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when I arrived back In our room in Lexus manor, I dropped the book on the reading table and walked  downstairs for dinner, even thought I didn't  really need to eat, it didn't stop me from craving food. I sat at the table alone and watched the maids place various delicacies in front of me. And when they were all gone I began eating, a few bites into my second serving I felt the room's temperature drop 'Aish, does this man not know how to be inconspicuous' I sighed "I heard that"I heard him say from behind me. "well then stop reading my mind" I said "point of correction, I don't read your mind I hear it" he said sat at the table and stared at me eat."what are you looking at"
"you" he said with a gentle smile that made me blush crimson."I want to Ask you something" I began "sure ask away"
"why is it that when I go to Azkalor I transform into that form with horns and when I'm on earth I look human. When you on the other hand" I said pointing at his horns "you should ask your inner demon" he replied
"wait you know about her" I was surprised, I thought only i had a talking voice in the head "well every demon has one, well good ask her" he smiled softly 'Azalea,why'
'because I'm controlling it, but if you want to become your demon just say it'
'okay,let me try'
"demon" I whispered, I felt two horns growing on my head and my tail slowly began forming "well-done" I heard Lucien say I looked at him with a triumphant smile playing on my lips, and he chuckled "you look cute, smile
more" he said.
A few minutes after dinner I and Lucien are sitting in the parlour I'm glaring at him and he's looking at me amused. I'm sure you are wondering what happened, well immediately after dinner, I told Lucien to teach me how to block my mind from his reading, or as he likes to call it hearing.And he said he wouldn't teach me even if he was to be on the verge of death "so you really won't teach me" I said angrily "nope" he said cheekily popping the 'p' "okay" I said and silently made a vow of silence. For the next two days I completely ignored him which was very difficult considering the fact that there was this annoying pull that Azalea calls the mat pull, that made it nearly impossible to not want to talk to him and Azalea didn't make it Any easier.
So on the second day, I was talking to a maid when I felt the temperature of the parlour drop, I sent the maid away and turned around to look at Lucien. He looked haggard but in a cute Bunny sort of way 'wait what I'm I thinking, I'm supposed to be ignoring him' I thought. so I turned around and sat down on the armchair closest to me.
Lucien walked close to the chair and knelt in front of me "please talk to me" he sounded so pitiful, and me being me just ignored him "okay I'll tell you how to block your mind from my reading" he sighed in resignation, I'm sure if there was another way he would definitely chose it "make a sort of imaginary wall in your mind. It's that easy" Lucien said gloomily. I tried visualizing the imaginary wall in my mind and then I saw the expression on Lucien's face became gloomier.
Guess like I've succeeded "but when you become to emotional the wall might fall" he said cheekily. I smiled and pulled him to sit besides me "now that wasn't hard, was it" I said smiling brightly. He looked stunned before he to smiled. Lucien stood
up and stretched out his right hand "I have something I want to show you" he looked really excited which surprised me. I had a lot of things I would like to see during my lifetime, but i never thought I would see the demon king excited. I placed my hand on his "but first you have to change to your demon" he said, which surprised memes I'm already in my demon form. "I'm sure you're confused, this isn't your true demon form. you know that voice in your head that you talk to well that's your true demon form" he said. wait so all this time I've been talking to a form. 'Azalea is that true'
'yeah it is, when I first spoke to you I told you I'm your inner demon'
'so how do I change form' I asked 'just say it'
I looked at Lucien who for some reason looked like a puppy that's begging its master for a treat."why are you looking at me like that" I asked "I miss hearing your mind" he said , I laughed "true demon" I whispered. All of a sudden I felt my tail grow longer and it's color changed to red, my horns became a bit larger, my nails grew longer and they looked like I applied red nail polish on them, my midnight black hair grew until it reached just below my waist, a Bident appeared in my hands and some intricate red flower designs appeared on my forehead and I'm pretty sure I grew wings, they're black with red spots scattered on it like the night sky with glowing stars except instead of white stars they were red "beautiful" Lucien whispered "well aren't you also changing" I asked, he smiled "change" his tail became longer his horns became bigger and a trident appeared in his hand, he Also grew a huge black feathered wing. He stretched out his right hand