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I wake up to the sound of hushed whispers "its been three days, I hope her majesty is alright" Lazera whispers "I'm sure she is, his majesty said that she would wake up when the time is right and besides his majesty would never hurt her majesty" although Izabeth sounds worried to, I
But she has no choice but to trust her lord 'Azalea' I called with my eyes still closed, I didn't want anyone to know I'm awake Just yet 'yes' she sounds a bit drowsy 'what happened to you back in the room'
'I don't know immediately the lights turned of, everything went dark, I think I lost consciousness, your silly fear of the darkness seems to have affected me more than you' she said, yawning at the end.
I opened my eyes slowly, the lights assaulting my eyes, I quickly close them, then I open my eyes again blinking a few times to get accustomed to the brightness
"your majesty" Lazera screams
"you're awake" and before I knew it my life is being squeezed out of my body "breathe..." I managed to wheeze out "oh, sorry your majesty" they quickly let go of me and bow "these lowly ones apologise for their misconduct, please punish us as you see fit" Izabeth said "wait I didn't say I was angry or anything" I chuckled at their stiff behaviour, wondering why and what happened to make them act this way. "so your majesty how do you feel" they ask, worried "fine just a bit famished"
"don't worry we'll go bring food for you" Lazera said and they both run out of the room. immediately they leave, the room's temperature drops, I turn to look at the door and se him standing there, he looked sad miserable, I think.
there's also a hint of regret. I didn't realise I had zoned out, until I felt a hand softly caressing my cheeks, I looked besides me and see Lucien sitting quietly besides me, for a moment we both said nothing and just stared into each others eyes.
"I'm sorry" he whispers, I said nothing and we continued staring at each other "it's
actually my fault, I knew what she suggested was dangerous but I still went ahead with it, I thought I could protect myself, I thought nothing could possibly go wrong" after saying that I looked down l couldn't continue looking into his eyes. I was afraid I would see disappointment and blame in his beautiful scarlet eyes.
she looked down feeling guilty for causing both of them so much pain, Lucien's heart broke seeing that, he used his index finger to gently tip her head upwards so that he could look into her eyes "its not your fault love" he leaned in close and gives her a chaste kiss. then there's a knock on the door "come In" he orders coldly. immediately Lazera and Izabeth entered and realized the presence of their lord, they curtsied "my Lord" then they pushed the food cart they brought along with them towards the bed "here is the food you ordered for your majesty" Lazera said, they were both shaking like cats that had been thrown into the rain.
Lazera and Izabeth where shaking like leaves, they didn't use to react this way even in Lucien's presence, I briefly glanced at him and realized he must have made a lot of peoples lives hell while I was still observing my punishment "leave" he ordered and they both fast walked out of the room. He picked up a plate and fork, and began feeding me.
it's so silent that I feel my appetite leaving me bit by bit, I sighed internally "I'm okay" I grumble, he dropped the plate and kept on staring at me with those gorgeous scarlet orbs. "talk or I'll throw you out of the room" I grumble annoyed at the fact I'm still hungry but lack appetite to eat.
it's normal in demon mateship for the wives to have more authority than the husbands, and that's why whenever they place themselves In danger they have to be punished to prevent them from repeating or putting themselves in danger, because when a male loses his female, they lose their minds, and it'll definitely be an earthshaking disaster if the demon king loses his.
"I'm sorry" he whispered looking down guilty, "you're forgiven"
he looked up at me so fast that i started worrying for his neck. he smiled brightly, and I was stunned "you look handsome when you smile, smile more" and we both were hit with a sense of nostalgia, I remembered this scene happening before, the time when I managed to unlock my inner demon but in that scene Lucien was the one that commented. "sweetheart, I'm going to be real right now" Lucien's tone becomes serious all of a sudden, I'm tempted to search the atmosphere to find out were our previous casual atmosphere had gone "I can't tell you confidently that I will never hurt you, because as you have already experienced I can" he looked a tad bit guilty and sad as he said that "but I can confidently say that as long as I'm In my right mind I'll never hurt you, and I'll protect you even when I'm not myself, Anita I promise to love you and only you for the rest of our immortal life, you'll be my first and last, I will cherish you and treat you like a queen, because my love, that's just what you are, not just to me but to all those demons out there. I love you Anita, I'll love you and only you" he said with such conviction you'll think an ancient emperor is passing on an imperial decree.
I'm speechless, I didn't even realize when tears had started falling down my cheeks, I realized at this moment that my lover's heartfelt confession was what I needed. After I had woken up I didn't realise that i had subconsciously started questioning our love, but the facts that we are mates made me want to stay with him even if it ends up killing me, though no such scenario had ever happened where a mate kills his or her mate.
so after realizing that, I also started doubting my feelings for him I thought I only loved him because of the mate bond, but after this confession I realise that I love this man, and it might have developed into a healthy obsession, if such a thing even exists.
"so please don't leave me" he whispered the last part, and looked away from me, I was surprised, not only at what he just said but also his action of looking away, has he lost confidence in me loving him back or the strength of my love for him, I stretched my hand to turn his head towards me 'I guess our mate also needs to hear our heartfelt confession' Azalea sounds like she's in cloud nine and honestly I am too.
When I turned his head what I saw not only shocked me but also broke my heart, Lucien looked at me with silent tears pouring out of his beautiful scarlet eyes, at first I didn't know what to do but then I start wiping his tears.
when I wipe more fall out of his bewitching blood coloured eyes "Lucien please stop crying" but he didn't say a thing "I love you so much that I doubt  feelings can scientifically be that strong but I guess science has nothing to do with this" I murmured but I don't know whether he heard it or not.
I look into his eyes and start
wiping his tears "you are my world, my one and only, I would never leave you not even in my wildest dreams, I will love you and only you, if we had met in another time line, without the mate bond I know my heart would have still beat for you and only you, so stop this wild fantasies of yours I am here and I'm here to stay" I whisper loud enough for him to hear, the tears finally stop.
Lucien pulled me by the waist and slowly starts kissing me, he places me on his laps, and slowly pulls away from the kiss "i love you" he said the words like they were a sacred promise, a declaration of my forever with him "i love..." Before I could finish my sentence he pulled me into a needy kiss, he slowly pushed me on the bed, he pulled away from the kiss and looked into my eyes, a mixture of lust and love danced in his scarlet orbs.
and for the rest, if you know you know, if you don't know for get about it.

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