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I refused to eat lunch, dinner or even leave the room, even with Susanna begging and apologizing on behalf of my stupid family on the other side of the door.
The next day, I woke up to find my door opened. dad and Susanna standing by my bed side "get out of my room father" I whispered, to hungry to yell at him. "come downstairs in thirty minutes, dress up as beautifully as you can, he is almost here" my dad said, turned around and left. immediately he shut the door, I started crying 'I hate you daddy' I thought as I got ready. I wanted to go down stairs dressed like a slob, but Susanna advised me against it. even though I didn't wear my best dresses I still looked decent. I wore a beige off shoulder knee length dress, I applied some light makeup and I had to agree I looked stunning "you look gorgeous, my lady" Ann said and she looked genuine. well she isn't lying, yeah I know I'm being a little narcissistic.
I came down stairs, didn't greet  anyone, sat down at the table and began eating without waiting for pappap to start first, which we regard as the greatest form of disrespect in my stupid family. But to my surprise no one reprimanded me. pappap even looked a little apologetic when he saw my actions "masters Mr Lexus has arrived" the head maid rushed in and announced. my family started acting like they were slaves who have just been told that their master had arrived. When they finally finished their halobalu , we went to the parlour. And I was so fucking shocked when I saw who was sitting on the chair with his legs crossed. it was Lucien. You would expect me to know that Mr Lexus is Lucien, since he's a famous business tycoon, but I hate the business world, one would wonder how I was supposed to inherit my father's company.
I remember that he killed my best friends, and so i glared at him. he looked at me and smiled, a warning smile, and I trembled. I sat down quietly besides my father, watching as Lucien signed the papers, and my father handed the papers for me to sign, to sign my fate to a demon. I wanted to scream, I wanted to refuse the marriage but I subconsciously signed the papers. Lucien stood up took three steps forward,stopped and turned around "aren't you coming" he said "what she can't just leave immediately" pappap said hurriedly, I finally had an opportunity to spite these wicked people, I stood up and followed him "Anita stop right there" my father ordered. I turned around I don't know whether it was the heat of the moment or just plain anger, but it just came out of my mouth "don't you guys ever try to reach me, you're marrying me to him because of his money, well I cut all ties with you, I revoke the surname Maxwell, you can remove my name from the inheritance list. get the money now" I taunted, I turned around and walked out of the house leaving them all dumbfounded "Mr Lexus she...." "don't talk to me stranger I've got follow my wife".
In the car, I and Lucien are in the backseat. seating so close to the devil is giving me goosebumps. I hear him chuckle but I ignored 'stop reading my mind' I thought 'no way it's to fun' I heard his voice in my mind I turned to look at him shocked, but I didn't talk, he still scared me, I mean he killed my cousins. remembering that I glared at him "stop giving me that look sweetheart, it makes me want you more"I blushed and turned my head around 'shameless'. and he burst out laughing.
we arrived in front of a massive mansion. And it's stunning, even though I come from a rich family, we  are considered a second rate aristocrat family while this man beside me is among the richest men on earth. remember I mentioned earlier that they were two.

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