her, she wouldn't want kids. I was surprised when you two told me you were trying." She admitted.

"It took some convincing. She still worries that she won't be a good mama, but I know she will. She was very reluctant at first." Carina said.

"I still feel guilty for not taking her and Mason and leaving when I first saw how he treated them, especially Maya," The older Bishop explained.

"She was a very happy baby. Always smiling, and always on the go. She never slowed down. She liked running, but I think when she got to maybe 6th, when Lane started to pressure and train her even more, the light in her eyes just dimmed when she had to run. The waking up at 5am on weekends with cold water, no food if she didn't do great at practice or a meet. He would run her into the ground and I couldn't do anything about it." Katherine said, sighing as she wiped a stray tear from her eyes.

"That is not your fault, Katherine," Carina said, her heart aching for her wife and mother in law, "You cannot blame yourself. Maya is okay, and I'm sure Mason is too."

"I know, I know. I'm just glad she has you. And I know she is going to be a fantastic mother. She has a ton of walls around her heart, but once they're broken down she loves and she loves hard. Your baby will be a very lucky baby." Katherine said softly, squeezing Carina's hand gently.

"And they will be lucky to have you as a Grandma, too."

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