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The moment the room is almost empty, Angela turns to Anita, wanting to catch up with her, when she notices she's swaying a bit, then suddenly she faints "Anita" Angela screams and quickly runs to catch her before she hits the ground, lucien and Alexander rush to them, both sporting worried Expressions 'why is Alexander worried' Light, Angela's inner sainteen asks her confused 'we'll figure that out later, right now Anita needs help' Angela answers her curious second self.
Lucien picks Anita up "the four of you show our esteemed guests to their room" Lucien ordered "sorry for not being able to show you myself but as I'm sure you can see I have a situation" Lucien say and teleports away.
Back in their room, he gently lays Anita on the bed and holds her wrist to check on her and the baby 'i knew we shouldn't have let her merge the lands, it's a very taxing job, even with demonic energy' Samael grumbles 'it was either that or we don't let her do a thing, leading to us dealing with her anger for shit knows how long and I sent some energy to her to help her, i won't just put our mate in danger like that' Lucien answers, before he gently kisses her on her forehead, And then teleports away again.

"How is sister-in-law"
"She's fine, just a little exhausted from merging the lands"
"I told you to let me do it, better hope sister-in-law is fine as you said" Alexander says glaring at his brother, Lucien chuckles and sits on a chair in the war room "you have set up the silencing and concealing spell on the room right" Lucien asks his brother "yes i did, I'm not a child anymore to forget such a thing Lucien" Alexander whined "stop behaving like one and i might believe you" Lucien teases "now on a More serious note, now that we've made such a big move I'm sure the origin knows we are coming for them" Lucien says grimly "we have to beat them as soon as we can Angela is due in two months and Anita in six, i don't think we can defeat the origin in six months" Alexander added "we have to try to keep them away from the battlefield, but judging from the way they are, that might be extremely difficult" Lucien finished the sentence with a weary sigh, thinking of how troublesome both ladies are.

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