Mason Has Dinner At The Station

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Mason Bishop took a deep breath before walking into Station 19, the station Google said his older sister Maya worked at as a Lieutenant.

He stepped through the doors and saw a Latina looking woman at the desk, and approached her.

"Hi, welcome to Station 19, how can I help you-" The woman said, looking up and cutting herself off.

"Mason?" The firefighter asked, a look of surprise on her face. She recognized those piercing blue eyes and the light blonde hair.

"Um, yeah. Is Maya here?" Mason asked, wondering why the woman knew him.

"Yes, yes she is. Um, I'm Andy, Maya's best friend. I can take you to her, if you like." Andy said, introducing herself.

"That would be great." The younger Bishop replied, following Andy up the stairs and to the beanery.

"Maya." Andy said, getting the attention of her and the rest of the team, who were eating with her.

Maya looked up and froze. "Mason." Maya said shakily. She hadn't seen her brother in years, and to see him looking healthy and strong at her own workplace was surprising to say the least.

"Hey, Maya. Can we talk?"

That was almost two months ago. The Bishop siblings had been talking almost everyday, trying to reconcile their relationship.

Mason revealed that he had a girlfriend, and that they were expecting a baby girl. He told her that he wanted the baby to have her aunt in her life, and that he wanted his sister in his life.

So, the siblings were now somewhat reunited, which led to Mason being invited to the Station for dinner today.

Mason walked into the Station at about 5pm, and walked up to the beanery where Maya said to go straight to.

"Hey, Mase." Maya said, smiling as she saw her brother walked towards them. "Hey." Mason replied, wrapping his arms around her hesitantly.

"Everyone, I know you've seen him before, but this is Mason, my younger brother. Mason, this is Vic, Andy, Travis, Jack, Ben, and you already know Carina." Maya introduced.

"You guys look eerily alike." Ben commented, looking between the two. It was true. Between the blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin, the only thing different was their height, as Mason was at least a few inches taller.

Mason and Maya just smiled, not really sure what to say, and thankfully Vic broke the silence. "Well, I'm starving, so let's eat!"

They all sat down, Maya sitting next to Carina, and Mason on the other side of her. "So, what's going on with you, Mason? Do you live around here?" Travis asked as they dug in.

"My girlfriend and I share an apartment like 10 minutes from here. We're, um, having a baby." Mason said, a proud but shy smile turning up on his lips.

"Congratulations." Everyone said. Maya sat there with a proud smile on her face. Mason had been clean for nearly two years, and was going to be a father now. He really turned his life around.

"What do you do for work? Maya said you're really into art?" Andy asked. "I'm an independent artist. I just paint or draw whatever I want and then I try to get into whatever shows I can." Mason explained.

"We'll have to come to a show sometime." Andy said. One thing Mason really like about Maya's team was how supportive they were. "I'll tell Maya when the next show is and she can spread the word."

About an hour and a half later, Maya walked Mason out with a smile glued to her face. "Thanks for coming." The older Bishop said.

"Thanks for inviting me. You have some cool friends." Mason replied. "Yeah, they're great."

"So, uh, do you and Carina want to come over for dinner soon? I want- if you want to- to meet my girlfriend." The man said nervously, playing with her fingers, an anxious habit Maya had, too.

"Yeah, of course. Will I need to give her the older sister talk?" Maya teased with a smirk. "I think we're past that considering we're having a baby together, but go for it. I'll send you the date and address when we figure it out." Mason retorted.

"Sounds good. you." Maya said quietly. "I love you too, Maya." Mason replied, a smile on his lips as he turned to his car.

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