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I was so scared now 'Lucien please don't hurt me' I thought, he before me, eyes glowing maroon-blood red "you must be taking me for granted" he whispered, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer to him, he smashed his lips on mine ruthlessly, I tried pushing him away but I wasn't strong enough, I hated that I was so weak and such a cry baby. when he finally broke the kiss, he looked into my eyes "you are going to be punished for your disobedience" he flicked his finger and we appeared in our room back in the  palace. Lucien pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me "Lucien please..." he smashed his lips on mine he tilted his head a little bit, to gain more access to my mouth, he broke the kiss and glared at me "don't beg me sweetheart, it will only make it worse" Lucien whispered coldly. I felt scared what if he did something to me, The first time I guess was somehow with my consent. "it's punishment I can do whatever I want to you" Lucien said "no you can't" I bluntly refused to agree to such a thing "then fight back" he chuckled darkly "please no...".He was rough and it hurt way more than the first time. A few hours later, I woke up to find myself back In our room in Lexus manor, back on earth. the room is quiet. I came down the bed with the intention to runaway but immediately my feet touched the floor I fell, it was as if all the energy in my legs were drained out. A lady with chin long black hair, brown eyes with little freckles entered the room."your majesty, I'm your teacher miss Elena. his majesty said to be strict with you, I'm sorry if it offends you" Elena said sarcastically, for some reason she seemed to hate me, and I don't even know her. "are you dumb or something can't you talk" she came close to me and grabbed me by the hair. Right now I had no energy so I couldn't retaliate. "weak, I can't believe such a pathetic creature is our queen" she was about to hit me when I whispered, well I didn't whisper Azalea whispered but through my lips "kneel" Elena fell on the floor and prostrated before me. "let...me..go" she seemed to have been forced into the position. I gathered enough energy to stand up and I looked down at her with pure disdain,"you are fired. wait that doesn't sound noble, let me try again, die" I and Azalea said union.
Elena's face squeezed and she
started pleading for her life "please my queen...help...stop" but I only looked at her lose her soul slowly. all of a sudden the rooms temperature dropped "Lucien" I said without turning around because I know he's the one "why are you killing your teacher" I heard his cold voice behind me. I turned around to face him my eyes glowing furiously, he sighed and walked closer to me, and this time I didn't move back. He raised his hand and placed it on my head "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to. please for..for.. forgive me" he whispered loud enough for the Elena that's suffering and fighting for her life to hear. She would have died sooner but I was still weak from what happened. "please let her live" he said "okay" I obliged, I wanted to tell him how wronged I felt but surprisingly I found myself forgiving him. Elena stood up and bowed to the both of us "my lord forgive my insolence, this slave deserves death a thousand times"
"apologize to your Queen not me" Lucien said coldly "please forgive my Insolence my queen" Elena said "leave" I ordered. I turned back to look at Lucien and I did something that shocked us both, placed my arms round his neck, pulled him down to my height and kissed him, he froze fir a bit before kissing me back. The kiss was slow and passionate it was different from the other kisses I had shared with him. when we finally separated from each other he rested his forehead on mine "I love you. please love me back" Lucien whispered. I didn't answer back because I wasn't sure of the answer.

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