for me to take, immediately I touched it we appeared in the grand palace. I noticed my Bident became a tattoo on my palm "don't worry if you need to use it just transfer some of your demonic energy to your palm" he explained "what are we doing here" "this isn't what I want to show you" he snapped his finger and we appeared in a field off fiery red flowers, I looked behind me and saw the grand palace, so I concluded that we were still on palace grounds "the flowers are beautiful" I whispered, I let go of his hand and squatted next to the flowers closest to me I picked one up, and stood while still holding the flower "but why did have to change to this form" "because I knew you would want to pickup the plant, and that can't be done unless you're in your true demon form" Lucien said gently, he walked up to me and stroked my hair as I stared at the beautiful red flower in my hand. I raised my head to look at him "what is the flower's name" "Anita Monata in demon. translated to English it means the beauty of Azkalor" he said. I looked back at the flower and whispered the name "can I take this one back with me to earth" I asked still staring at the flower "no it can't survive on earth, i think it's better to say earth can't survive it" he answered" I love the name, I feel a sense of connection to these flowers. weird right" I chuckled at the end of the sentence "it's not weird, it would be weird if you didn't feel a sense of connection" Lucien said, he sat down on the grass and patted the place close to him for me to sit "you see, when you first came into existence I sensed you. Unlike other demons that usually have to wait till their mate has come of age before they can sense them, I sensed you immediately when you came to existence..."
"was I a demon"I asked
"yes sweetheart, you were never human to begin with. no more interruptions. now where was I, I sensed you immediately when you came into existence I sent one of my trusted female subordinates to get you, you were only a little baby, well you looked two years old to be exact. you came into existence in a field of these flowers..."
"why do you keep saying, came
into existence, instead of born"
"because you were not given birth to, most demons are created by me few are born. but you were neither created nor given birth to" Lucien answered "now if you interrupt again" he warned. "she found you in a field of this red flowers, she named you Anita Monata, after the flowers. the name of the subordinate is Eliza, the woman you call your mum" Lucien looked at my face and knew I wanted to ask a million and one questions. "ask one question" he sighed "how come I grew up on earth" I asked "patience" Lucien said and flicked my forehead "aww" I cried out in mock pain "I told Eliza to lock you in human form and run away with you to earth because back then Azkalor and Nirtana, the land of the Sainteen  were at war. if the lord of Sainteen  was to know about you he might use you against me.Though I knew the Sainteen  code of righteousness wouldn't allow him kill you. I wouldn't take any chances. I sent Eliza with you to earth, there she met her mate, she was unlucky to get a mortal as her mate that's the man you call your father. I called her to Azkalor because I needed her to spy one of my dukes. But she was killed by a deranged demon, that the duke was working on or should I say creating, he wanted to create demons to rebel against me so he worked on turning humans to demons, but the transformation becomes unstable because a human body can't withstand the core alma of a demon, so they become bloodthirsty killing machines with no sense at all, but very few actually can think for themselves. so I had enough evidence to kill him, though I don't really need evidence or a reason to kill one of my creatures. it was fate's decree" Lucien finished and turned to look at me. the flower I was holding in my hand caught fire and slowly burnt to ashes. "calm down sweetheart, Eliza moved on to the fields of enjoyment. she's in good place" Lucien said and hugged me "why did you have to mate with me before I could go back to my original form"
"that's the lock Eliza placed on you" he answered.
he let go of the hug and stood up he stretched his right hand to me. I hesitated, because I had a feeling if I took his hand it meant I have accepted being his mate his lover, it meant I have accepted being Lucien's. He seemed to know what I was thinking at the moment "be mine" he whispered, as if it was that easy "are you reading my mind" I asked skeptically "no Azalea told me what you were thinking" he said. I placed my hand in his and he pulled me up. He flicked his finger and we appeared in the empty throne room of the grand palace, Lucien led me to his throne and made me sit, then he kissed me on my forehead and said "my queen" I think it was at that moment I started loving him.
He pulled me to stand and held me by the waist, we were so close to each other "mine" I whispered, he smiled and said "yours".

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