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I tried wiping the tears that for some reason didn't stop falling "why I'm I crying"
'obviously because our mate Is hurting' I heard a voice in my head "what who are you" I whispered 'just think what you want to say, you don't have to speak out loud' the voice said 'okay who are you' I asked 'I am your second form, your inner demon but you can give me a name, you haven't named me yet' the voice said 'okay how about Azalea' I said' sure I love it' azalea obviously liked her new name,  'so why was I crying for no reason' I asked
'it's like I already said you hurt our mate'
'what!!, how can I hurt Lucien he doesn't have any feelings' I was shocked 'seriously, who doesn't have feelings' Azalea said 'well I'm not apologizing' I grumbled stubbornly 'I knew you wouldn't, I'm you remember'. I heard a knock on the door, I really didn't want to talk to anyone "come in" Izabeth and Lazera skipped In and bowed "my queen come let's go it's time for your tour around Azkalor" Lazera sounds excited "what tour" I ask confused, I don't remember planning any tour for myself. "the secret tour we are taking you on" Izabeth giggles at the end "aren't you afraid of getting in trouble for smuggling me out" I ask "no nobody will ever know" Lazera said, they sound like this isn't their first time doing something like this, so I'll trust them. "okay" I agreed, I was getting a little excited "but first let's change your clothes" Izabeth says. she flicks her fingers and my clothes change to normal demon commoner clothes, Lazera started reciting some weird words "alkem inde somten, enda ralkarytem, dogha chanasim tem" and then we appeared in a space that somehow reminded me of a market place there were many demons moving around stalls, some were even bargaining. all in all it looks like a normal market on earth. this is my first time stepping out of the palace. the sky is red, the sun looks like the normal sun back on earth, the clouds are pitch black but the ground looked the same with earth's "Lazera what is the temperature here in Azkalor" I asked "oh its hot enough to evaporate gold" she replied nonchalantly. I nearly fainted, how come I wasn't feeling any heat, in fact I felt like the temperature is normal room temperature.
probably because I'm now a demon. We walked around the market then Izabeth and Lazera took me around to different places, it turned out to be pretty fun, trying out new food and watching demon interaction, we were getting ready to teleport back when Izabeth said she had one more place to show me. We arrived in front of a huge gate "what is this place" "they are the fields of punishment, they are eight fields, this is the first and has the least punishment. the eighth has the most hellish punishments, and the fifth is known as the field of enjoyment since demons can't go to heaven, when they don't feel like reviving and are tired of living they move on to the field of enjoyment, though it means they can't reincarnate again" Izabeth answered
"normally only the bad humans get sent to the fields of punishment but sometimes demons are sent here, though such occurrences are extremely rare" Lazera added.
Lazera and Izabeth held their heads in their hands and started screaming "what's wrong" I yelled, I ran to them and laid them on the floor "mistress..." Lazera managed to say but she fainted. I was getting really scared, we are in front of the gate leading to the field of punishment, so there is no demon roaming around the area "run..." Izabeth said before she to fainted. 'Anita run our mate is coming for us and he is angry' Azalea cried, it seems like she's also in pain 'what about Izabeth and Lazera' I asked refusing to budge 'if you stay Lucien might kill them, you can only help them by running. Ahh' Azalea moaned in pain. I stood up and started running, and then I remembered when we met. he told me that wherever I was he would find me. tears started falling down my cheeks. 'why are you crying sweetheart' I hear his voice in my head, I stopped and looked around he is no where to be seen, and I was hopelessly lost. 'is it me or is this place to quiet' I asked Azalea but I got no response.

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