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For the next two days I managed the affairs of Azkalor, since i am the Queen. and the affairs of D&A group, since only his assistant knew we are married, he brought the work home for me. I see that my father's heir training came in handy.
one day as I sat on my throne gazing at Lucien's empty one "your majesty I think you should rest" Rohan who was by my right side said "yes my lady you've been over working yourself, the lord won't be happy to wake up and see you in this state" Azareth added. These past two days they both seemed to talk to me alot I guess they sensed my gloomy mood. I sighed and was about to stand up "my lady I come to you with a message from Nirtana" the grand messenger ran into the
throne room like some crazy person. The reason he's called the grand messenger is because he sends and brings messages between Nirtana and Azkalor, of course Nirtana has its own grand messenger. He knelt in front of me "your grace, the lord of the Sainteen  says that they will be coming to Azkalor to renew the treaty"
"you may leave"
"May you live long your grace" he stood up and left.
'great more work' i sighed
'this isn't work, this determines the next twenty years of peace' Azalea said exasperated at my lackadaisical attitude to such an important event. 'as I said, more work'.
"my lady you should rest, so that you'll be able to receive the envoy from Nirtana" Azareth seemed genuinely worried about me but I wasn't surprised even I have started worrying for my mental health, Azalea said it was normal since this was our first time witnessing our mate in pain.
I sat on the bed and looked at Lucien, for some reason my heart started hurting, it was a strange feeling 'its called worry' Azalea sassed probably trying to make us both feel a bit better 'well I've worked for people before and it didn't feel like this' I rolled my eyes.
'you dudu head, you are worrying for your love, it's different.'
I sighed and stroked his hair, I've been sighing a lot lately. I laid down besides him and started at
his handsome side view "please wakeup, i love you so so much" I didn't even realise I was shedding tears, I closed my eyes and slept. that night I dreamt that Lucien was stroking my hair like he always did and teasing me fondly for missing him to much.
I woke up and stared at the ceiling with my gloomy eyes, that had now become apart of me."I hate seeing you sad, smile for me sweetheart" I turned to look at Lucien sitting down with his back rested on the headboard, I sat up quickly and stared at him dumbstruck then everything started registering slowly tears pooled in my eyes and I hugged him tightly "you selfish creature do you know the torture I went through these past two days" I
poured out all my grievances "don't worry I won't let you go through it again" he hugged me back, after sometime I broke the hug and looked at him curiously "you still look weak" I placed the back of my wrist on his forehead, he didn't have a temperature, i don't mean his temperature isn't high, i mean he's neither hot or cold. then again he isn't human "just need a little rest" he said weakly.
I hopped of the bed and flicked
my finger, my night dress changed into a black sleeves dress It has a slit that goes up to my thigh, red beads adorned the entire dress, a beautiful black tiara with an eerie green bead in the middle "what's the occasion" Lucien asked from the bed "diplomatic meeting" I answered, the rooms temperature dropped drastically, I looked at Lucien puzzled "what's wrong"
"you can't hold a meeting between Nirtana and Azkalor without the demon king" Lucien hopped of the bed and his clothes transformed into the regal regalia of the lord of Azkalor , he stretched his hand for me to take as my hand touched his I felt my inner demon form manifest "what's going on"
"you have to be in your true form sweety, there are rules for these kind of things" he also transformed into his demon form.We walked out of the room, Azareth and Rohan looked shocked for  some seconds before they Quickly regaining their calm "may you live long my lord" they said in union, he nodded and we walked to the war room hand in hand. the war room is a room that has a long table with two majestic chair at each end and other normal chairs at the side, I guess you could call it a glorified dinning table. it's probably called the war room because it was the command center during the war twenty years ago.
We stepped into the war room,
the twelve dukes are already seated,they stood up quickly and bowed "your Majesties"
"seat" Lucien said coldly, he sat on the chair at one end I sat by his right side. The grand messenger came in but this time someone came in with him and it's obvious he's a Sainteen, he has sky blue eyes and his hair is snow white he has his wings that are white folded behind him and some sort of golden Ring of light floating or rather hovering above his head "my lords, the Sainteens  have arrived" they said in union and just as they had finished the door flew open and a man with deep blue eyes snow white hair and white wings folded behind him walked in he wore a crown made of pure gold, he also has the golden floating ring of light. he walked hand in hand with a lady who I think is definitely the queen of the Sainteen  and she looks stunning she didn't have an intimidating aura like the man instead her aura is serene she has blonde hair and not white hair like the other Sainteens  that walked in with them, she wore a sky blue off shoulder dress, and to top it off, a crown made out of blue and white flowers sat on top her head. her wings were also folded behind her and she had a floating ring of light above her head. And behind them were ten other Sainteen three women and seven men and they are known as the ten archangels. they each took their respective seats with the man sitting at the other end of the table and the woman sitting by his right. Seeing the Sainteen  lord I was filled with nostalgia, because back on earth there is no particular religion, actually there is no religion at all, all you have to do to go to Nirtana, the land of the good and pure souls, is being good and Azkalor on the other hand, well I guess you know it.
And if you wanted your prayers answered you could pray to any of the two lord's, but the thing is anyone who prayed to Lucien are considered evil. And my family of course are followers of the Sainteen lord. but now that I'm Lucien's wife I don't even know what to say.
