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I wake up to pair of golden eyes staring at me "what are you staring at Samael" I asked while stretching like a cat "you, beautiful" he answered and pulled me into a tight hug, 'different from Lucien, but definitely cute'
'Of course he is, they're the same person idiot' Azalea yawned after her little jab, 'ouch, meanie'
"I'm hungry" I whined, I was not really hungry, I mean I don't need food to survive, but I was hit by an intense bout of food craving "what do you want to eat beautiful" Samael purred "a hot dog , icecream, custard, popcorn and Fried rice with chicken" I mentioned what I was craving at the moment, Samael's eyes widened at my ridiculous request "okayyy, whatever you want beautiful" Samael said, flicking his fingers he disappeared from the room, probably to go and tell the cooks to prepare the madness that just poured out of my mouth.
'Azalea was our request not a little  bit weird'
'Which little bit, it was a lot weird, we just ordered a concoction. But putting that aside I'm actually craving the madness' Azalea said, I'm sure she's nodding thoughtfully.
A few minutes later Samael entered the room with a tray of all what we ordered and presented it before us. I picked up the hot dog, coated it with icecream and dipped it in custard, then I majestically took a bite,"delicious" I moaned, I looked at Samael and saw him giving my food a look, I began tearing up for some reason, and looked at him accusingly "you don't like my food?" I whined, I have no idea why I was acting this way but my body currently had a mind of its own "no, no beautiful, your food looks delicious" he replied hurriedly "really, okay then you can have a bite since I'm so generous" I said happily. He looked a bit apprehensive but still. took a bite "mmm yummy, I need to use the restroom beautiful, be right back" he smiled, which was kinda funny since his mouth is still full. I just shrugged and finished what I was eating. By the time he came back I'm eating my last meal of fried rice mixed with popcorn "you're back" I grinned "want to eat" I asked gesturing to the meal I was currently having, he glanced at my plate, I think it was horror that briefly flashed in his eyes "sorry beautiful, maybe next time I have a meeting to attend" he replied quickly, a little to quickly if you ask me, "okay" I shrugged it of.
A few minutes after Lucien left Lazera and Izabeth walked in and I smelt a very nauseating odour coming from them I scrunched up my nose and ran to the bathroom and emptied what I had just had for breakfast, they also followed me into the bathroom and they both looked worried, I pinched my nose and glared at them "you two smell awful....wait no disgusting" I said scowling at them, they looked offended and smelt themselves "but we smell normal your Majesty" Lazera answered, I don't know were the anger came from, it feels as if my hormones are playing a sick joke on me "how dare you, did you just accuse your Queen of lying" I thundered, I felt a slight pull and knew that from the other day that I and Azalea were in control "kneel" we ordered, Lazera and Izabeth fell to their knees "your punishments will be fifty lashes of Hell's cane" we said "your majesty please forgive us" they cried in union, I'm sure they're wondering what they did wrong, because if they are I wouldn't blame them cause I also don't know what they did wrong "follow" I walked out of the toilet and they followed me albeit against their will. In the room I snapped my fingers and my sleeping gown changed into a black T-shirt with a matching black skin tight trouser and a black tiara appeared on my head, I glanced at them briefly and saw them crying their eyes out but
they didn't dare to make a peep. I walked out the room and saw both Azareth and Rohan standing at either side of the door, they looked shocked by my maids teary face "Azareth call the punisher in charge of the fourth gate, tell him to come with a Hell's cane" I ordered coldly and began walking towards 'the arena'. The arena is a place were maids, guards and any other palace worker are punished in front of the other workers. I stopped and turned to look at Rohan who was silently following me "Rohan gather every palace worker at the arena" I ordered coldly and continued on my way to the arena, by the time I reached the arena the spectator stands was filled with palace workers 'how in the world is this a room' Azalea asked stunned,
I walked to the middle were everyone could see me, with Lazera and Izabeth following close behind me, by now snot is already running down their noses "your Majesty the cane you asked for" A tall man with three horns protruding from his head, black hair and at least six foot tall said. "You may leave" I collected the cane and turned to Lazera and Izabeth "these two dared called their queen a liar" I announced, all the workers screamed profanities at the two of them, Azareth and Rohan who are now by my side looked worried and angry, I smirked while staring at Lazera and Izabeth "stretch. your. hands" Every word I said was fuelled by demonic energy so they were forced to obey. I raised the whip up and was about to deliver the first strike on Izabeth's out stretched palm "obey your king" I heard a very familiar voice say, I looked around me and noticed time had stopped, for everyone but me, then I felt behind me, two muscular arms envelope me in a hug "what's wrong sweetheart, I sensed your anger and distress, who hurt you" Lucien asked soothingly, and then I burst out crying, and I don't even know why "Lazera and Izabeth called me a liar, but they didn't, does that even make sense. And I'm being so unreasonable, I don't want to whip them, but my stupid hormones are everywhere, i don't want to whip them but there's this stupid push in my head that's forcing me to be cruel. What is wrong with me" I whined and turned around to face his chest, still crying  "don't cry sweetheart, I'll wipe everyone's memory of what happened now and return them to where they are supposed to be, is that okay" he asked, I didn't lift my head and just nodded, my face still buried in his chest.
