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he watched his wife slowly drift off to sleep, after confirming that she had indeed fallen asleep Lucien gently laid her on the bed, flicked his fingers and appeared in the throne room, he sat on his throne and gazed coldly at the people kneeling below the throne's platform "we failed to protect her majesty we'll accept any punishment the lord bestows on us" Lazera and Izabeth said in union. besides Lucien, Azareth and Rohan had conflicted expressions 'you can't tell them they are your mates yet' Lucien mind transferred to the both of them "yes my lord"
Azareth replied
'you guys still have to wait two years, so they can also feel the mate bond' Lucien added coldly before setting his eyes back on the two kneeling girls below him
"you'll be forgiven if you wipe out the Inatra's dukedom before dawn" Lucien said coldly
"yes my lord" they replied and then disappeared "go protect them"
"thank you my Lord" Azareth and Rohan replied and disappeared, Lucien then stood up and walked to the war room, he opened the door and entered, there was already someone seated on a chair with his legs crossed "you came quickly younger brother" Lucien teased "don't call me that" Alexander, the lord of the Sainteens  grimaced "and anyways we are twins" he added "you're so cute you know that, I'm older by two seconds" Lucien smiled dotingly and sat on the chair next to Alexander "petty, by the way how is sister-in-law"
"sleeping" Lucien deadpanned and Alexander laughed his blue eyes crinkling in amusement "I like sister-in-law" Alexander said with a smile "your wife is also good to" Lucien said and patted Alexander's head "I'm not a baby anymore" Alexander shooed Lucien's hand away and pouted "how much longer do we have to act like we hate each other" Alexander asked out of nowhere "when we are done with the origin Alex, be patient" Lucien replied "but I'm tired of pretending to hate you" Alexander whined "patience you baby" Lucien flicked Alex's forehead gently "so now, down to business, did they manage to get Angela's blood too" Lucien asked Alex, Alex's demeanor immediately became cold "I couldn't protect her and they did, I'm a failure of a mate" Alex glared at the table in front  of them so much that the table froze and broke into pieces, Lucien waved his hand and the table pieces joined together and became a normal table again "you're a god Alex, stop losing control" Lucien reprimanded "and I also couldn't protect Anita, so we are both failures" Lucien said in an attempt to cheer Alex up and fortunately it worked "so according to what Anita told me, I think the origin finally wants to make their move" Lucien said "really, after two thousand years why now" Alexander mused "because now they have a guaranteed way to kill us" Lucien replied "finally, and we can also stop this our hate each other charade" Alexander said happily, suddenly there's a gust of wind in the room, signalling that someone just teleported here "you're late younger sister" they both said in union, a lady that looked about twenty years old walked and sat on the chair beside Lucien, half her hair is snow white and the other half is raven black, red eyes and beautiful white and black wings "well I'm sorry for coming ten minutes after receiving your message, it's not like i have important things to do, you know like running the threads of fate or anything" she said sarcastically "apology accepted" Alexander said cheekily and the lady just sighed "I'm sure you already know what happened and what we talked about and probably what we are about to talk about" Lucien started "yes I do" the lady replied "but that doesn't mean we are not still going to talk about it" Alexander smiled and Lucien just chuckled at his younger brother's antics "we have to deal with the origin soon or else they will be dire consequences" the lady says "tell us something we don't know fate" Alexander mocked "Lucien" fate cried in attempt to tell on this annoying second brother of hers "both of you should stop being silly" Lucien said rubbing his throbbing forehead "fate when is the war between we and origin happening"Lucien asked
"ten Years from now, but now I've told you I'm not sure again" Fate replied "anything else" Alexander asked "you know I can't say too much or interfere with these kind of matters, you guys should know best why" Fate replied "by the way were is your husband I clearly told you to drag him over" Lucien asked "ooh brother in-law is coming" Alexander asked "he's coming" immediately after fate said those words a man with golden hair, golden eyes dressed in a golden robe with a pair of golden wings folded behind him appeared "sorry I'm late" the man said as he took a seat next to his wife "destiny do you mind. stop glowing so much" Alexander complained, destiny laughed and reduced the glow "finally" Alexander huffed "who told them that seating on you guys throne would let them control my wife" destiny said wrapping his arm protectively around Fate's waist "but you know its not true" Alexander reminded "but they don't, I'm very worried about my sisters in law" destiny said "how about us we are the ones going to be killed" Alexander whined "yeah we know, how will my beautiful sisters-in-law cope" Fate added while placing a hand on her head dramatically "I called the three of you here for serious business, behave yourselves" Lucien said and then gave them a threatening smile "in the next three or four years, Nirtana and Azkalor are going to reconcile then we'll attack them before they are ready" Lucien said "I don't get it why don't we just snap our fingers and kill them, I mean we made them" Alexander grumbled silently, Lucien knocked him gently on his head "try doing that and I'll kill you" Lucien said "though we were omnipotent we aren't any longer, remember we created the Alpha laws to keep the world's balance, if you do that you'll not only destroy it and then we will have to start creating everything from the beginning you'll also kill yourself" Lucien said seriously, glaring at his younger brother so he won't ever try something so stupid "you're not allowed to kill yourself Alex" Fate added "yeah, to bad we can't see the future of other gods we'd check and make sure you didn't do something that foolish in the future" destiny added "whatever" Alex rolled his eyes and pouted "you're just to cute second brother" Fate said and pulled His cheeks "ow, Lucien" Alex gave Lucien an aggrieved look. Lucien just sighed "I guess that'll be it" Lucien watched all of them disappear and when they were all gone he headed back to his room and got into bed with his wife.

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