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A few weeks later. I'm in the grand palace gossiping away with Izabeth and Lazera "my Lady how come Azareth and Rohan are your personal guards" Izabeth asked. I knew they both had been curious about this for a long time but had been to scared to ask "why are you guys so surprised anyway can't I just have two guards, most queens I've watched in dramas pack an entourage of them" I was also genuinely curious as to why they wanted to know "mm, because they are the most elite fighters in Azkalor" Lazera said in a tone that said even a fly should know this "yeah and they are both among the first creatures created by Lucien" Izabeth added "and he trained them himself" Lazera said. I on the other hand was stunned speechless "how come such important people are following me around" I asked "we also want to know" they said union.
I explained to them my encounter with my best friend, now enemy "no wonder" Lazera said she looked like the secrets of the world had been revealed to her "that's so romantic, he gave you the best fighters in Azkalor, of course after the lord that is. it might not be an exaggeration to say they are among the best fighters in both Nirtana and Azkalor" Izabeth was gushing like some teenager which wouldn't be a lie since she was six hundred years old which meant she was sixteen in human years or appearance wise anyway "I can't wait to meet our mates" Lazera said "what age do the males get to sense their females" I asked "well even if the male is of age the female has to be at least six hundred and three years to sense her" Izabeth the love expert said."anyway, I've heard scary things about fallen Sainteen " Lazera shivered "what are they anyway" I asked, I was very curious and Azalea refused to tell me anything about them she said I had to inculcate the good habit of going to the library, when I wanted to know something new, and I'm not doing that. "fallen Sainteen  are Sainteen  that have turned to the dark side" Izabeth said."that isn't comprehensive, fallen Sainteen  are those Sainteen  who break the code of righteousness fifty times" Lazera our everything expert said "I once heard Lucien mention it, what is the code of righteousness" I asked."I don't know how to explain it, I guess it is some sort of an invisible rule book that Sainteen  have to follow"
"but if you turn to a fallen Sainteen  after just breaking the rules in the code of righteousness fifty times wouldn't all Sainteen  have turned to fallens by now" I asked. "ha, Sainteen  are stuck up rule followers, there are even some Sainteen  who haven't broken a rule in their life and those ones are probably above a hundred thousand years, abd anyway when they break a rule they can always meet their lord to redeem them, if they show enough remorse" Izabeth said "you don't seem to like Sainteen , Izabeth"
"of course I don't they are mean to us demons they were exceptionally mean in the war twenty years ago" Izabeth said. that was probably the time I came into existence "we would have lost but the lord used an under handed means and the Sainteen  had no choice but to sign a peace treaty again" Izabeth seemed to rejoice at the assumed stupidity of the Sainteen  "you're such a child Izabeth" then there is a sturdy knock on the door Lazera got of the bed and opened it, the blush on her face immediately telling me it's Azareth. Lazera has a huge crush on Azareth while Izabeth has one on Rohan. "tell the lady that the Lord is calling her for her daily training" immediately those words left Azareth's mouth my face turned pale "okay" Lazera whispered and closed the door, both of them now giving me sympathetic looks "what are those looks for" l glared at both of them "nothing my lady we are just pitying you, we have both see how ruthless the lord  is when  training you" "whatever let's go" I got off the bed and walked towards the door, Izabeth quickly opened it as soon as I stepped out Azareth stood by my left while Rohan to my right, Lazera and Izabeth both in my front leading the way. I would have definitely just teleport there but Lucien warned me a lot on that, he said I can teleport anywhere at anytime I wanted, except to the training room when it's time for training because it's a form of exercise, and also I know when to behave myself.
