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I wake up to the sound of hushed giggling and mischievous whispers, i sit up on the bed and watch as three pairs of eyes turn to look at me "good to see you three are getting along" i chuckle "well, queen Angela is very fun to talk to, Aniy" Izabeth giggles, then both she and Lazera suddenly look dazed, their eyes unfocused "the head maid is calling for us" Izabeth informs me, i nod and watch them teleport away "you up for an adventure" Angela asks "hehehe I'm pretty sure your Alexander told you not to get in trouble right? Lucien also told me to make sure we don't get in trouble so let's behave ourselves" I give her a weary smile "fine, how about we go to the library, I love reading" Angela suggests "well i hate reading but why not, I think it's time I read up on  demon pregnancy" i agree and we decide to walk to the library.
After reading twenty pages of a book titled 'how to deal with your last year', I drop the book bored, and decide to walk round the ridiculously huge library, I'm walking by a row of books tracing my finger across the spines of the books, when I suddenly hit the air and fall down "Angela come see" I yell, after some minutes of helping Angela find me by shouting and letting her follow my voice, a very funny sight honestly.
"what's up" she asks when she eventually finds me "watch" i push my palm against the empty space in front of us and she gasps when the air distorts and push my palm back  "i think it's some sort of force field" i whisper "I'm curious of what's so important that a force-illusion field was placed to protect it" Angela wonders gently placing her palm on the force field "come on Monata, place your hand and try to force it open, I'll use my divine energy and we'll both try to force our way through" she suggests, i nod and place my hand besides Angela's and push with all my might against the force field, Angela's hands glows blue, soon our hands pass through the force field and we're forcefully pulled in.
"Where are we" i ask out loud when we appear in an empty room with a very long couch facing a huge plank of wood attached to the wall, and there's some very familiar engravings on the wall "these engravings look familiar" Angela whispered "yeah... I remember they're the same as the one's on the door leading to i and Lucien's bedroom back at our mansion on earth" my eyes widen as i suddenly remember where I've seen them before "yeah same" we look at each other confused, Angela walks up to the plank of wood and places a palm on it, the engravings glow white briefly "wow" i exclaim and walk up to it, Angela removes her palm and i placed my palm exactly where she placed hers, the engravings glow black briefly, i humphed in annoyance "why isn't anything happening" Angela asks her brows furrowing, equally as annoyed as i am, i removed my hand from the plank of wood.
"Didn't i tell you not to get in trouble snowflake" we both here someone say behind us we turned around to see our mates sporting exasperated expressions, Alexander is the one that spoke just now.
"We didn't intentionally come here, promise" Angela says quickly and pouted, Alexander just chuckles "I remember we had a similar discussion love" Lucien says, raising an eyebrow at me, i could only smile sheepishly "both of you should sit on the couch" Alexander suggests, i and Angela exchange a look and walk to the couch, plopping down on it and staring at the men who are now standing on either side of the large LCD télévision size plank of wood "you both want to see what the engravings mean" Alexander asked, we both nod enthusiastically, both men chuckle and place their palms on the wood, the place Lucien placed his hand glowed black and started creeping towards the the middle the same happened in King Alexander side both lights met in the middle and the engravings started becoming clear till it looked like we are watching a television but better.
