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★★two years★★
"The four of you are going to destroy the malentra dukedom, the duke has proven himself useless and a traitor" Lucien orders Anita's entourage, "yes your majesty" they replied in Union as they bowed.
They disappeared and appeared at the gate leading into the dukedom "when we cross this gate, we are going full bloodthirsty we have to kill every single person, child, man, woman" Azareth ordered, the other three nod, "I'll head to the east city, Rohan you go to the north city, Lazera head to the west city and Izabeth you move to the central city, we'll meet at the duke's mansion" Azareth finished, they all share a look and nod in affirmation before turning around and runi into the dukedom at break neck speed.
While at duke malentra's mansion. The duke is pacing in his study "Lantra and mastur you're my best warriors, but i doubt you both will be a match for Azareth and Rohan, even i can't match one of them, so i need you guys to kill the ladies, that won't stop our death but it's at least going to serve as a small resistance" the duke says, and as much as the guards didn't want to do anything to disobey their creator, lord Lucien. They knew If they didn't do something then they'd die "yes sir malentra" they bowed and disappeared.
Lantra goes after Izabeth, while mastur goes after Lazera.
Lazera drove her dagger through the skull of a three year old child, she wiped a tear from her eye, and attacked another demon trying to protect his mate and his kids "I'm sorry" she whispered, she remembered feeling this same helplessness when she and Izabeth where sent to destroy the Inatra dukedom.
She drove her dagger into his chest, no one of the commoners here could match her, and so killing them was so easy, just as she was about to kill his mate, an unknown man blocked her dagger with a spear, she quickly moved away from him as he aimed a punch to her torso "who are you" she growled, her targets taking this opportunity to run for their lives, the unknown demon didn't answer and just pointed his spear at her and a dark ball of light shot out from his spear at lightning speed.
lazera quickly bends down a bit 'we nearly got killed, we can't fight him alone' Traci, Lazera's inner demon cried 'no, he might be fast but i should be faster and I'm sure I'm more nimble than he is' and this might have been one of those rare, very rare times lazera is wrong, because a few minutes later she's covered in bruises and clearly struggling to keep up with her opponent 'call for help' Traci cried 'help' lazera sent through the link, she knew she sent it to one of the guys in her group but she didn't know who. "die" he whispers and shots his spear at her, lazera tried to evade but she couldn't move, she closed her eyes 'i guess i miscalculated' she thought, but the sting of a spear driving itself through her chest never came, so she opened her and found her opponent lying on the ground dead, but that wasn't her area of focus, right now she's staring into Azareth eyes, "mate" they whispered at the same time, she broke into a happy grin 'wohooo i totally forgot our birthday is today' Traci celebrates, Azareth's usually cold eyes softens "why didn't you call for help" he asked her "I miscalculated and over estimated my abilities" she answered, he sighed "let's finish our mission first we'll talk about our mateship after" he whispered and kissed her on her forehead before disappearing.
Izabeth slit the throat of one of the guards attacking her, her face expressionless, very different from her usual playful and silly smiles and giggles.
"I sensed you already, show yourself" she grumbles lookand one of the two men the duke sent after them, walked out of the corner he was hiding in. "oh, you're strong" a psychopathic smile graces her lips, she lunged at him, and the guards expression changed a bit, she jabs at him continuously "die" she giggled after her scream "you're crazy" he whispered and drove his sword into her belly, she coughs up a mouth full of blood, "die" she giggles and attacks with as much vigour as she had the first time but after a few minutes her movements began to slow down "i admire your tenacity, as a female warrior sadly you must..." The man coughed up a mouth full of blood and looked at his chest, an arrow had pierced through his chest "explode" a cold voice rings out, the arrow explodes and nothing is remaining from the once alive demon. Izabeth turns around and stares wide eyed staring at her savior "mate" they whisper in union, "let's complete our mission first".
"Your majesty the mission has been completed successfully" Azareth bows below the throne platform while the others where on their knees "rise" Lucien ordered expressionlessly, they all stood up and looked at their lord.
Lucien's expressionless face slowly changed to a small smile "congratulations" he announced "you may leave" although he didn't say what he's congratulating them for, it's pretty obvious that he knew that they had found out they're mates.

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