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I wake up the next morning feeling very refreshed, sitting up on the bed, my stomach rumbles unceremoniously,
'I want to eat coconut cake and strawberry yogurt' Azalea whines 'yeah me to'  'izabeth Lazera' I scream, through the queen's link, a few seconds later they both walked into the room expressionlessly, I furrow my brows in confusion 'did we do something wrong' i ask Azalea 'yeah, remember when we met Angela, you know, the cause of what we just went through' 'ooo'.
"You called your majesty" Lazera asked monotonously "Azareth and Rohan" i screamed, and my two bodyguards walked in, sporting the cold look they used to have before we became friends, I slowly and very painfully stand up from bed, my body is still stressed, and then stand in front of them "I'm very sorry for forcing you to leave me In a dangerous situation knowing Lucien would kill you all for it, I swear I'd have never let him hurt you. I'm sorry for going alpha female on you to that's not what friends do, I'm very very sorry" I say and bowed before them, of course they don't let me completely bow "are you crazy Anita, you can't lower your heads in front of anyone but the king" Lazera says helping me stand straight and pushing me to sit on the bed, then for some reason, best known to my pregnancy hormones, i start crying "I'm sorry, i did what i did, i didn't mean to hurt your feelings" i hiccuped after every word "calm down A" Azareth chuckled "we are not angry with you" Izabeth said patting my back gently "well at least not anymore" Rohan added, earning a glare from the three of them and a chuckle from me.
Azareth and Rohan stayed a bit to make sure I was calm, then they leave the room. "So why did you call for us A" Lazera asked "I wanted to apologize and also ask for coconut cake and vanilla yogurt" i chuckle, they sigh at my choice "okay your Anitaness" they bow, smile and walk out, carefully shutting the door behind them.
I rest my back on the headboard and closed my eyes 'Azalea let's check on our baby' i suggest 'yeah' i concentrate on connecting to the small life force inside of me and felt the life force jump in joy, but something seems different with the life force i try to find out what but everything still looks normal 'dont worry little one, mother and father love you' i project my thoughts to it and open my eyes, i was met with an exhilarating pair of red eyes "she can understand us" Lucien asks in surprise followed by a huge smile adorning his handsome face, I smile back "when did you enter" i ask "not long ago, and then i placed my hand on your tummy and heard what you said and how our daughter reacted" he said "and how sure are you it's a girl, what if it's a boy" i asked raising an eyebrow "I'll still love our child, no matter what gender it is, sweetheart" he whispers and pecks my cheek, I giggle and we just sit there staring into each others eyes, we are both in our own happy little world, when we are interrupted by a knock on the door "open" I order, Izabeth and Lazera enter, with wide grins but the moment their eyes land on Lucien, the grins froze and they immediately became expressionless and bow deeply "the meal you ordered for, my queen" Lazera says monotonously, I on the other hand is chuckling "why are you both acting like robots, Is it Lucien, I can throw him out of the room if you want" I suggested, they looked at me with eyes that say 'please stop talking, before he kills us' "drop it on the bed and you can go" they bowed, dropped two coconut cupcakes and a big cup of vanilla yogurt on the bed, then practically run out of the room "stop scaring them" I whine the moment they left, he chuckles "I'm their king and creator, I think it's pretty normal" he said, I took a cupcake dipped it in yogurt and took a bite 'it tastes like Nirtana' Azalea exclaimed "I don't know whether I should be offended by that love" Lucien said "wait you can read my mind" I ask confused then immediately searched my mind and found the wall is down I tried to put it back up but it isn't working "Lucien the wall isn't coming up" I whisper looking at him tears already threatening to spill from my eyes "it's normal my love, you're due in less than a year, so you're turning a bit more human, meaning you can't also summon your spirit weapons" he explained hurriedly trying to stop me from crying he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead "but I'll protect you love" he whispered "Lucien, what world was that" I asked I didn't elaborate but I'm sure he understood "it's an alternate universe my love"
I understand the concept of alternate universes but isn't he not just a demon king of our world how did he reach an alternate universe, I didn't ask further but I'll make sure to find out more later. After a few more minutes of comfortable silence between us, of course I had finished my meal by then "sweetheart, the king and queen of Nirtana are coming tomorrow, to sign a merging treaty" Lucien begins silently, to say I'm shocked is an understatement but I just listen and cuddle closer to him and of course he hugs me closer "and after the signing numerous portals connecting both Nirtana and Azkalor will open all around Azkalor, I and the king of Nirtana have decided that the only way we are beating the origin is to join forces" he said, I sighed at the mention of the origin "and I need both you and the queen of Nirtana to not cause trouble, since that's the only thing that happens when the two of you meet. also they'll stay with us, probably till after the war" he added, I shot out of his arm the moment he said Angela is going to live with us "oh my god Angy is coming" I started jumping, very unladylike may I add, on the bed, Lucien just smiled lovingly.
___the next day___
I woke up earlier than usual 'we need to stop sleeping, it's a bad habit that high level demons should not have, and now that a war is approaching...' Azalea didn't finish her sentence but I knew what she meant, 'yeah from today we'll start reducing the hours of sleep we have till we can work without needing to sleep' I agreed "you're awake early my love" I hear Lucien say, I turn towards the door, but before I can talk I felt bile rising in my throat, I run towards the toilet, no time to admire the hugeness and beauty of it, I bend over the WC and emptied food I didn't even know I had in my stomach "it's alright love, breath" Lucien rubbed soothing circles of my back, I stand up rinse my mouth out in the sink and we both walk out of the toilet "morning sickness?"
