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'Azalea what is happening'
'Their souls have merged. Anita if you don't want to get punished I advice we run'
'But then the punishment spell
will never deactivate' despite saying that, I slowly walk towards the door "where are you going Anita" I heard my mates' cold voice behind me "I can...exx...plain" I cursed at myself for stuttering "I don't think your explaining will do a thing" and then I'm sitting on his lap, lord at moments like this I hate the fact that he has powers. I looked at the door in distress "now, now you will not leave here, until you tell me why you did what you did, darling" his cold deep voice drawled, making my shameless body body react "Lucien"
"My name is Samien, Anita love"
I wanted to start crying, what was this, I hated hearing him call my name, sure it's my name but he only ever uses it when angry, and this voice that's screaming punishment like a banshee in my head is NOT helping, also the fact that I'm pregnant. "I wanted to talk to Angela" I whispered
"And why didn't you ask"
"You wo...uld... hav...e said no" I trembled on his laps, he's releasing a very scary Aura, an aura that screams 'run'
"it's true, I would have said no, but it would have been for your OWN safety"
his voice sounds colder 'Anita run, he might kill us without knowing' Azalea says im paniv
"Hahaha Azalea, you're absolutely wrong, I'd never kill you, i promised to protect you even when I'm not sane, but what I'm about to do to you will hurt, very much" Lucien said
'Oh god he can hear us'. Azalea has probably peed her pants 'duh the wall is down idiot' 'now is not the time Anita'

"Run" he whispers near my ears, you don't have to tell me twice. I shoot up from his laps and make my way to the door, I'm about to turn the door handle when he grabbed my wrist and turns me around to face him, his eyes were now pitch black "to slow" 'Anita we are doomed' He smirked, At that moment It dawns on me that Azalea is right, my mate throws me on the bed and climbs on top of me "please... wait, please" I whimpered and struggled to move away from him "you have to be punished my love, you brought this upon yourself" he kissed me on my forehead softly and whispered "I'm sorry", I felt extremely bad because we both knew it wasn't his fault.
I wake up in the morning sore everywhere, I try to sit up it was to painful, yeah sure i love hard rough angry sex but god this man is rough, and the shameless punishment spell didn't even deactivate. I lay down staring at the ceiling, it took thirty minutes for my body to completely heal, since I couldn't conveniently snap my fingers anymore, I had to manually take my bath and dress up when I was done I walked out of our room, I didn't know where I was going but I knew he was calling me, and why I'm I answering his call, well I have no idea, maybe i want another angry sex session who knows, as long as i enjoy it and it get rids of the punishment spell.

normally when females are under the punishment spell, their primitive instinct is to stay away from their significant other, that's probably why i protest the sex even though i kinda want it, it's instinct talking.'Anita I thought he would kill us' Azalea whined 'I thought so to' I tremble slightly, i guess i Also protest cause I Know I'm in for a world of pleasure and a lot of pain.
I pass by numerous workers who of course bow or curtsy when I pass by, I eventually reach the throne room, whoever built this place did not put pregnant demons who can't use demonic energy to teleport into consideration.

i open the door 'are we crazy' I ask Azalea 'I do not know, probably' I can imagine Azalea shaking her head pitying our life, I mean this man
nearly killed us yesterday, granted he said he'd never but still we tethered near the edge and here we are waltzing into his presence.
I enter the room, and thank god his eyes are red again, I'm met by the sight of my friends kneeling in front of my expressionless husband, he has his long legs crossed and his head rested on his left palm that is positioned majestically on the arm rest of his black throne, and god is he gorgeous "your majesty we accept any punishment, we neglected her majesty's safety we deserve worse than death" Lazera said her head facing the ground. 'hold up, Wait, what did she just say, it's not their fault, we were the ones who went all alpha female on them' Azalea whispered, 'our mind wall is upright'
I walked up to were the four of them were kneeling and look up at my husband, he raises an eyebrow, 'probably wondering what kind if audacious demon is he mated to, who has the balls, well i don't have balls, so lungs i guess? To stand before him when the punishment spell is still activates' Azalea says and i try not to chuckle, "it was my fault" I announce, walking up the stairs that lead to his throne, I'm clearly asking for death, but there's no way I'm letting my friends get hurt. I stood in front of him "I used my authority as queen, please forgive them" I'm shaking by now, I'm probably the only one who noticed the immense demonic energy he released when I walked in, that he purposely directed at me.
