Maya Passes Out

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It was a normal day at the clinic, just like any other day, when Maya began to feel off. She wasn't sure what it was, so she just kept going along with her tasks.

It wasn't until when Maya began to see spots that she knew she was not okay. She managed to walk to her wife, "Carina," she slurred before her world went black.


Carina was immediately concerned as she watched her wife stumble slightly towards her. She heard Maya say her name, then watched as she collapsed.

Carina caught Maya before she could hit the ground and lowered her down gently. "Someone help!" Carina shouted, heart pounding at her now unconscious wife.

The Italian put her fingers on Maya's pulse point, relieved to find a strong, steady beat. "What happened?" Andy asked as she, Vic, and Ben rushed over and knelt down next to the two.

"She just walked over her and collapsed. Her pulse is steady and strong, but I don't know what happened." Carina explained.

"She didn't fall or hit her head anywhere, right?" Carina asked, trying to figure out why Maya had just passed out of the blue.

"No, we haven't gone on any calls today," Andy replied, "Nothing happened yesterday-"

Maya's disoriented voice cut Andy off, "What...what's going on?"

"Hey, Bella. You just passed out. Everything's fine." The OB said calmly, watching as Ben put a blood pressure cuff onto Maya's arm.

"90/60. Maya, have you eaten anything today?" Ben asked, hoping that the answer was no because then they would know that there was not a severe issue going on.

"" The blonde admitted. "What? Maya, it's almost 7pm." Vic exclaimed, concerned.

"She forgets to eat when she's stressed or busy. Clinic days are both stressful and busy." Carina supplied, knowing the problem now.

"Alright, let's get you to the kitchen then and we'll cook you something." Andy said.

With an arm around Maya's waist, Carina and Andy both helped her up. Maya swayed on her feet for a moment, but they eventually got her seated in the beanery.

"All we have is leftover pizza. How about you eat that for now and then I will make you something when we get home?" The OB offered, grabbing the box out of the fridge, taking a slice and microwaving it.

"Sure." Maya agreed, too tired to protest. She honestly did not mean to forget to eat. It actually happened more than she'd hope, usually on clinic days. Going from patient to patient in the clinic just makes her lose track of time.

Carina placed the pizza in front of her, and Maya began to eat. Carina slid on to the seat next to her, placing a hand on the small of Maya's back.

"We need to set reminders on your phone to eat. Can't have you passing out on me again." Carina said, pressing a kiss to Maya's cheek.

"I know, I'm sorry." The blonde replied. Carina knew that Maya's relationship with food was tricky due to the restriction she had growing up.

"It's okay, bambina. Now hurry up and eat so we can go home and make you something actually good."

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