Maya Hurts Her Bad Ankle

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Maya cursed out loud as the stair she was going down fell through. Her bad ankle immediately flared up in pain, and she grimaced.

"Bishop, you okay?" Ruiz asked as he noticed her stop. "Yep." Maya forced out through clenched teeth.

"Come on, I got you." He said, wrapping his arm around her waist and taking some of the weight off of her foot.

The two got out of the fiery building and Theo helped her over to an aid car. "What happened?" Warren asked as he guided Maya to sit down.

"The stair gave way while I was on it. Twisted my ankle." Maya explained briefly, inhaling shakily due to the pain.

"Is this the same one you sprained during the Olympics?" Warren asked carefully and gently as possible taking off Maya's boot.

Maya winced and nodded. "Ouch. You definitely need an x-ray." Warren said, her ankle already swollen and bruising.

"Wonderful." Maya groaned as she sat down on the gurney. Warren smiled sympathetically as they loaded her into the aid car and he climbed in the back.

"Can I call Carina from your phone?" Maya asked, her phone still in the fire truck. Warren nodded and handed her his phone.

"Hello?" Carinas voice said through the line. "Hey, babe, it's me. I'm calling from Ben's phone." Maya said.

"Okay. Is everything all right?" Carina asked, confused why Maya would be calling her during a shift anyways.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'll be in the ER in about 10 minutes. I busted my bad ankle again and I can't really walk at the moment." Maya explained.

"Oh, Bambina," Carina sighed through the phone, "I will meet you in the ER with Link." She said.

"Sounds good. See you soon, babe." Maya said before hanging up.


The aid car pulled up to the ER and they unloaded Maya quickly. "Ah, Bishop, I can't say I'm happy to see you here." Link said with a sympathetic smile as he and Carina rolled her to a room.

"Me too, Link. Hi." Maya replied, turning to Carina and smiling. "Hi." Carina answered.

"So, what happened?" Link asked as he looked at Maya's ankle. "I fell through a stair and landed the wrong way." The firefighter explained.

"She sprained her ankle before the Olympics and it has not healed properly." Carina stepped in, squeezing Maya's hand.

Link nodded and did a few quick tests, Maya wincing through all of them. "Well, I won't know for sure until an x-ray, but it looks like trimalleoar fracture." The ortho doctor said.

Carina sighed. She knew that was one of the more severe ankle breaks, and that it would probably keep Maya out of work for a while.

"Wonderful." Maya said, groaning. "I'm gonna take a quick x-ray and we'll know for sure and go from there." Link said.


Sure enough, Maya indeed had a trimalleoar fracture. "Surgery." Maya whined as she laid back in her bed.

"I know, Bambina. But you'll be back in no time. And maybe this is a good thing. Your ankle will finally be back to 100%." Carina said, trying to reason with her stubborn wife.

"Ankles are stupid." Maya said. Carina smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Si, bambina."

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