I can't stand anymore the pressure he's releasing is to much, he pulls me to sit on his laps "you are forgiven, stand" they all stand up and bow, they raise their heads and look at me expressionlessly, and I know I deserve it 'I'm sorry' I tell them telepathically, they don't respond and walk out, now it's only me and Lucien left in the throne room "stand" he orders, it takes all the power I don't even know I have, to stand up, "kneel" and I fell to my knees by his feet, he looks down so that he can see my face, he places a finger below my chin and tilts my face upward. "How should you be punished my love" he asks coldly 'well this is better than yesterday, he didn't just do whatever came to his mind' Azalea sighs in relief "is that so, Azalea" Lucien chuckled darkly, and my eyes widened in fear, I didn't have to sense around in my head to know that the moment I knelt my wall fell. "I don't want to be punished" I whisper looking into his eyes, he smiled sadly "and I don't want to punish you" he whispers back. My vision slowly starts to blur, and i lose consciousness,
A few seconds later, I open my eyes and find myself in a huge extravagant looking room, not to extravagant compared to the room i and Lucien have in the palace, but this room looks very expensive, "where I'm i" I ask out loud to no one in particular, I slowly stand up from the couch and walk round the room, after staying in the room for a while I head towards the door to see where I am 'Azalea you there'
'yeah' and I sigh in relief 'do you have any idea where we are' I ask 'nope, and I don't think we are in Azkalor' I sigh I also thought that 'so what do we do now'
'let's leave this room first' I slowly and quietly exit the room, I walk down the empty hallway, adorned by portraits of men and women I've never seen in my life "my lady what are you doing here" I turn around to see a maid I've never seen in my life "what?" I ask in confusion "please follow me" she bows and walks ahead, I follow her as I'm still currently very confused, we passed by a mirror and I pause shocked, the person staring at me well...isn't me, for some reason I have strawberry blonde hair, instead of black, emerald green eyes, instead of red or blue since that's my eye colour in human form and my skin is pale white definitely different from my original caramel brown skin colour. "My lady is something the matter"
"Yes, can you please tell me who I am and where I am" I ask "what are you talking about my lady, you're lady Estanbera, the first daughter of his majesty King Ludwig, and we are in exparta, the kingdom of love and beauty" the maid bowed and answered "ooookayy, and where are we going" I asked "to the hanging field, my lady you've been sentenced to death" she answers calmly 'the hell... What did this lady Estanbera do' Azalea grumbles "and why I'm I being sentenced to death" I ask calmly, a little to calm for someone just told she's about to be killed, the maid looks at me weirdly "you refused your arranged marriage to the prince of sparten the kingdom of war and so the king of sparten said either you die or marry his son by force, and you chose death my lady" the maid said 'i see so Estanbera is crazy' Azalea mused 'lets run right' she adds
'obviously' and I dash past the maid, who is stunned for a few seconds before chasing after me and screaming for guards to come and catch the runaway princess. I don't know how I did it but I somehow made it out of the huge building and is met by at least ten guards "please stand down your Highness" 'hehe, we aren't stupid' Azalea sneered.
I get into a fighting stance which shocks the guards a bit "capture her Highness" the guard who I assume is the head guard orders, and that's how I ended up fighting ten guards and whenever I get hit or scratched by a weapon it hurt trice what it's supposed to hurt, so the fact I beat them and keep on running is a great feat if not a miracle, by now we are very far from the castle and in a village 'that was close' Azalea sighs 'lets find somewhere to hide, cause I'm pretty sure these villagers can sell us out' I say and head out of the village into the forest bordering it, a few hours of walking and I was exhausted 'we aren't supposed to get exhausted so easily' I thought 'yeah but we're pregnant remember and this isn't even our original body' Azalea explained 'do you think this is Lucien's punishment'
'obviously, don't be so dense i get second hand embarrassment sometimes'
'Oh shut up, wait you said pregnant, is this body also holding our baby'
'yes, and thank god it's a demon child, well not any demon child but the demon child of the demon king and great demoness' Azalea sighs in relief
'what do we do now, should we go back and accept the marriage' I asked 'yes, that sounds like a good idea' Azalea says, what we failed to put into consideration is that Lucien would never make it that easy 'but we are lost' I point out the obvious.
