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Lucien glared at his mate that is pinned under him, suddenly her yes turned purple, angering her mates more.
"Azalea change back she is the one we want to talk to" they said their grip on their mate's hand tightening "please let go we'll explain" Azalea pleaded "you dare to make a demand" they snarled "change now"
I feel a searing headache the moment they finish saying those words.
'what happened' i ask Azalea 'they forcefully changed us, Anita did you really have to go cause trouble' Azalea says frantically.
I looked into the eyes of my mates "please... Le..t. go." I was trembling, the look in their eyes is something no one in existence should have to experience "talk" they ordered monotonously, I told them about the origin and everything else, in that extremely uncomfortable position, now his hand is pinning me so hard that i couldn't feel from my wrist to the tip of my fingers "please luci.."
"quiet" immediately those words left his lips, i couldn't open my mouth again, i started to cry silently i didn't want to cry infact i hated crying, cause it showed weakness but i guess my emotions are just doing there own thing 'Azalea what do we do'
'we?, Seriously I'm disappointed in you, your bad decision is causing us a lot of pain'
'lucien pls, I'm sorry' I told him telepathically. He let go of me and sat down on the bed, I let out a chocked sob 'at least he dropped the spell' Azalea grumbled.
I thought I had escaped but how wrong I was, the moment I sat up, i fell another bout of pain hit my head I looked at Lucien pleadingly and watched as he looked at me sadly, 'why so soon, Anita this is your fault' Azalea said before I screamed in pain, 'punishment' the eerie voice screeches in my head. Before i knew it i was on Lucien's lap "Lucien... I.. I.." he forced his lips on mine "why" I heard him whisper he sounds so broken and it in turn broke me "I don't want to punish you" he whispered looking into my eyes, and I could slowly see him losing his self control, and then he pushed me of him at that moment I knew he lost.
'what punishment will we be given this time' Azalea trembled "kneel" Lucien whispered monotonously, an invisible force, forced me of the bed and before i knew it i am I kneeling before him "how should you be punished Anita" I tremble, he leans in close to my face and smiled "should I...." He didn't finish his sentence but he knew I understood what he meant, I quickly shook my head and he chuckled amused at my reaction.
He snaps his fingers and we appeared hovering above a dark void "what's happening" I asked though it was barely above a whisper "when I let you fall in you'll know" he answered coldly, my heart dropped and the next second i was on a free fall "LUCIEN" I screamed, i fell and watched his hovering silhouette become smaller till i couldn't see him again.
'Azalea what's happening'
'oh, no, i didn't realize this at first but this is the void of nightmares' Azalea screamed
'what's that' I asked surprisingly calm for someone falling into a hole called the void of nightmares
'when we reach a certain position, we'll be attacked by all our worst nightmares' as soon as she finished saying those words, i felt a pull in my mind, then it was so bright i'm momentarily blind, i blinked rapidly so my eyes could adjust to the brightness.
The moment my eyes cleared i was met with the sight of Lucien kissing another lady 'what.. what's happening' i walked towards them and pushed them apart, "mom" i whispered looking at the woman "didn't i tell you not to come out of our chambers" Lucien asked coldly he pushed me away and brought the woman that's my mother figure close to him "Eliza my love don't mind her" he whispered lovingly to her "what" I whispered, my mind was not making sense of anything 'wasn't my mom dead, isn't Lucien not my mate. What's going on' i thought. I stood stiffly as i watched Lucien kissing her again.
Then everything goes dark and as soon as it turned dark it becomes bright again. "My lord pls, wake up you can't die" I looked around and notice I'm in our room in the grande palace, 'Lucien is bleeding to death, wait what?' i ran to the bed side and looked at my husband's pale face "what's going on' i asked the demon doctor besides me, "the origin attacked, Azkalor and Nirtana have fallen" "what" i whispered and just as the words left my lips, the roof of the grande palace was blown "we are under attack" everyone is running around i sat on the bedside and hugged the dying Lucien, and watched silently as everyone was being killed,my mind still trying to make sense of what exactly is happening, a few seconds later Azareth, Rohan, Izabeth and Lazera rushed in to protect me, i felt so grateful until an origin member stabbed Lazera "no" i screamed, and watched in tears as the other four fell, i couldn't leave Lucien i was going to protect him even if i died.
I got of the bed and faced of alone against the fifteen origin members in the room, I summoned my daggers and fought, a few minutes later only five where left but i was seriously injured and it hurt like hell "Lucien" I whispered, i looked at the dying Lucien sadly as i felt a sword pass through me "I'm sorry, i love you" i closed my eyes and fell.
I woke up in a forest 'what I'm i doing here' i ask Azalea 'i don't know' she answered and i thank god she's still with me, we hear a rustle in the bush, we turn to look at the area and see Lucien walking towards us a predatory smile in his lips "worthless creature, you thought you could outrun your death" he said, his smile growing wider "wait Lucien..." I scream, i don't know when or how, but he's now standing near me strangling me, tears slowly fall downy cheeks and before i lose consciousness i hear the voice in my head say 'forgiven'
The next time i opened my eyes I was in our room back in the grand palace, i sat up quickly and hugged my knees to my chest, looking around the room vigilantly waiting for the next nightmare, then I felt two muscular arms envelope me from behind "it's over the spell deactivated" Lucien whispered gently, i relaxed into his embrace and let the tears of relief fall down my cheeks.
We sat in silence "are you okay" Lucien decided to break the silence "i saw you kiss my mother" was my only reply, i fell him stiffen then relaxed "is that all" he whispers "you where dying, i couldn't help, i got killed, and in the last one you killed me" the moment I said the word 'killed' he released a terrifying aura "no one will ever hurt you, I will never hurt you in my right mind, that i promise and even when I'm not I'll still protect you from others" he whispers gently and turned me to face him, he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead "sleep" he whispered and for some reason i fell asleep.

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