Carina Calms Maya Down

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Carina was actually having a slow day for once. Whenever she had slow days, she liked to hang around in the ER, and see if she could help with suturing or anything like that.

What she didn't expect to see, was her wife being wheeled in a gurney, sitting up and agitated looking.

"Maya?" Carina asked, walking quickly over to her. Despite the nurses trying to get her to lay back, Maya continued sitting up, batting away the nurses hands.

"Lieutenant Bishop, you need to calm down or we're going to have to sedate you." One of the nurses said as they put Maya into a trauma bay.

"No, don't touch me. Leave me alone." Maya replied, wincing as a pain shot through her head.

"Bambina?" Carina asked, grabbing Maya's head gently. "Can you tell them to leave? They keep-keep touching me and saying they're gonna sedate me and I-I don't want that." Maya pleaded, her blue eyes making Carina's chest ache.

"Si, they will not sedate you, bella, but you have a head injury. You need to lay back and let them help you." Carina replied calmly, gesturing to the long gash on Maya's forehead, that was bleeding profusely.

"Can you just take me home? Please?" The firefighter asked. Hospitals always made her anxious, and combined with a head injury clouding her judgement, she just wanted home.

"Maya, you need to get stitches and a head CT. If they don't make you stay overnight for observation, I will take you home right after. Does that sound okay?" Carina asked, sensing Maya's anxiety.

"Okay." Maya agreed, laying down and not breaking eye contact with her wife.

"Okay," Carina said, smiling softly, "page Dr. Shepherd, please, and order a CT while you are at it."

The nurses inserted an IV for Maya, and one began carefully wiping away the blood that coated her forehead while Maya fought to stay awake.

"Want to tell me what happened, bambina?" Carina asked, an attempt to keep Maya awake until she was cleared by Amelia.

"Part of the ceiling fell on me while we were clearing an apartment building." The blonde explained simply.

"Firefighter barbie, what a pleasure it is to see you again!" Amelia's voice exclaimed, making Maya wince from the volume.

"Hello, Amelia." Carina said quieter. "Nice gash. Any dizziness or blurred vision?" The neurosurgeon asked, snapping on gloves and beginning to examine Maya's forehead.

"Just nauseous." Maya answered. "She was very agitated when she came in, and loud noises and bright lights hurt her eyes." Carina added, getting a playful eye roll from Maya.

"Your pupils are a little sluggish, so we should definitely get a CT," Amelia concluded, flashing a light into Maya's eyes, "But other than that I think it's just a grade 2, borderline grade 3 concussion. Let's get this scan and get you stitched up, my friend."


About an hour later, Maya and Carina walked out of the ER with a clean CT and nearly 15 stitches.

"You okay?" Carina asked, feeling Maya lean heavily on her as they made their way to the car.

"Dizzy." Maya replied, inhaling deeply and trying to calm the nausea. "Almost there, bella." The Italian soothed, opening the door for Maya and helping her in.

"I'm so tired." Maya complained. "Good thing you're off of work for a week or two. You're stuck with me." Carina teased.

"I'm glad I'm stuck with you."

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