Maya Gets Burned Badly

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Maya had never been in this much pain before. Sure, she'd had gotten burned before tons of times, but none this bad.

It happened when she was inside an old apartment and she saw an old woman on the ground.

She took off her turnout coat and mask, covering the old woman from the potential burns like she had done dozens of times.

However, what she didn't expect to happen was an explosion.

Maya felt herself get throw back, and then everything turned black.


The next time Maya woke up, the first thing she was aware of was the smell of burning skin. It was something she smelt quite often.

Then, she was aware of the searing, throbbing pain that covered the right side of her body.

It was overwhelming. The pain was blinding, and it was all she could do not to scream out. She needed help. There was no way she was getting out of here on her own feet.

To her relief, her PASS device began going off, and she let herself give in to the darkness, knowing her team was coming for her.


"Chief, I've been calling for Maya for the last 20 minutes and she hasn't answered once." Andy said, approaching Beckett.

"She's doing her job, Herrera. She's fine-" Beckett began, though he quickly stopped at the sound of a PASS device.

"Maya!" Andy exclaimed, turning and running into the building, Jack following quickly behind. 

"Oh, god, Maya." Andy gasped, turning a corner and seeing Maya collapsed. "Jack, she's burned badly." The latina said, eyes widening as she crouched next to the unconscious blonde.

"We need an aid car ready." Jack said into the radio. "Maya, wake up for me. Open your eyes." Andy said, shaking Maya gently, trying not to disturb the nasty burns.

Maya opened her eyes and looked around, disoriented. "We gotta get you outta here, Bishop." Jack said, looking at the flames getting closer.

"Get...the lady." Maya said, the pain making it difficult to talk. Andy looked around and noticed the old woman, covered in Maya's turncoat and looked back to Jack.

"I'll take her, you take Maya." Andy said. Jack nodded and situated himself around the blonde. "This is gonna hurt, Maya." He warned before picking her up.

Maya screamed in pain, tears pouring out of her eyes and Jack quickly ran her outside to a gurney. "It's okay, Maya, it's okay." Warren said, momentarily shocked at how badly she was burned.

They got her into an ambulance, and Andy and Jack climbed in with her. Maya was hysterical at this point, crying and hyperventilating. Her coworkers did their best ti comfort her, but they could only do so much.

"This is Aid Car 19, I have a firefighter in severe distress. Probable 3rd degree burns on the whole right side, patient's heart rate is through the roof. We're about 5 minutes out." Ben said into his radio.

When the aid car pulled into the ER, they were met quickly by Bailey, Jackson, and Owen.

"32 year old female, burns covering roughly 50% of her body. Heart rate is unsteady, and patient is in distress." Ben said, seeing his wife as he helped unload Maya.

"Have you given her anything for the pain?" Owen asked, recognizing the blonde. "No. She didn't have her helmet on when we got her, and if she had a brain injury we didn't want to knock her out." Ben explained.

"Okay. Bishop, we got you, we're gonna make you feel better, okay?" Bailey said, addressing Maya as they quickly wheeled her into a trauma bay.

"Bambina?" A voice asked in shock. Carina had been taking care of a patient in another bay, when she heard the commotion about a burned firefighter.

"Carina, you don't want to see-" Owen began, Carina pushing right past him and to her wife. She couldn't hold back a gasp at seeing the red, angry burns all on Maya's right side.

"It's okay, bella, you're okay." Carina soothed, tears forming in her eyes at the obvious discomfort her wife was in.

Carina's words calmed Maya a little bit, but not much. "Give her some pain meds please." Carina begged.

Bailey checked her pupils and gave the nurse a nod, who quickly injected Maya's IV with morphine.

"We're gonna need to do debridement right away." Jackson said, poking around a little bit.

"It's okay, Bambina, you're okay. I'm here." Carina said, watching Maya's eyes flutter shut due to the pain meds.

Carina never thought Maya would be burned this badly. Sure, she literally ran into firefighters for a living, but there was a part of Carina that still saw Maya as indestructible.

Today she was proved wrong.

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