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I opened my eyes a few minutes later and found myself standing alone on our room's balcony
"why did you put yourself in danger knowingly, sweetheart" I shivered and turned around to
look at Lucien "I didn't do it on purpose" I whispered "I want to hurt you so badly, choose my sweet how should you be punished" his eyes glowed red, a dangerous red 'he's not in his senses, the punishment spell is controlling him and it won't disappear until we are punished' Azalea sounded scared and her voice also made my fear worse.
I stepped back, it's been sometime since I last stepped away from him "Lucien..." I whispered
"call my name Anita" hearing him saymy name sent shivers down my spine, the good and bad one, gosh I'm shameless.
"Lucien" I still whispered
"call my name Anita" he repeated but he sounded so domineering "Lucien" I called, he smirked and disappeared "you called Darling" I heard his voice behind me, I was so scared I couldn't move, he hugged me from behind "how should I punish you" he asked his voice so alluring, but I couldn't fall for it, I mean he Is called the master of deception for a reason. "I am the master of deception" fuck, he was reading my mind. I sensed around in my head and realized that my wall has collapsed, but I didn't have enough energy to build it back "Lexus..." I felt, no i knew if I called his name something bad was going to happen.
"call my name" he ordered coldly and i knew i could no longer avoid it.
"Lucien is there... no other way, do you... have to hurt me" my voice was breaking and i so wanted this to end. but what he did next scared me to bits, he chuckled and loosened the hug, and it wasn't just a normal chuckle, this chuckle meant that it was just the beginning of my misery. he flicked his finger and we appeared in a room that is dimly lit by four candles, there was only an iron slab in the room, it's probably a bed, I turned around to look at him " going..on" the fact that I was able to make a complete sentence shocked me "this is were you'll be  staying my sweet, till the spell breaks" he flicked his finger and I was in my human form, at least i know i'm on earth, but I seriously don't know how the information will help me.
"Lucien.." before I could even start my sentence he had disappeared. I looked around the room apart from that iron slab that was probably a bed, there was no windows or a door. 'we are doomed' Azalea cried 'what do you mean'
'you don't seem to get it, you are in human form, so you can only last without food and water for three days and because you're immortal, you will not die but you'll experience the pain of death and if Lucien keeps his words of not letting us go till the spell breaks then we might have gone mad by then' Azalea whispered. I felt so lightheaded that I had to sit on the slab 'wait I can make food appear right, why are you so worried'
'seriously, you just don't get it do you, have you sensed your powers they have been locked and its not just any lock, its the devil's lock no one can break it except Lucien, and he is also the only one capable of placing a devil's lock' my face paled at the revelation, it now dawned on me that I was actually doomed. I laid down on the extremely uncomfortable iron slab and tried my best to fall asleep, after few minutes I did fall asleep.
I woke up some hours later, I don't actually know the time right now since there's no windows in the room. and the room is now pitch black, I started shaking and my breath hitching, I have extreme nyctophobia, meaning I'm extremely afraid of the dark. I look around the room that's now pitch black, the candles that lit the room must have gone out, I fall down the slab shaking, I couldn't stand on my feet I crawled to a corner and cradled my head rocking myself forward and backwards, uncontrollable tears stream down my cheeks at first I start sobbing softly but after sometime i start wailing, the darkness was slowly getting to me and I felt my consciousness slipping through my fingers and finally I fainted this routine continued for sometime.
I woke up on the floor feeling weak and terrified struggled to Sit up, but was attacked by a bout of intense pain "ahh" I moaned in pain I scraped my nails on the wall, this must be the deathly pain that Azalea spoke of, which meant I had been here for more than three days. ever since the room became dark couldn't reach her, it's as if something or someone was blocking me from talking to her. I rolled on the floor, I screamed and held my head, I crawled towards the wall and scraped it with my nails I started weakly hitting the wall with my fists "Lucien I'm sorry, come back, please" it came out as a whisper but something inside me told me he could hear my pleas
back in the grand palace, Lucien sat on his throne passing down judgment on two demons who were found smuggling deranged demons into Azkalor "my lord, we beg you to spare us, we didn't know their were deranged demons in the crate, the man told us not to open the crate" the guy with green hair knelt on the floor and begged "my lord please spare us" the second man with orange hair knelt and cried. Lucien has been very irritable for the last five days, and that could be seen from the increased death rate in Azkalor. he stood up and walked towards the man with green hair. "Inkar stand up" his voice cold, so cold that the two men shivered "" Inkar stood up and looked at Lucien who is sporting a sadistic smile on his lips "die" and in the next second Lucien is standing behind Inkar with a bloody heart in his hand. Inkar fell to the ground dead with a huge hole in his chest area.
the orange haired man upon realizing he wouldn't leave here alive stood up and channelled all his demonic energy in an attack which he shot towards Lucien, a hint of mockery and disdain appeared in his eyes, he raised a finger and the attack disappeared "die" he whispered with that dauntingly handsome sadistic smile adorning his face. the man held his throat and choked himself to death. at that moment he heard Anita's pleas but he ignored it because as long as the punishment spell is activated if he looks at her he would be compelled to hurt her, to him this kind of punishment is better.
I knocked my hand on the wall, I could feel my self losing my mind, I know the spell is still activated because I could hear that eerie voice in my head whispering 'punishment'. I looked up at the wall the room is so dark, I'm sure my nyctophobia has gotten worse, I tore a piece of my cloth closed my eyes and blindfolded myself. what I can't see won't hurt me, I was slowly getting used to the unbearable pain. as I sat up another bout of pain hit me, guess I'm  not used to it. I laid down on the ground and groaned in pain I broke out in cold sweat "Lucien" I whispered before I lost consciousness, but before I fainted I heard the eerie voice say 'forgiven'. the spell had broken but I didn't have enough energy, I just fainted, again.
Lucien appeared in the room and flicked his finger the room immediately became bright. he looked at his mate sprawled on the floor he knelt by her and cradled her head he removed the blindfold and saw tear marks on her face, he stroked her hair, tears dropped on her forehead, at that moment he realised he was crying, he placed his hand on his cheek and felt it's wetness "why I'm I crying, I've never cried before" he whispered 'we both know why you are crying' Samael, his inner demon said. Lucien picked her up and in the next second they appeared in their room in Lexus manor. He placed his finger on her forehead "break the devil's lock" he said, she glows briefly and the her expression eased. 'I guess she's not in pain anymore' Lucien thought, by then he had stopped crying."I'm sorry" he said looking at her laying on the bed, lifeless, he stood up and disappeared.
It had been two days since Anita was brought out of the room, her personal maids, Lazera and Izabeth have been very worried about her for the past five days and the moment they see her she's in a coma to both of
them this is no laughing matter.

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