"took you long enough Alexander" Lucien said smirking at the man at the other end of the table, the man rolled his eyes and glared at him "were is the treaty, I want to sign it and go"
"oh, so you have no clauses to add this time" Lucien mocked he placed his hands on the table in an upright manner and rested his head on them. Alexander's face turned red and I'm sure he feels like stabbing Lucien to death "anyway the treaty has to be renewed meaning I can add new clauses if I want to since you have no interest in doing that, whatsoever" Lucien began "I object to any clause you want to add" Alexander said coldly, Lucien didn't even seem angered by the objection instead he looked amused, he sat upright and flicked his finger a light stack of paper appeared in everyone's hands "that's the treaty read it and if anyone has a problem with it voice it out Before I and Alexander sign it" Lucien said.
I looked at the stack of paper in my hands, this thing had at least twenty pages.
'the Sainteen  demons second treaty.
clause one: for the next hundred years there would be no sort of battle or war between Nirtana and Azkalor
NB: it's been changed from twenty years because such a duration is too short, especially when compared to the almost immortal life of Sainteens and Demons.
clause two: the demons would be allowed to have their fun on earth as long as they don't go overboard on the Sainteens terms
clause three: when there is a problem in either Nirtana or Azkalor the other party most try their best to stay out of it'
at that point I got tired of reading instead I looked at everyone around the table, that are of course busy reading, well except Lucien since he did make the treaty, 'at least pretend to read it' I heard Lucien's voice in my head, I sighed and went back to staring at the paper, but definitely not reading it 'hi' a girlish voice, that's definitely not Azalea's spoke in my head, the fuck is wrong with people talking to me through my mind. I looked up and saw the queen of Nirtana looking at me, I smiled 'hi' I sent my thoughts to her 'this is extremely boring, it's my first time in Azkalor'
'yeah it's extremely boring, but we are queens right'
'yeah we are queens, so we have to show interest in these boring things'
'wait aren't we supposed to hate each other' I asked cautiously
'oh, we are, but I don't hate you, in fact I seem to like you'
'how about we get out of here' I ask evilly 'well I really do want to leave, okay, so what's the plan, we obviously can't sneak out of here'
'is your mate a wife slave like
mine' I asked I could clearly see a smirk forming slowly on her face, we seemed to have started attracting attention since we have been staring at each other for so long, we quickly looked down at our paper
'so is he?'
'good then ask him' our conversation ended there 'Lucien' I sang 'what do you want sweetheart, I've been watching you stare at Angela for so long I knew you guys were up to something' I heard his voice in my head, though he never raised his head up from looking at the paper 'we want to leave it's to boring'
'okay but I doubt Alexander will let his mate roam around Azkalor especially with a demon'
'but Azareth and Rohan will be
following us around' I whined
'doesn't make it any better, but you can leave if you want to'.
I looked at Angela she looked at me a triumphant smile playing on her lips and I smiled  back, I looked at Alexander who is now sporting a sulking baby look we stood up at the same time and walked out of the room leaving behind a sea of perplexed eyes behind "how did you make him agree so easily" I asked Angela curiously "easy, I just asked"
I rolled my eyes at her "come on let me show you around the palace" I linked my arm with hers and pulled her along "Azareth, Rohan stay here, I'm coming back" I said over my shoulder, I showed Angela around and we stopped In front of the training room"this is our
last stop" I pushed open the door, Angela looked starstruck "wow" she skipped up to a spear and turned to face me "let's spar"
'wait we shouldn't, what if we hurt her it might impede on the ongoing treaty' Azalea warned
"is your inner form warning you against this fight" Angela asked out of nowhere "yes how did you know"
"mine is warning me to" Angela giggled "so are we going to ignore them or what" I could see the spear she's holding shake due to her excitement "but if any of us gets hurt we might activate the punishment spell" that's what I'm most worried about, since we are technically putting ourselves in danger "its true" her brows furrowed, she must have experienced it before and it probably wasn't a pleasant experience "see, that's why I don't think we should spar at least not without our mates permission" I tried to reason with her "no, let's fight, safely. since we both know our mates won't give us permission" this girl seems hell bent on fighting "okay" I reluctantly agreed, she launched at me before I even had a chance to Carry a weapon, I stretched my hand in front  of me and my spirit dagger manifested in my palm I launched at her too.
the fight was fun and epic, we fought for about twenty minutes. I was about to launch strike on her. its one of the dagger moves Azareth taught me, she was about to block it when the spear seemed to slip from her hand, so the dagger gave her a deep cut on the arm that she used to immediately defend when she realised that she couldn't defend using the spear. And her spear gave me a deep gash on my belly "ouch" we cried in union and fell to the ground, of course our injuries have started healing but it would take at least twenty minutes to heal. suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my head it's so painful that I felt my brain go numb and tears slowly streamed down my cheeks I looked at Angela and saw a horrified look on her face, I crawled up to her slowly and mustered all my energy and healed her, her expression eased and I think I stopped her punishment spell before it completely activated but mine had already completely activated, I closed my eyes and heard Angela gasped, I felt myself being lifted up by Lucien.

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