"Quickly, the villagers said they saw her highness heading here" a voice shouted not to far away from them 'well we are no longer lost' Azalea chuckles
"Over here" I scream, and they gathered round me, brandishing their weapons, I raised my hands up in defeat, a guard walks up to me and ties both my hands behind my back and then places me on a horse.
A few hours later we arrived at an empty field with something that looks like a very tall and big swing set frame and instead of having swings attached to it, it has many ropes dangling from it, surrounding the field are numerous people spectating the possible hanging of their princess and on a raised platform six thrones stand proudly, two had the same height, the king of sparten and king Ludwig sat on those thrones by king Ludwig right side a throne not as big as his stood proudly, Anita guessed it's Estanbera's mother and by her right three thrones of the same height stand, A boy who has a striking resemblance to Estanbera and two girls who look exactly like each other probably twins, but have a resemblance to the king, while Estanbera and the boy looked like the queen, then besides the king of sparten sit a handsome young man sporting an indifferent look. 'i think that's the prince we refused to Marry' Azalea states the obvious again, "hang her" the king of sparten ordered "wait, what, you said you'd give her one more chance" king Ludwig looked at the other king in desperation, the king of sparten scoffed "I changed my mind my kingdom can't have her as a crown princess, she refused to marry my son and chose death thrice, i think asking her thrice was benevolent enough now either you hang her or our kingdoms will be at war" the king of sparten threatened loudly all the citizens of Exparta present visibly shrank back in fear, king Ludwig sighed and gave his signal to the guards to hang me 'the hell, this isn't how it's supposed to happen, the maid didn't tell us the moron refused thrice we'd have never agreed to come back' Azalea panicked 'yeah no shit Sherlock' I answer sarcastically.
I break free from the guards hold and I'm about to make a break for it, when an abnormally strong hand caught hold of me, and there the crown prince of sparten stood holding my wrist with an ironclad grip 'god why is this guy so handsome' Azalea whined, then both of us saw the prince of sparten do something that scared the day lights out of us, he smirked and whispered in my ear "how unfaithful of you to think another man handsome Azalea" "Lucien" I whisper before I was dragged back by the guards to the hanger, as I've decided to call it that.
I stood on the stage as the nuzzle is fixed round my neck, I look at the prince whose eyes are now red and staring intently at me 'i think Lucien just possessed his body' Azalea said 'do you mind stop stating the obvious'
'i hate you'
'love you to Az'
"Hang her" king Ludwig ordered his voice trembling a bit, the guards then pull the rope up, an intense amount of pain erupts from my head down, followed by suffocation, I claw at the rope trying to get it of my neck, my brain is only telling me one thing 'I need air' before the darkness completely envelopes me, I hear the screaming banshee in my head say 'forgiven' then I died or is it fainted, Well whatever Lucien said he'll never kill me so it's probably fainted.
I shoot up on the bed and look around, I suddenly feel like I'm being chocked, my eyes sting as I start taking huge gulps of air. I know I'm having a panic attack "calm down love" I hear a soothing voice whisper, "deep breaths love, you're safe I promise I won't let anything hurt you" Lucien whispers slowly I calm down and lean closer to him, Burying my face in his chest "I died" I choke out a sob "no you didn't love, you didn't die" He whispers soothingly his voice cracking a bit as he mentions the word 'die' "i'm sorry" He whispers, i slowly start calming down, after making sure i'm no longer crying i turn to look at Lucien, he doesn't meet my gaze, probably afraid of something, I turn his head to face me and look into his beautiful crimson pupils "I love you" I whisper, he pulled me into a hug "I'm sorry, so so very sorry, I never ever want to hurt you like that again, i love you so much i love you with everything i am, and will ever be" he whispers gently and slowly I fall asleep, safe in his arms.

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