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I woke up in the morning aching all over especially in my southern regions, I couldn't even move and had to bid my time looking at the ceiling, I calculated that it would take at least a few more minutes for the discomfort to disappear. I felt a hand gently stroke my hair, I turned to my right and met a pair of scarlet eyes staring at me "you're awake" I smiled at him "I don't actually need to sleep, I don't know why you do" he seemed to be seriously pondering over what he just said "well, don't think to much about it" he stopped stroking my hair, and carried me to the bathroom "what do you think you're doing, just snap your fingers" I struggled to get out of his hold "I don't want to" and that mischievous smile on his face sent shivers down my spine, and I could only sigh In resignation to my fate.
After two hours, we finally leave the bathroom, yes I'm clean but I'm way more tired and sore now, "just drop me on the bed I want to sleep, it'll take at least two hours to completely heal this fatigue"
"I can heal you instantly"
"no way, I also could have done that but I know you, we'll just do the deed again. no way" I cried indignantly, even Azalea is sleeping in my mind this man's stamina is endless. "fine" he pouted and dropped me gently on the bed "sleep well sweetheart" he whispered and kissed me on my forehead, I closed my eyes and hummed, I felt the space near me dip and a hand start stroking my hair, and slowly I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.
A few hours later I wake up to the sound of whispering, I opened my eyes and see Lucien talking in a hushed tone to a guy that's kneeling on the ground, that kind of kneeling knights do "I refuse duchess Inatra's soiree invitation on behalf of my wife" my interest was piqued by the words 'soiree invitation'. I immediately sit up on the bed "I want to go" Lucien and whoever it is that's kneeling on the floor got startled a bit by my sudden intrusion "you're not going" Lucien turned around and said "why" I whine "because it's an only female soiree, and the lady is a suspicious person, if she hurt  you I might just end up destroying the Inatra's dukedom" I was stunned by what he said, Duke Inatra is the fifth Duke and he's dukedom is as big as four Earth's "but I can always take Izabeth and Lazera" I said "no way"
"please" I immediately activated my puppy eyes, even the guard knelling was stunned, but a glare from my hubby made him lower his head, "fine, but tell me if something goes wrong" "okay" I turned to look at the kneeling guard "so when is the soiree" "tomorrow at three your majesty"
"you may leave" he stood up bowed and walked silently out of the room. I turn  to look at Lucien and see him giving me an extremely mischievous look, I push him of the bed "you're sleeping on the couch mister" I stare at him, he sits on the floor and looks up at me with a look that says 'you're being a meanie', that look paired with his dauntingly handsome face, would make any lady in my place nose bleed, I turned away from him "but I don't need to sleep" he whined "I don't too, but guess what" I paused and looked at him "what?" he asked "I am, and you will sleep on that couch for the next three days" he stood looking dejected, but his pity face is not going to work on me this time though Azalea is a goner 'he is so cute, come on Ann forgive him'
'what, no way, shouldn't you at least care about our body, even though it's healed, I'm sure I can't take another bout of that endless stamina of his'
'well I guess you're right' I
watched Lucien pout and walk out of the room, I sigh 'guess like we have some coaxing to do later' I sighed
'don't worry I'll coax Samael '
'what, who is Samael'
'Lucien's inner demon, you don't know, tsk' Azalea taunted.
'wait how will you coax him'
'I can easily jump into his mind scape what do you think I spend most of my spare time doing'
'I don't know, sleeping?'
Azalea sighed and it was a long sigh
'well bye' and then my mind goes silent.
I hopped of the bed, and called Lazera and Izabeth, few seconds later they burst into the room without knocking "what is this can't you knock, and I can't believe those stone-faced guards of mine let you guys barge in" I scold "but you called" they whine In union "yeah I want to go shopping and you guys will show me the best clothes shop In all of Azkalor. they squeal and look at me with cheeky expressions on their faces "so what's the occasion" Izabeth sang "a soiree, that duchess Inatra is hosting and you guys are following to serve as both my bodyguard and attendants" I said "nice let's go, I know just the place" Lazera said she clapped and we appeared in front of a three storey building, and on the sign hanging on the door read 'vintage'.
"wow Lazera you truly know your shops" Izabeth gushed
"vintage is the best clothing brand in Azkalor"
"wait I think there Is a problem with what we did here" I began "why didn't we bring Rohan and Azareth" I ask horror struck as I looked at them with wide eyes "that's what you wanted to say" Izabeth, the one who can never
focus on the subject says "my god the lord is going to kill us" Lazera said, she looks like she would pass out at any second "no you're wrong" I said looking at the both of them, who now had confused expressions on their faces as they stared at me "he is going to kill me" I say, Lazera and Izabeth giggled despite the situation we are in "let's go back" I said, I snapped my fingers and we are back in Lucien and my room, Izabeth breathed a sigh of relief as if we had just escaped death "sweetheart where were you" immediately we heard that we turn around almost at the same time, Lucien is standing by the door with Azareth and Rohan by his sides, Lucien was glaring at me, Azareth at Lazera and Rohan at Izabeth. of course I'm surprised by my bodyguards actions but right now I'm focused on getting myself out of the grave I bravely dug for myself "you guys should go" I whispered to the girls besides me, and as soon as I said that they both disappeared 'shameless' I scold 'what is shameless here, you clearly told them to go'  'well I expected them to say they would never leave me even at the cost of their lives'
'and you dare call someone shameless' Azalea mocked
"leave" Lucien said and the two people besides him walked out of the room and shut the door. "I swear the minute we left, we came back" I start, Lucien just looks at me coldly and walks towards the bed, he sits on it and keeps on staring at me "is that so" he smiled, a smile that did not reach his eyes "come here" he stretches his hand for me to take, I walk up to him and place my hand in his and before I know it I'm sitting on his laps "don't ever forget to take Rohan and Azareth with you when you go out" he said. I knew
I shouldn't have said this but I did "how about the only women soiree duchess inatra is hosting tomorrow" the Hand that's around my waist tightens "don't go" he pleads, but I being myself didn't want to listen, so I changed the topic "what happened with the treaty" I had been curious about it, since I woke up "Alexander signed it" he chuckled at the end "really how about Angela"
"she's fine you surprisingly stopped her punishment spell activating" he sounds annoyed "don't hold a grudge against her, alright" I kiss his cheeks and get of his laps "I'm heading out Lucy" I tease "don't call me that" he whined "but I like it" I whine back" "fine" he conceded to his defeat and I giggle.
