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I run as fast as my legs can carry me, i take a right and keep on running. I hear his footsteps so close behind me, I'm so scared of him catching me. I'm not going to let the devil catch me.
I navigate myself through the narrow alleyways, I trip over an empty can of soda, quickly picking myself up I crouch down a bit, trying to catch my breath before I continue running, but before I can resume running, I hear footsteps behind me, I stand up quickly and continue running.
"Anita Monata" he calls, his voice sending unholy shivers down my spine for some reason. Before I can run any further I bump into someone and fall down, I'm shocked because I don't think anyone would be in such a dark alley especially since it is eight thirty in the night.
I looked up and gasped, the man I'm running away from is right in front of me "stop chasing me, please" I whisper tired of running, he smirks "I decided to humor you by running, but I got so bored, you humans amuse me" he said smugly "let me be, you demon, I don't want to be your mate "I cried, even though I had no idea what being a mate mean't but he had referred to me as his mate.
Hot tears fell down my cheeks "it's fate sweetheart you're mine" he said "but I'm mortal" I said moving back slowly" and so, after we mate you'll also become immortal" he replied, chuckling when he noticed my feeble attempt at running away "aren't you tired of running, even if you are in China and I'm in Africa it would only take a thought to appear wherever you are" he said I turned around trying to run again but he appeared right In front of me, we were separated from each other by a mere inch. and god is he beautiful, he smirked. 'he can read my thoughts' i thought and he raised a dignified eyebrow at me "I'm not mating with you" I whispered. I'm at my wits end. "I will come to speak to your family in three days wait for me" he whispered, our lips so close to each other, and then he disappears. I fall to the ground and start wailing. After a few seconds of wailing I realized I couldn't just let a demon ruin my life and do nothing but cry about it. so I stood up and hailed a cab. I arrived In front of a beautiful mansion 'father must be very worried' I thought, I entered through the gate and saw my dad talking to a bunch of police men "daddy" I yelled he turned around and engulfed me in a hug "were have you been sweety I was so worried" he said hugging me so tightly that I thought I would give up my ghost. "dad...breath" I managed to wheeze "sorry" he gave me an apologetic look. He dismissed the police and escorted me into the house were I met my step mom shedding crocodile tears. "Anita, darling were have you been I was so worried" she said hugging me tightly "oh look at you you're a mess" she was fussing over me like she cared "maids come and cleanup you're young mistress" she seemed so eager to get me away from my father and I knew why "step mom why don't you come along" I said, my voice trembling and my body shaking so that father would think I was terrified of what I had gone through outside, even though he hasn't asked yet I knew he would."of course sweety" she says through gritted teeth, when we are in my room I sent the maids away and glared at my step mom "I know you hate me and want me dead but selling me to a demon, you're a monster" I yelled "shush reduce your voice, you want the entire world to know" she said scared "and why should I" I enjoyed looking at her scared expression, all of a sudden the room's temperature dropped, it was so cold that I could see my breath "Anita" I heard his voice, the voice I loathed to hear at this moment, I turned around and saw him leaning on the wall, step mom fell to her knees and whispered "my lord".
the demon just ignored her and kept on staring at me "how did you get in here" I yelled, I'm so scared right now "you said you'll come back in three days" I whisper-yelled "I just came to tell you something, don't mention our encounter to any one" he looked so laid back as he said it, but  suddenly he's pupils glowed blood red and he became so serious that I nearly peed my pants "or else, oh and my name is Lucien darling" he smirked and disappeared, I turned around only to see my step mom still kneeling on the ground but she gave me a smug smile, stood up and left. I was devastated as I took my bath and wore clothes. a maid came to tell me that dinner was ready. I sat down at the table and was having dinner with my step mom and dad when all of a sudden my dad told us that the extended family from his side is coming over tomorrow for a get together and that they are staying for a week or so. After that announcement he turned to me and asked why I was out so late "I just broke up with Jace, so I got drunk, I'm sorry for worrying you" I said apologetically, I see my step mom smirking as if she had won a great battle."I told you he's a good for nothing spoiled brat" he's said angrily, well it was kinda true I broke up with Jace a month ago "let's not talk about him" I said.

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