Maya Gets A Concussion

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(set around 6x10)

"Okay, it's okay, Maya. You're okay." Andy soothed as her friend heaved into an emesis bag. They were currently on their way to Grey-Sloan with Maya having a definite concussion.

"The ceilings collapsing. Evacuate the building right now!" Theo ordered from outside.

Maya and Andy ran through the smokey building, Andy holding a young child in her arms.

They got to the doorway, and as Maya was running out, part of the ceiling collapsed and hit Maya in the head.

Having taken off her helmet to give it to the kid, there was no protection for her, and as soon as it hit, she got knocked out, half her body in the door and half out.

"W-what happened?" Maya asked, for the fifth time in 10 minutes as she finished throwing up for now.

Maya was clearly dazed and disoriented, which worried Andy. "The ceiling fell on you. You probably have a concussion. Just relax." Andy replied, squeezing her hand assuringly.

Maya frowned as a wave of pain shot through her head. "I don't....what?" Maya asked. Truthfully, Andy was worried about a possible brain bleed, so as soon as the ambulance doors open, she helped unload Maya quickly.

"Maya Bishop, 34, blunt trauma to the head after the ceiling collapsed on her. Heart rate is steady, but she's very disoriented and having trouble with short term memory." Andy said, snapping into paramedic mode.

"Hey, firefighter barbie, it's good to see you although I wish it wasn't under these circumstances." Amelia said, checking Maya's pupils as they wheeled her into a trauma bay.

"My head hurts." Maya said, wincing as the bright lights hit her eyes. "I'm gonna throw up." She added, words slurring slightly as Andy quickly held up a stray bed pan.

Maya vomited the contents of what was left of her stomach, and whimpered. Her head was pounding, and everything hurt.

"You're okay, Maya," Amelia said soothingly, before turning her attention to Andy. "Her pupils look okay, a little slow but nothing unusual for a concussion, but I want to get a CT to rule out a brain bleed." She explained.

Andy nodded. "Okay. I will, uh, be in the waiting room. I have to make a few calls." She said. "Sounds good. Maya, I will meet you in CT shortly, someone will bring you up in a few minutes." Amelia said, smiling reassuringly before leaving the room after Andy.

Even though Maya's whole body hurt, she felt like she was missing something. Someone. Carina!

Determined to find her wife, Maya swung her legs over the gurney and got to her feet.

However, the dizziness that overcame her was great enough to make her stumble. But Maya was on a mission, and she wasn't going to stop until she found Carina.

Surprisingly, the hospital was pretty empty. Stumbling around the hospital, trying to her best not to pass out, she finally made her way to the OB wing.

Maya took a turn down a hallway of which she thought was to Carina's office, and stumbled across the exact person she wanted to find.

"Mio dio! Maya, what are you doing?" Carina asked, jogging to her after having seen her wife stagger down the hall.

Carina put her hand on Maya's arm, an attempt to steady her. "I wanted to see you." Maya said, trying to ignore the drilling that was going on in her head.

"Maya, you are hurt. You need to sit down." Carina urged, seeing the bloody gauze wrapped around Maya's head.

"I just-I just wanted to see you." Maya repeated, letting Carina wrap an arm around her waist and help her to an empty gurney.

"I'm here, bambina, but I need you to sit still for me while we wait for Amelia to come. What happened?" The OB asked softly, standing in front of Maya and cupping her cheeks to make her look.

"I.....don't remember." The firefighter admitted, only adding to Carina's concern. "There's my run-away patient!" Amelia exclaimed as she found the two.

"Runaway?" Carina asked. "It appears so. I told her I'd meet her in CT, and when the nurses went to bring her, she was nowhere to be found." The neurosurgeon explained.

"Maya." Carina said, lightly scolding her. "I just wanted to see you." Maya said in a small, shaking voice, hands gripping the back of her head, trying to make the pain go away.

"It's okay, bambina. How about we get you that CT and then you can go to sleep and feel better?" Carina offered. Maya nodded and leaned into Carina.


About a half an hour later, Maya was being wheeled back to her room, where she was being admitted for observation overnight.

Carina did not leave her side once, something Maya was very grateful for. "Sleep, bella. I will be here when you wake up." Carina said, leaning over the railing of the bed and kissing her forehead gently.

"Will you lay with me?" Maya asked, her blue eyes looking into Carina's. Carina knew she should say no. They were not on cuddling terms.

But Maya was in a vulnerable state, and she couldn't say so. Wordlessly, she put the railing down, kicked off her shoes, and laid down next to her wife.

"This makes it kinda worth getting my head bashed by a ceiling piece." Maya said sleepily, nuzzling into Carina's side.

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