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I blink my eyes and as I open them, i realize I'm in a maze "what the heck, where am I" I look around and notice tall grasses divided into three parts In front of me, one to my right another to my left and one that leads straight ahead, I take that one and start walking a few minute later the path divides into two I take the one to my left, after walking for a short while it leads to a dead end, 'Azalea have you been able to reach anyone'
'no it seems they have block all transmission, i might have to jump into our mate's mind scape and directly call for help, till then do not cause trouble for us'
'do i look like a troublemaker' 'yes you most definitely do'
and then my mind becomes silent, I turn around and see Lucien standing behind me "Lucien" I squeal, he looks surprised then he made a small triumphant smile "what are you doing here" I skipped up to him and smiled "I was worried about you Anita, so I had to check up on you" he smiled gently and patted my head, 'why did he use my name I'm I in trouble, wait where is Azalea didn't she say she was going to meet Samael, they are right here' but I didn't put much thought into the last part most of my attention was on whether I did something wrong "do you have an idea on how to leave here since you entered" I asked "sure but I want to do something" I had an ominous feeling, when I saw Lucien slowly approach me, I wanted to turn around and run but I hit one of the maze's wall, he smiled as he tilted his head and placed his lips on my neck, the ominous feeling intensified "who are you, you're not my mate" I tried to push the man that looked like Lucien of me, "so what if I'm not" then he bites me and starts sucking my blood "stop...please" I started to weakly hit his shoulders, he pulled me closer to him by my waist, he pulled away for just a second and sinked his teeth back into my skin. I remember Lucien once told me that blood sucking was a very sacred act between mates and they were great consequences when done with someone that's not your mate.When I realized I was getting weaker and couldn't pull away from him I did the only thing my brain could think of "help... please help!!!" I screamed for a few minutes, then I couldn't muster enough energy to shout anymore 'Azalea!!!' I tried to reach her but she wasn't responding, finally the man let me go but he didn't look like Lucien anymore, I fell on my butt and weakly glared up at the man, who now has golden hair, scarlet eyes and is smirking down at me, he's handsome but in a gentle manly Kind of way, quite ironic actually "who are you" I managed to whisper my glare still fixated on him "your majesty you don't remember me, I'm hurt" he said as he placed his hand on his chest to express the hurt he was feeling "I am the fifth duke, Alocard Inatra" he said "how could you, you betrayed your mate" I whispered my eyes fixated on any movement he made "she's not my mate I married her for convenience, we'll divorce when one of us finds his or her mate"
"monster, are you not afraid of Lucien's rage" he looked scared then he smirked
"of course I am he is the demon god, he made me. but this is for a greater cause" he smiled as he raised a vile filled with blood up for me to see "you see there's an organization called origin, its made up of demons, deranged demons, and fallen Sainteen. Our goal is to get rid of the lord of Nirtana and the lord of Azkalor" he smiled wickedly, I waited for him to continue but he just smiled and I knew had to stall for time, I just pray Azalea brings our mate on time.
