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"don't worry I will surely make you give yourself to me willingly" he said and then disappeared. 'Azalea how did I do that' I was asking her how we used a word to nearly kill a person 'well, unlike other demons who need to use spells or recite incantations to Chanel their powers we and Lucien merely just have to speak' she explained patiently 'hey since you know so much about demons and the demon realm, why don't you teach me' I asked 'sure why not. But first we need to visit the library in the
grand palace'
'wait I don't even know how to go back to Azkalor let alone it's library' I complained as I sat on the edge of the bed. 'so, its not that hard just say what you want. didn't I explain this already' Azalea said annoyed 'alright alright calm down. But should I inform Lucien first'
'yes you definitely should' Azalea answered 'wait how do I find, or even call him' I asked the must important question at the moment 'I don't know, how about we try calling his name' Azalea suggested "Lucien" I called 'yes sweetheart' I heard his voice in my head "you...were are you right now" I asked 'why do you want to know, do you miss me' he replied 'nah I just wanna tell you I'm going to Azkalor' I said in my head, since that's where his voice seems to be coming from 'okay my sweet, just don't get into any trouble. And if you do call me don't let me find out myself' I heard his voice fade away. The last part confused me so I decided to ask Azalea 'the reason he told you not to let him find out by himself is because of the punishment spell.' 'what's a punishment spell' I asked, I was even more confused now. 'go to the library in the grand palace first'
"Azkalor, grand palace's library" I whispered and in seconds I appeared in the library of the grand palace.'okay, so go to section four A, shelf sixteen' Azalea instructed. I navigated through the various shelves in the library and found the shelf I was looking for 'now what'  I asked confused 'I want you to study all the books on this shelf' 'what, there are up to eight books here and they look like they each contain five hundred pages' I  said in horror, I hate
reading 'well you've got no choice.and I advice you start now'. And that's how I started reading a book called the mystery's of Azkalor, for the next hour. every once in a while I asked Azalea what I didn't understand' Azalea the book says that Azkalor is endless is that true' I heard Azalea sigh before she answered 'yes' and that's how I continued reading that particular book till the end of the day 'I think we should call it a day, let's head back to earth' Azalea suggested 'yes, finally, I thought you would ever say that' I was about to drop the book 'no, no the book is coming with us you still have a hundred pages to read' Azalea said. I rolled my eyes and teleported back to earth with the book.

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