At first everything is dark, then out of nowhere a child appears, actually pops out would be a better analogy, the child appears to be three years old, he looks around wearily and let's out a little sob, This is before time and destiny even existed, cause everything is literally pitch black, The sob from the child triggers a huge bang and beautiful stars, galaxies, cosmos and universes are formed, the child looks around confused, floating in space and staring at the new objects around him, then another child appears out of nowhere unlike the first child that has raven black hair this one has snow white hair though he also looks three and so identical to the black haired one, immediately he appears he begins bawling, the black haired boy who was about to continue crying before the second child appeared floats up to him and hugs him "don't cry anymore I'll protect you" the young black haired kid whispers petting his head, the white haired child's sob soon reduces to quiet whimpers then he stops crying "why" the white haired child asked "cause you're my twin brother" the black haired boy answers, he had no idea what the words he just said meant but he knew that the boy Infront of him is indeed his 'twin brother' "where are we" the white haired child asks floating out of the other child's embrace and looking at the numerous planets, stars and other outer space bodies that surrounds them "I have no idea I was about to start crying when all this happened" the black haired child answers floating to the now still white head and took a hold of his hand, the white head felt his nose tickling him and let out a sneeze that teleported them to a vast garden the beginning and end couldn't be seen, they both sat down looking at each other "did i do this" the white head asked "yes" the dark haired child answered smiling fondly at the other child glad he was not alone anymore "my name is Lucien, what's yours" little Lucien asks "Alexander" little Alexander answers "so what  do we do now" little Alexander asks "i know" little Lucien stands up and whispers "grow" a wierd fiery red flower sprouts from the ground "wow, how did you do that" little Alexander asked "i just thought a flower up and said grow, wanna try" little Lucien asked his younger brother "yeah!, But what are you gonna name it" little Alexander asked "how about Anita monata" little Lucien grinned happily "what does it mean" little Alexander asked "I just made it up, but let me give it a meaning, it'll  mean the beauty of destruction" little Lucien says, then the screen or is it wood, let's call it screen, so the screen goes blank.
"You two are brothers" I and Angela shout in union, the two men in front of us smile sheepishly "and not any kind of brothers they are twins!!.....wait....that's how my name was created, wow. I didn't know it meant beauty of destruction" i add still shocked at the revelations "yes, and please reserve questions till after everything" Lucien chuckles and just as he finished the blank wood came to life again.
This time little Lucien is laying on his back staring at the cloudless sky, while Alexander is chasing a golden butterfly as big as a golden retriever, they both look at least six years old. All of a sudden a little girl appears our of nowhere and sits on the ground bawling her eyes out, the right side of her hair is white and the other side is black, her left eye is sky blue while the other is Jade red. Lucien walks to the three year old girl and gently wipes the tears from her face, "stop crying okay" he whispers, Alexander walks to the girl knelt and hugged her "we have a little sister now" Alexander squeals and grins widely.
The screen turns dark and then it comes back to life. Showing an eighteen year old looking Lucien and Alexander and a fifteen year old girl "Lucien, we are bored, you never let us leave this garden" Alexander whines "Alex is right, I'm bored" the girl complained "since you and Fate actually agree on something I guess we can go explore the empty galaxy" Lucien smiled softly at his siblings bright smiles, suddenly Fate's heterochromic eyes glow "Lucien the god of light, Alexander the god of darkness and Fate the goddess of fate and the uncertain future. Rise god of darkness and god of light and take your tests of godhood" fate faints after saying those words, before Alexander and Lucien could rush to her they both are teleported away.
Now the screen splits into two, one side showing Alexander standing in front of numerous children a sword in hand as a voice orders him to behead them, while on the other side Lucien stands in front of numerous balls of light with the same amount of brightness and he's told to pick the brightest.
"How In the world I'm I supposed to pick the brightest, it's like giving me office pins and telling me to pick the pinniest office pin" Lucien grumbles, face palming as he carefully inspects all the balls of light, meanwhile Alexander walks to the first child, a little girl who looks no older than three, with big brown eyes "pls don't kill me" she pleads, the sword that Alexander placed near her neck trembles he looks at the other children who all begin to chant "please don't kill us" like a mantra, Alexander throws his sword away and sits on the ground, tears streaming down his face as he stares at the children who are crying and trying to crawl towards him, but their chains hold them back, suddenly one of the kids twists his head and kills himself, slowly the others start killing themselves in the most gruesome ways possible "no stop, please stop" Alexander screams, one of the the children gauges her eyes out and eats it, a gruesome smile playing on her lips "kill us" they begin to chant, then the chains holding them back disappear, they begin to crawl towards him, even the supposedly dead ones begin to crawl towards him.