We arrived in front of a door Izabeth pushed it open, the room is as big as four football fields, there are numerous weapons hanging on all four walls. Lucien is already in his black track suit with his hands folded on his chest, he smirked at my 'i will rather be anywhere than here' face, my mini entourage that followed me bowed to him and stood at a corner, I walked up to him slowly and my clothes transformed into a pink tracksuit I could clearly see him wince at my choice of colour, and now it's my turn to smirk "today we are training with swords, go and pick any sword you want"
"aren't we supposed to use wooden swords" I asked skeptically, he didn't really want to teach me, a complete novice at swordsmanship with real swords, right?. "of course we are using real swords, now go pick one" my face became even paler, did this man, no wait the devil wanted to kill me. I searched the walls for a sword since the walls had huge variety of weapons, I stopped in front of a sword with a golden hilt and some sort of red jewel imbedded in the middle, I stretched my hand and took it, it isn't to heavy or to light, it's just right. I walked back to Lucien with the sword in hand "were is yours" his eyes glowed red he stretched his hand and tore a hole in space, he pulled out a sword with a black hilt and the surprising thing was even the blade is black  "I don't know your current level in swordsmanship so we have to spar a little" "what, no need, I have zero knowledge in swords, please don't make me spar with you" I didn't know whether to cry or laugh, he knew I didn't know anything in swords and why should I, we aren't even in the medieval times, even in the medieval time how many women knew how to spar. I could here muffled giggles behind me I turned to glare at Lazera and Izabeth "you know what" I turned to face Lucien "why are you only focused on training me, shouldn't those two be trained, in fact I will be going everywhere with them and if we encounter any trouble I can't possibly try to defend us all" I said it with such a noble demeanor, people would think I was talking about the great salvation "fine. Azareth train Lazera, Rohan train Izabeth" Lucien ordered, I turned around and saw them both being led to different parts of the room
by their respective trainers 'you are very petty' Azalea said 'we are the same person' I said. "so let's fight don't worry, I'll go easy on you" now that made me very worried no one believes it when the devil says 'I'll go easy'. "how did you bring out your sword from space" I asked, trying to stall for time but I knew no matter how much I stalled I'd still have to fight him "because it's my spirit weapon" he answered "oh can I get one too" "you can have more than one I have ten. and no you can't have one all willy nilly you have to give a part of your soul to it" he said seriously, well as seriously as a conversation can be after adding 'willy nilly' 
"how come you have ten" I was exasperated is he trying to tell me that he divided his soul ten times, nope I would not believe such a thing "of course I did, remember I created more than half of the demons currently in existence. And anyway even if you wanted to make a spirit weapon I don't recommend a sword because I have a feeling you'll suck at it" he smirked. a few minutes later I'm on the floor groaning, I knew he had gone easy on me, to easy in fact, he kept one hand behind his back the whole time and it only took two minutes to beat me. I threw the sword to one side and laid on the floor in starfish position "I give up. there is no way I'm learning how to wield a sword teach me another
weapon" I said, I refused to stand
up from where I was lying down."okay how about daggers" I
immediately sat up and looked at him, he gave up way to easily "you just wanted to beat me in swords didn't you" I looked at him suspiciously "of course not, why would I do such a thing" he said, but I swear his smile is a dead give away, "okay lets do daggers" I stood up and made my way to the wall I saw different pairs of daggers but none of them seemed to call me but then I stopped in front of a pair of twin daggers the hilt and blade are red and it glittered and shined. I picked them both up and walked up to Lucien ßdcrnfww "let's fight" I felt confident about these blades Lucien seemed to notice my newly found confidence, he tore space and returned the sword but In turn he pulled out a dagger. I launched at him with both daggers, though my form was bad since I've never fought with daggers before, he raised his dagger up, it's clearly just a casual movement but I immediately sensed an astronomical amount of danger in that casual movement, I jumped into the air in an attempt to dodge but he immediately changed the trajectory of his attack 'is that even possible' Azalea panicked, and she's right, he was bringing down the dagger using a lot of force suddenly changing the trajectory shouldn't be possible. I'm still in the air and dodging in the air is impossible and even if it is, i have no idea how to do it.
the blade was about to hit me,  when I used the dagger I was holding in my left hand to block it I used the force of the impact to help me back flip, putting enough space between us. Then applause erupted behind me, I turned to see both Lazera and Izabeth clapping and those stone guards of mine had a look of approval on their faces, I felt a hand on my head I looked up at Lucien "I think you should make a dagger your spirit weapon"
"sure, but how do I make a spirit weapon"
" make this dagger your spirit weapon" he stretched the blade he was holding to me. "but it's already yours"
"I know, I can just break the connection" he said it as if it was a casual thing but the expression on Azareth and Rohan's face told me otherwise "is it going to hurt" I asked him skeptically "no just a sting" he smiled. He raised the blade and stabbed himself in our presence he recited a few words his brows furrowed in pain I wanted to stop him but he pulled the blade out of his hand he winced and handed me the golden dagger that was stained with his blood "cut your self with it and say alam tanat yana" he whispered, 'why did he look so weak'. I collected the dagger gave myself a small cut "alam tanat yana" I felt some sort of connection to the blade then a ding sound in my head I looked up at Lucien he looked paler" leave" he said looking at my entourage they left both of us alone. Lucien fell to his knees and held his head in his palms groaning."I squatted next to him and started panicking 'Azalea what's wrong'
'it's a backlash from breaking his spirit connection'
'but he said it would only sting'
'he lied' Azalea sounded more worried than me.
I snapped my finger and we
appeared in our room, I placed Lucien on the bed, by then he seemed to be sleeping peacefully, I sat besides him."why would you lie, I could've easily gotten another dagger" I poked his cheek hoping he would open his eyes and tease me like our usual morning routine but he didn't he just remained still.

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