"and why does the origin think that they can kill the two lords"
"oh we can't it's impossible" he said and sat down In front of me, I looked at him weirdly 'this man is making zero sense' I thought
"but their mates can" he added with a smirk when he sees my horrified expression "some of our members have developed ten bullets capable of killing the twin gods if shot at a vital area, but we need their mates bloods to complete the bullets formula" he smiled, "I've got yours and I drank a little bit because your blood is not only the most delicious without counting lord Lucien's and the queen and king of Nirtana it also enhances power. someone has also been sent to collect queen Angela's blood"
"why" I whispered I'm so weak right now, if he was to try anything funny I would be powerless
"why what" he smirked, and I glared at him
"why do you want to kill them" I managed to say
"oh we can't permanently kill them, only their mates can but no sensible mate will kill their significant other but it'll temporarily kill them for at least three millennia, that's enough time for alot of things by the
time they are resurrected their creatures would have forgotten them" and he laughed like a maniac "but why, this doesn't benefit you guys in anyway" I whispered, I was starting to wonder what was taking Lucien so long "oh you don't know, whoever takes the thrones controls fate herself"
"fate herself?" 'did this man just refer to fate as a girl'
"oh so you know nothing, well I expected it from the person everyone calls the useless queen" he laughed As if he just Made a joke
"I'm not useless" I said to myself
"oh but that's what the rumors we are spreading says and you are helping us by not doing anything politically active, and when we kill the dark god we'll say you aided the origin, just imagine it with me, a mate killing her mate, perfect for demons who love mischief and are innately evil creatures, we will have a lot of followers, though I doubt anyone will try killing their mate just because their useless queen did it" he then stood up and walked up to me, he pulled my hair back and held my jaw "beautiful, but I have to kill you" he smiled like a maniac "burn" I whispered he caught fire but he didn't let me go "alantra" and the flames died down "you're to weak so none of your spells will work on me" he let go of my jaw and opened his palm a dagger with scarlet hilt appeared in his palm "it should take at least thirty years for you to reincarnate and longer to find your mate and gain your memories back, by then Lucien would have killed himself due to the immense grief, but they'll probably be a massacre. that is our plan A, our plan B is the bullets" he raised his hand up and slashed down at my neck, I closed my eyes accepting my defeat. I read somewhere that when a person is expecting extreme pain they instinctively close their eyes as a measure to reduce the pain.
"kneel before your lord" I heard a cold voice say, and then the hand holding my hair immediately let go, I opened my eyes and saw Lucien standing besides me, glaring down on the fifth duke, the fifth duke smirked as he struggled to resist the compelling force that was making him kneel "my lord, what a surprise" and then he started laughing "die" he muttered coldly, and before I knew it Alocard collapsed. I stared at the mad man's dead body not knowing what emotion to feel since this was my first time seeing a dead body, I felt a hand on my head and looked up to see Lucien smiling softly at me, "did he hurt you" he asked, he didn't seem to realize I got my blood sucked by this dead sicko, "no, you came on time" I looked at the body and whispered "burn" the body burnt to ashes and anything he had hidden in his body was revealed but the vile filled with blood was no where to be seen 'I guess he already sent It'
'sent what' Azalea said
'nothing' though I knew sooner or later they would find out, and then I don't know what Lucien would do to me when he found out hid something like this from him, but I felt some sort of responsibility, I would tell him when I could no longer keep the secret. "let's go sweetheart" he smiled, snapped his fingers and we were in our room. He sat on the bed and patted the space near him.'do not go near him, I have a bad feeling about it' Azalea said, I looked at the nice smile on Lucien's face, and felt immense danger "Lucien I..." and the next thing I know I'm sitting besides him, I look at him cautiously, his smile slowly transforms into something dangerous "what happened" he asked, I told him everything except the parts about the origin and the part were they took my blood. "that's all" he asked inching closer towards me "yes" I barely managed to say without my voice cracking, all of a sudden he pinned me to the bed and glared at me, I watched as his eyes changed to gold 'Azalea what is going on' being scared shitless was an understatement of how I felt at the moment
'Samael is in control'
'what!!, does that mean I can switch control with you'
'yes, do you think I'm meant for decoration'.
I looked into the golden eyes of
the second half of our mate,
"you're lying beautiful" it was definitely still Lucien's face but the voice had changed and my body was being shameless
"I did..not" I tried to sound confident but it's obvious to all four of us that I'm lying, then Lucien's right eye turned red while the other remained gold
'god now they are both in control'
Azalea sounded worried 'please talk Anita' Azalea pleaded.
"we feel our mate bond has been touched, talk Anita" they both said, you could tell it was two people talking because the voices overlapped each other "he bit me and drank my blood" I whimpered when the hand he was using to pin mine up tightened, but they refused to loosen their hold "and you planned on keeping it a secret Anita" I flinched when they called my name "n..yes" I wanted to lie but the look in their eyes is clearly telling me that they don't need the punishment spell to punish me.'usually it is impossible to make your mate angry but somehow even the word impossible doesn't work for you' Azalea said angrily
'wait you're angry at me is that possible'
'ask yourself' and then I felt as if my soul was being sucked then I appeared in a beautiful garden with a huge screen TV 'where am I' I asked
'in our mind scape I switched control you are causing to much trouble'

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