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I sighed and picked up the glass cup that she had just filled with vodka. I need to watch how much I drink since it only takes two cups to make me a drunken mess "Anita were have you been all this time, I went to your house but your parents told me that you had ran away" Layla asked curiously "since you know I ran away why were you asking whether my father Bought me a new car" I raised an eyebrow at her suspiciously, she raised her hands up in defeat "but I guess it won't hurt to tell you" I told her about my forced marriage to Lexus and this time omitted out the part that he's Lucien the demon king and that I was a demon and all the other stuff "my gosh so cool, next time I'm definitely coming to your house for our next catching up session" I laughed at her cuteness. I started feeling drowsy and groggy after just one cup. "I don't think I should have another cup" I said trying to carefully reject her "no way, we are getting wasted this morning" she laughed, I sighed and collected the cup from her 'don't drink it' Azalea sounded drunk 'why'
'because I have a feeling its drugged'
'don't be silly Layla would ever drug me, we're childhood buddies' I said trying to dispell
Azalea's worries 'but I'm worried, what if we trigger the punishment spell
'what's that' "Anita why do you look dazed" Layla asked worried."no, I'm fine" 'why would Azalea accuse such a nice and pure soul.' 'of course I'll accuse her, this drink is drugged I just know it. if the punishment spell activates it's your fault' Azalea is definitely annoyed
'what is this punishment spell that you keep on mentioning'
'well, when the female mate knowingly puts herself in danger, the mate bond activates some sort of mechanism that alerts her mate and so when he saves her the mate bond activates the punishment spell, so them mate must punish her because at that moment he is no longer in control of his thoughts' Azalea answered.
'that must have been why Lucien had hurt me that first time'
I dropped the cup and smiled apologetically at Layla. I had already been here for four hours so it's now two in the afternoon, "the guards will probably be worried about me I told them I would be back by one and it's already two sixteen" I stood up and picked up my hand bag, turned around and was about to leave "you must have caught on" Layla said sadly, I turned around and to my horror saw Layla changing to some creature. two milk-ish brown wings grew from her back a black halo floating crookedly on top of her head and her left side was white while the other was black. 'oh no it's a fallen Sainteen .'
'A fallen what!!'
"I just wanted to have a normal catching up session with my best buddy, but when I hugged you I smelt it, the smell of Azkalor.
You're a demon aren't you, but
why I'm I only smelling that smell today. I guess only you can answer. But then I put two and two together and thought, you must have just awakened recently. so you must be weak." she says smiling like a lunatic she starts circling around me slowly. and I just couldn't believe this is my childhood friend "I love demons they taste the best" she said, she lunged at me, I narrowly escaped by jumping to the right, she starts trying to claw my face with her nails 'don't let her touch you, her nails are poisonous, also you have to run because you have no training whatsoever in fighting' Azalea advised.
I felt so angry, betrayed and frustrated right now, suddenly the entire house caught fire "my oh my you must be a high class demon to set an entire house on fire when you've just awakened" Layla sounded like a deranged lunatic, I ran towards the exit but it was burned down 'walk through it you dumb dumb, you're a demon' I ran through the fire and got into my car since my clothes aren't fire proof they're half burnt and nearly all my skin was showing. What shocked me even more was that nobody seemed to notice the burning house. I started the car and drove of towards the gate, I decided to check my side mirror and saw Layla wasn't following me and I let out a long sigh of relief " that was close"
'yeah, really close' Azalea sounded scared
'so did the spell activate'
'no for some reason it didn't and thank Lord'
'you said it only activated when the female knowingly puts herself in danger, well I did not knowingly put myself in danger'
'yeah you're right , but we will still be scolded by Lexus' Azalea giggled 'why are you laughing' I asked 'because you will receive, must of the scolding' and I was stunned speechless.
When we reached the house. I made sure my tinted glass window was all the way up "welcome home " the guards saluted I drove into the compound quickly and parked the car in the underground garage, I drop the car key on the wall and was about to take the staircase that directly led to our room "I can't trust you to not get into trouble for just four hours" I heard his voice behind me, I turned around to look at him and gave him a sheepish smile "would you believe me if I said this is a new fashion trend" I said, he didn't look happy with my appearance he took my hand and led me to our room and I just let him, I was already in a lot of trouble. we entered the room he made me sit on the bed and knelt in front of me, he placed his palm on any burnt mark on my skin and it healed not even leaving behind a scar, even though I was demon I was still in human form that is why I got some burn marks, but they would heal quickly when I turned demon. I was worried because Lucien hadn't said anything since we stepped into the room. "Lexus" I called his human name, since he's in human form, he finished healing all the burnt marks and stood up he looked angry but I felt the anger wasn't directed at me in fact I think it was directed at himself. he sat besides me and stroked my hair lovingly, and I started feeling bad "what happened" he asked softly, I narrated what happened to him and he looked alarmed "give me your phone" he ordered, I was confused by the sudden order, I gave him the phone his eyes glowed red as he scrolled through my contacts and he started blocking some numbers later he brought out his own phone and did some tinkering. He gave me back my phone and said "your phone is now connected to mine all your calls text and other stuff will be seen by me to, and you're not allowed to leave the house alone till you've mastered your powers so till then I will have two guards from the palace serve as your personal bodyguard"
"no way" I said, what kind of restriction of freedom is this. he sighed "you have no say in this Anita". this was one of those rare moments were he called me by my name and I knew not to push the devil's buttons."it's for your own safety" he said softly
"I know" I whispered, as much as I did not want to acknowledge it, it really is for my own good. Lucien stood up and looked at me, I had to raise my head to see his face he leaned close to my face and said "don't make me worry so much sweetheart" he stood straight and left I looked at the empty room still stunned 'where's my kiss' i grumble in audibly, I glanced at the phone and realized it was already three.

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