Lucien was sitting in his study, groaning at the feeling of vomiting, since he was the immortal God of darkness he had never felt nausea before or any other form or illness, bodily harm or momentary defect before. But his wife's concoction is insane 'I can't believe she called that delicious' he thought
'I know it was terrible' Samael grimaced remembering how it tasted. Then out of nowhere Lucien felt intense anger and distress 'Anita' Lucien and Samael  thought at the same time. He ran out of his study 'were is she' Lucien asked Samael  'I sense she's in the arena'
'What in the world is she doing there'
'I don't know but if you hurry it up maybe we'd know by now' Samael  yelled, Lucien winced a little, snapped his fingers and appeared in the arena, 'and just in the nick of time' he thought, he saw his wife's conflicted expression as she's about to hit Izabeth "obey your king" he ordered and time stopped then he immediately came up from behind and hugged her "what's wrong sweetheart, I sensed your anger and distress, who hurt you" Lucien asked gently, then Anita started crying it broke his heart hearing those sounds from her, "Lazera and Izabeth called me a lair, but they didn't, does that even make sense. And I'm being unreasonable, I don't want to whip them but my stupid hormones are everywhere, i don't want to whip them but there's this stupid push in my head that's forcing me to be cruel. what's wrong with me" Anita whined, she turned around and cried into his chest "don't cry sweetheart, I'll wipe everyone's memory of what happened now, and return them to where they are supposed to be, is that okay" Lucien asked, Anita nodded. Lucien clapped his hands and they appeared back in their room, he led his wife to sit on the bed and sat besides her "want to talk" Lucien asked, she turned to look at him and pursed her lips "I don't know why but I've been feeling extremely grumpy for the past few weeks, I don't know if you've noticed, now I feel like eating the most random and craziest of things and I can't control my emotion and this isn't affecting only me its also affecting Azalea" Anita rambled, Lucien looked at his wife, with extremely wide eyes.
"Give me your hand" Lucien said his voice strained like he wants to celebrate but doesn't want to at least not to soon. I stretched my hand, he took hold of my wrist and sent a string of demonic energy into my bloodstream, then a huge smile bloomed on his gorgeous face "my love you are pregnant" Lucien exclaimed barely containing his excitement "what" I asked, I'm sure i heard wrong right "you're pregnant love" Lucien pulled me into a hug and kissed me and only released me when I needed to catch my breath, which was surprising since I shouldn't lose my breath so quickly 'it's probably the pregnancy' Azalea said. 'We're pregnant' she started squealing, and I could only groan "what's wrong sweetheart, are you hurt" Lucien asked worriedly "no Azalea is just screaming like a banshee, it's painful honestly" 'calm down honey its not good for both you guys and the baby' I heard Lucien's voice in my head, and thank the three origin gods Azalea stopped screaming."Okay so I'm going to have to explain demon pregnancy to you" Lucien began "I once told you that only a very small percentage of demons get pregnant, like only zero point one percent can get pregnant, and I thought our chance will Also be slimmer, since it's harder for higher level demons to get pregnant" he looked at me with awe filled eyes, that I couldn't help myself but blush and sadly Azalea started squealing again 'shut the fuck up'
she grumbled but at least she did "you aren't supposed to use demonic energy when you are pregnant, since I'm sure you didn't know before, but don't use demonic energy again till you've given birth sweetheart, for now your body can still allow you to use it but don't use it, later into the pregnancy you won't be able to use demonic energy again, that's till labour. Also you are pregnant with the human and partial demon form of our child while Azalea is pregnant with the inner demon part of our child. On the day you deliver both of you will have to merge souls, but don't worry its not permanent" Lucien started stroking my hair "and also you won't get a baby bump but it'll definitely feel Like you have one" he said
"the only thing I'm disappointed about Is the fact that you're the one that broke the news to me, isn't it supposed to be the other way round" I said covering my face in embarrassment, I must be the greatest disgrace to women kind. Lucien burst out laughing "I don't really care love" he smiled and kissed my cheeks "I have somethings to take care of but I'll try to be fast about it, and please try to control your pregnancy hormones. But if its to hard then don't okay, I'll just fix your messes what's the point of having invincible powers if i can't use them for you my love" he stood up, kissed me on my forehead and disappeared.

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