Alexander becomes very scared and did the only thing he knew how to do when he's in trouble "Lucien" he yells, calling for his twin, backing into a corner and falling on his butt, tears streaming down his face. The moment he fell a flash of light flashes in front of him, Lucien looks at his younger brother worriedly and glares at the creatures that dared make his brother cry, he stretches his hand towards the sword, the sword flies into his hand, Lucien walks to the crawling kids and beheads them one after another. Slowly a psychopathic smile plays on his lips, he brings the sword down on the last childs neck, a bit of blood splashes on his face he takes a finger and touches the blood then he brings it to his lips and tastes it "sweet" he chuckles darkly and turns around to see his brother looking at him as if he's looking at a monster, his smile drops, he drops the sword and rushes towards his brother "stay away" Alexander screams looking at his bloody brother "wait Alex..." Before Lucien can finish his sentence they are teleported back to the garden, Fate stares at them expressionlessly her eyes glowing "Lucien the god of darkness, and Alexander the god of Light" she says before she faints again, her brothers rush to her,The screen turned dark.

A few seconds later it comes back to life, it shows a grown Lucien, Alexander, Fate and a golden haired man "there has to be a way to filter their prayers or something my head is killing me, because of their prayers" the golden haired man complains placing a palm on his head "yeah imagine how we origin gods feel" Alexander grumbles massaging his head "Lucien do something" Fate whines placing her head on the table, Lucien sighs, even after all these years he still had to look out for his siblings and now his brother in law to "how about all four of us join our powers together and create an ultimate law to help govern all our creatures" Lucien suggested, "yes" they agreed without thinking, they couldn't wait to get rid of the pain. The screen turns black and this time when it brightens the screen is split into two on the right side Alexander is sitting on a golden throne the golden haired man standing besides him and below the throne platform billions of Sainteens can be seen bowing, on the left side of the screen Lucien is sitting on a pitch black throne his legs crossed and an apathetic look on his face, Fate standing expressionlessly besides him and below the throne platform billions of demons bow.
Alexander and Lucien removed their palms from the plank of wood "before you both ask your questions" Alexander claps, out of nowhere snow gathers in the form of a couch then it disperses leaving behind a golden couch, and all that happened in a split second. King Alexander and Lucien sit down on the couch and face us, "you can now start your questioning" Lucien stated "you guys are the origin gods" Angela states rather than asks "yes" king Alexander answered "with our younger sister Fate" he added 'thats why that origin member said fate herself, because she's female' Azalea mused "and you two are brothers" I continued, they both nodded "twins" Alexander says "wow" I said still trying to process the amount of information being thrown at me "and you guys don't hate each other" I ask, they both nod "and how long where you planning to keep this a secret" Angela asks, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow provocatively at Alexander, who chuckled sheepishly "till after the war, snowflake" he says, Angela just sighs "wait if you created the Alpha law it means you created the punishment spell why" I ask, they both visibly tensed at the question "we didn't create the mate bond or the punishment spell, they where both mistakes, even the unnecessary hate between demons and Sainteens is a mistake that Alexander made, he did the wrong spell at the wrong time and here we are. We tried to correct them but, it wasn't possible we had to destroy the entire alpha law, and that takes all four of us using our powers at max level to cast a spell only known to the four of us, of course one of us can still break it but that god will die. But the hate can be solved by forcefully opening portals and getting both divine species to interact with each other luke we just did" Lucien began "and for the first two we decided to leave them as it is" Alexander finishes "wow" we both whisper at the same time "wait that means we are sisters in-law" I exclaim "and that makes Alexander my brother in law and Lucien yours" I exclaim, Angela looks at me, eyes wide and also squeals "wait, that means you created the alternate universe you sent me to" I ask "yes" Lucien whispers guilty and i kiss his cheek to let him know i don't hold it against him, Alexander and Angela exchange a knowing look. "How about those prayer thing you both where talking about, how come I and Anita never receive them" Angela changes the subject "well, because we only announced you two as goddesses to our priests on earth not to long ago, I estimate that in a month's time, you both will start receiving your filtered prayers, but of course if you want to hear all of them. I advice you both not to, you can just order the alpha law to stop filtering them, and when you want it filtered again, just tell the law" Lucien explains, I and Angela nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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