Maya Has A Bad Day

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From the moment Maya woke up, she knew she wasn't going to make it out of bed. The previous day, Lane showed up at the station, and everything was just too much for her right now.

"Bambina? It's almost 8. You are going to be late for work." Carina said, frowning as she walked back into the bedroom and saw Maya still laying in bed.

When she received no answer, Carina came to Maya's front and kneeled down. "Maya? Are you sick?" She asked, brushing the hair out of Maya's face and feeling for a fever.

Maya shook her head. "I'm just....I don't think I can go to work today." The blonde whispered.

Carina sighed, her heart aching for her wife. Maya was clearly going through a depressive episode, something she had been struggling with sporadically after the incident.

"Okay, bambina. Do you want me to call you out of work?" The Italian offered, stroking Maya's cheek with her thumb gently.

"Yeah." Maya replied. "Okay. I will call out, too. I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?"

Carina stepped outside of the bedroom, calling Andy and explaining the situation, who understood. She then called Bailey and explained the situation, who also said it was fine.

Honestly, while it hurt her to know that Maya was going through a depressive episode, she was glad that Maya was taking care of herself and staying home, rather than continuing to go to work and pushing away her feelings.

Carina quickly made some tea for Maya, and came back into the bedroom quietly.

"I called us both out, bella. Do you want some tea?" The OB offered, climbing back under the covers into bed next to Maya.

"Okay." Maya replied, sitting up against the headboard. Carina handed her the cup and Maya leaned her head onto Carina's shoulder.

"Should I text Diane and ask for an appointment today or do you think you're okay until tomorrow?"

"I'll talk to her tomorrow. I'll be okay for today." The firefighter answered, seeking Carina's comfort.

"Okay. Do you need anything?"

"Just you." Maya said, sighing contently, the weight on her chest relieving somewhat.

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