I walk out of the room and see Lazera and Izabeth standing in front of Azareth and Rohan respectively with their heads bowed as if they had just been reprimanded.
immediately I made my presence known, Lazera and Izabeth ran to me with wounded puppy expressions on their faces "what happened" I ask, confused, they looked at my bodyguards in union and then looked back at me, of course I realised what had happened and shamelessly laughed at them "my lady" they whine, but I continued laughing unceremoniously till I had to stop or I might die, I looked at their faces and see cute pouting expressions "aren't you guys adorable" I tease pulling their cheeks "come on let's head to vintage" I snap my fingers and we appear inside the shop.
At the end of our shopping spree, I decide on a gold and silver ball gown decorated with diamonds around the neckline, it had a beautiful silver bow at the back of the dress near the waist area, while Lazera chose an ash fitted gown with a slit that reached her thighs, it showed a little cleavage and had a belt on the waist that was decorated with rubies, though I don't quite understand the designer's thought process since he mixed ash and red, but since Lazera liked it I just bought it for her. Izabeth chose a black A shape gown with a beautiful silver cape, that seemed to shine in the light, the lady that helped with the packaging said that it glowed brightest in moonlight.
The next day at around two thirty, we got ready for the ball, I had sat in front of my dressing mirror for an hour before both my hair stylist and makeup artist were satisfied, I was filled with a lot of hard feelings, when they were done, I mean nobody likes to sit down in one place for that long.
but immediately I looked at myself in the mirror and saw Lucien's expression when I was done, all the hard feelings I felt for the long styling and makeup disappeared.
Lucien tried to convince me one more time not to go and that he would hold a soiree here for me, but I was still adamant that I would go.
So now we are in the royal carriage on our way to the soiree, because according to my personal maids and best friends, it's a rule to go to soirées in carriages.
"I think they are being to unreasonable, they even specifically said that the coach man must be female, well I guess it is now coach woman" Izabeth complained, I and Lazera just chuckled, after ten or so minutes a beautiful mediaeval style mansion comes into view "that was fast isn't the Inatra's dukedom among the farthest from the grand palace" I muse "well these aren't normal horses" Lazera says "obviously" I said remembering how scared shitless I was when I saw the black horses with red eyes that seemed to see more than what they are actually seeing "yes it was funny how you refused to enter the the carriage" Lazera said and they both started laughing at me, I glared at them and they stopped laughing.
the carriage stopped in front of the stairway leading into the mansion, Lazera and Izabeth got out first, I adjusted my golden
crown before stepping out, I'm a person who isn't very particular about appearance but this is going to be the first social function in Azkalor that I'm attending and I'm the queen.
I hopped off the carriage with my head raised high, Lazera and Izabeth that are by my left and right respectively bowed and waited for me to be ahead of them then they began to follow me, when I reached the front door a Maid showed us to the ball room before I entered the room I heard the arrival announcer announce my arrival "announcing the arrival of her royal majesty, Queen of Azkalor, holder of the phoneix throne, sovereign of fire and destruction, Queen Anita Monata" 'i didn't know i had so many titles'
'ofcourse you didn't' and i'm sure Azalea is rolling her eyes.
the doors are pushed open by the female guards stationed at each side of the double door, as I enter the room everyone bows 'tell them to rise or they won't' Azalea said 'ohh'
"you may rise" I smiled when they did. a beautiful green haired lady with a heart shaped face and Phoenix shaped eyes walked up to me and smiled "thank you for gracing my soiree with your presence your royal majesty" her voice so soothing to the ear, I just smile in response, I looked around and see everyone staring at me as if waiting for something 'say may the soiree resume' Azalea said "you may resume the soiree" they bow curtly and go back to whatever they were doing 'you suck at this' 'whatever' I childishly retorted.
duchess inatra follows Me everywhere and introduces me to the wives of the other dukes. and then we made our little group in one corner of the ballroom "your majesty I love your gown I saw it at vintage but it was way to expensive" duchess Carmichael said 'liar' Azalea mocked 'I know she's been trying to curry favour since we met'
"duchess Carmichael is exaggerating I'm sure she could afford fifty of such dresses" I smiled at her, it was a fake smile but nobody would know since I'm already used to fake smiling In front of paparazzi and my step mum when my dad is around.
It went on with the duchesses talking about politics and always looking at me, for my royal input when they disagreed on something.
About and hour later, I excuse myself to go out for fresh air, Lazera and Izabeth followed silently behind me we stopped at a garden of death lilies and black roses I look at the sky, and see the sun setting and the red sky was gradually becoming darker.

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