"Yeah, but I've never had them before why now" I ask, sitting on the bed "maybe because you are due in less than 9 months from now"
"Well that makes sense" I nod thoughtfully
"I've already arranged everything for the signing of the treaty and where they will stay" he smiled and snapped his fingers both our clothes changed into the regal regalia of the king and queen of Azkalor respectively "shall we head out my love"  I stand up, he bows and held out his hand in a gentlemanly way "we shall mi amour" I said he stood straight and pulls me closer to him, he pecks my lips and smiles, the moment we step out of the room, Azareth and Rohan stand by our left and right side respectively while Lazera and Izabeth stand behind me, the closer we got to the throne room the more nervous I felt 'calm down, sweetheart I won't let anyone hurt you' Lucien says telepathically I turned slightly to look at him, he didn't turn to look at me but he gave me a reassuring smile, we stand in front of the door that leads into the throne room 'ready' he asks 'yes' I answer, He nods towards the guards who are stationed at the left and right side of the big door, they bow and push it open.
And I must say, though I'm not afraid of crowds, I've been trained to be able to speak in front of very large audiences, since I used to be the heir to my father's multimillion dollar company, but the amount of demons and Sainteens in this room most pass a billion and I have a feeling I'm still far off from the real number. Sainteens stand by the right, while Demons to the left, I and Lucien slowly walk through the passageway between both creatures, Rohan, Azareth, Lazera and Izabeth have already gone to control the demons with the other guards.
As we walk towards the four thrones in front of us, I can feel my nerves going haywire but Lucien gave my hand a gentle squeeze and I calmed down.
Lucien's throne is by the left, followed by mine, then a silver throne the same size as mine, then a golden one the same size as Lucien's is at the far right to, I'm not surprised the placed Lucien and Alexander far from each other, i also notice that these aren't the normal thrones I and Lucien usually use, his throne is now a mixture of black and gold, and it looks so daunting like a throne a fairytale villain would have, mine is a mixture of red and purple and it also gives off villainess vibes, i guess it has something to do with the shade of purple, it's dark like amethyst.
Angela's own is a mixture of silver and Blue, it gives of a calming aura, just looking at it makes you feel calm, that helped me in controlling my nerves, while her husband's is gold and blue, it looks cold and aloof gives of the same vibes as the man.
As I and Lucien sit on our thrones, all the demons and Sainteens fall to their knees and bow, Lucien looked at me "rise" I announce, they stand up and a few seconds after they stand up, the door opens again, this time revealing the king and queen of Nirtana, Angela walks with grace her head raised high but she doesn't gives off an air of arrogance surprisingly her aura is calming and approachable, in fact her presence and smile felt healing with her hand gently interlocked in the arms of her mate, the king of Nirtana looking intimidating and cold, his face is expressionless, unlike his smiling wife, the moment they sit on their respective thrones both the demons and Sainteen fall to their knees and bow "rise" Angela orders and they stand up and bow, Lucien stands up to address the numerous creatures below the thrones' platform "I'm sure all of you are wondering why you've been summoned and the sainteens will be wondering why they're in Azkalor, well a threat is coming for both Azkalor and Nirtana and we both have to unite" Lucien finishes and sits down, I look at him weirdly 'is that all you're gonna say' I say looking at my husband in confusion he smiles and gives someone besides me a mischievous smirk, I turn to see the king of Nirtana giving Lucien a death glare 'god, he's trying to piss of the king of Nirtana five minutes after he arrived' I mentally face palm, thank god the king of Nirtana stands up to continue "a threat known as the origin threatens the existence of both demons and Sainteens I and the demon king have seen that we can't best them without uniting and as much as I dislike it, we have to it's for our survival so any able bodied demon and Sainteen should be prepared for battle, tell all those who aren't here that in a week's time the armies will start recruiting and some archangels and grand dukes will be sent to make sure you all participate" The king of Nirtana thankfully elaborated, Lucien stands up "time to merge the lands" Lucien says seriously the ten archangels and twelve dukes came forward and kneel down, Lucien stretches his hand and shoots a dark ball, that floats right at the middle of the throne room, a black light still connected his outstretched palm to the ball, the king of Nirtana then shoots a bright white ball that merges with the black ball, the ball now looks murky as black and white fight with each other, just like Lucien a bright white light connects his outstretched palm to the ball, the kneeling archangels and grand duke's shoot white light and dark light respectively and just like the two kings, the light that they shoot out from their outstretched palms connectes them to the now somewhat stabilized ball of light though the black and white still mix and tumble, then Angela stands up and shoots a beautiful blue light at the ball that, seemed to stabilize the ball, now making it look like the yin and yang symbol.
right now i was the only monarch still sitting 'love stand up, you're going to merge the lands' i heard Lucien's voice in my head, so i stood up and waited for his instructions 'stretch your palm and say, in the name of your kings i command you with my authority as the queen of Azkalor, and permission granted to me by your kings to merge and become one till the end of time'.
I stretched my palm out "in the name of your kings, i command you with my authority as the queen of Azkalor and permission granted to me by your kings to merge and become one till the end of time" I repeated loudly the ball of light explodes followed by a massive earthquake, while the kings and Angela are stabilizing the more than a hundred portals that had just been opened, I'm busy trying not to faint, i must have used more than just the queens authority to merge the lands', though I'm not surprised I'm sure a great task like joining two supernatural lands would cost a lot of energy, but i knew it isn't demonic energy, because after my third year of pregnancy i realized I couldn't use demonic energy even if I want to, Lucien says till it is time for labor before I can use it again. "You may all leave, and prepare for the recruiting" Lucien orders and all the creatures teleport away, leaving only we monarchs, Azareth, Rohan, Lazera, Izabeth and two sainteen guards. I saw no point in trying to stand and be conscious so i let the exhaustion wash over me hoping with all my heart Lucien or anyone for that matter catches me before I fall.

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