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Soon there's a knock on the door, I could already sense the people there "come in" Lazera and Izabeth walked in, the same nauseating smell hits me "guys you both smell......... terrible, sorry" I said and made a gagging sound they looked at each other and then at me "it's normal my lady, the lord just mind linked every worker in the palace and told us you are pregnant. To pregnant demons, unmated demons smell nauseating " Lazera answered "ooh, well can't you mask your scent or something" I asked calmly, I wasn't going to let pregnancy hormones drive me to hurting my friends again "oh yes, sorry we forgot A" Izabeth giggled "hiats nerea" they said in union and the nauseating smell disappeared "thank you" I smiled gratefully "no needs for thanks your majesty" Izabeth teased and I laughed "let's go to the garden" I said "sure" they answer, in Union again and squeal. I can't believe i nearly hurt my best friends 'we were monsters' Azalea made no effort in trying to make me or should I say us, feel better "but I can't use demonic energy so one of you will have to teleport us there" "I will" Izabeth, our childish baby screams, I and Lazera chuckle "Icteva" Izabeth says and in the next second we are in the middle of a huge garden.
"wow" I exclaimed as I twirled around, it doesn't look like the garden I've been to in the grand palace, but I'm sure it's one of them, the palace's compound is so huge that if you go to the gardens in the north side of the palace you  wouldn't be able to see the building.
Izabeth and Lazera probably know the gardens in the palace better than me.
We are surrounded by Anita
Monatas, black roses, death lilies, haunted begonias and moon crater flowers.
Lazera clapped her hands and a picnic blanket appears we sit on it and chatted for hours that we didn't even know it was already night, well we can't be blamed there's no clear indication of night and day the sky is always orangish red.
"my Lady look behind you" Lazera said staring wide eyed at whatever is behind me, even Izabeth is staring, I turn around and see up to thirty palace workers running towards us, well me "our Queen" they yelled in union and fell to their knees "please come back to the castle before his majesty, Azareth and Rohan kill us all" the one in front said "what" I said shocked "how long have we been here" I asked them "it's eleven o'clock pm in human time"
the one in the front replied again "what" all three of us exclaimed "Izabeth" I said urgently "yes. Icteva" Izabeth says hurriedly, we appeared in I and Lucien's room "welcome back" we turned around to see three men, each staring at a particular one of us icily "leave us" Lucien ordered, Azareth grabbed Lazera's hand and disappeared and Rohan grabbed Izabeth and also disappeared "Lucien…"
"Do you know how worried I was, i tried tracking you, i couldn't...."
"But I was in palace grounds" i interrupted, bad move but still.
"No you guys were not" he glared at me "what if I had lost you and our child"
"Wait you are over reacting, we should at least have been close to palace grounds, right?"
"Anita, listen. Someone intercepted Izabeth's teleportation spell. And the fact you left your guards behind is worse" my mind is still stuck on the fact that he called me by my name.
"you of all people should know what kind of threat the origin is. And the fact that your pregnancy might have already reached them" his voice grows quiet towards the end of his rant "You know what you're not allowed to go anywhere without Azareth and Rohan and don't make me repeat it again" he added his tone cold, daring me to refuse, but lucky for me, my pregnancy hormones kicked in, I burst out crying, his eyes widened and his expression softened he appeared besides me.
"I was just worried love, you scared me, maybe I am becoming a little more protective of you ever since I realized you are pregnant" he said softly, I sniffle and nod.
We sit on the couch in our room and cuddle "how long are demons pregnant" I ask, he coughs awkwardly "what" I ask looking at him "I must have forgot to mention that demons are pregnant for four years" he says and smiles sheepishly "what" I yelled and sat up straight, looking at Lucien as if he has grown two heads, and he starts laughing.

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