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I woke up to the sound of my step mom screaming at the top of her lungs, telling the maids to get the guest rooms ready and other stuff. And I can't believe she's on the ground floor, since I heard it so clearly you would think she was standing right next to me. ''aish can't this witch be a bit quiet'' I groaned "mm...young miss I don't think you should call your mother a witch" Susanna, my personal maid said "gyahh" I screamed whilst holding my chest "ann you nearly gave me a heart attack" I yelled "calm down
miss, your bath water is ready, and your clothes are ready for you in your walk in closet" she said bowed and walked out of the room 'aish this girl, how many times do I have to tell her to treat me like a friend' I sighed, I hated master—slave relationships. I hopped of the bed and got ready for a hectic day.
down stairs I meet step mom and dad having breakfast while the maids are running around trying to get some last minute stuff ready "good morning daddy" I greet and sit down for breakfast, I hear my father fake cough but I just ignore it "sweety you didn't greet your step mom" he sighs "good Moro mother" I say in a sarcastic British accent.
my father sighs again and continues eating.
A few minutes later the head maid runs into the dining hall "masters, the senior masters and the others have arrived" no sooner had she finished reporting than we ran towards the welcome parlour "mother, father it's so nice to see you again" dad said as he gave his dad a handshake and his mom's hug "good morning mom, dad" step mom said "Nana, pappap" I squealed and hugged them tightly we greeted the uncles, aunts and cousins. we went upstairs to the second floor parlour since the second floor had all the guest rooms. Mina and harry my two favourite cousins followed me to my room to catch-up.
I told them about my encounter with a demon, but they laughed it of saying that it was one of my crazy stories.
Since I was young, I've been having some weird dreams and crazy phenomenons have been happening, that usually centers around me. like that time when we were at the park with aunt Nina and uncle Stephan, harry and Mina's parents. A snake somehow got into the park and the thing is, the snake was a python. While everyone was running away from the snake, scared for their life, I on the other hand was strangely attracted to it, I walked towards it till there was just a foot between me and the snake, it bowed it's head and said "my Queen, my lord says he will soon come for you. He says you should wait for him" then the snake slithered away. this happened when I was six so that's like fourteen years ago. when we got home that day I told my mom and dad about it -my Mom was still alive- and they thought I was just traumatized, and that got me a one month ticket to our family psycologist. "but I'm not lying, I swear a demon called Lucien really asked me to marry him" I said, I was so exasperated that they wouldn't believe me."yeah right we believe you" harry said sarcastically. then a maid called us for lunch, as we're going down the stairs harry and Mina held their chest, their faces squeezed showing that they were in acute pain, then they both fell down the stairs. there were some maids around so they started rushing around calling an ambulance and the whole family gathered around their bodies. which were already ice cold before the ambulance arrived. I sat down on a couch in the parlour, devastated and speechless. Then I heard a voice whisper near my ear "the Lord warned you, my lady". I remembered that Lucien had told me not to mention our encounter to anyone, it now dawned on me that they both died because of me. and I became so scared of interacting with my family members. after two days -the burial had already happened a day before- uncle Leonard said that the wealthiest man in the world had come to ask for my hand in marriage. At first we were stunned and very confused, as they are two wealthiest men in the world, but he explained that it was the CEO of D&A group and that just made us even more shocked, as the man is known to not like to interact with people, let alone ask for anyone's hand in mariage.
so my pappap called for an emergency family meeting.
"I'm sure everyone knows why we are here. CEO Lexus has just asked for Anita's hand in marriage. so I want everyone to
know that I approve" pappap said displaying an aura of authority that I had never seen him display before. What shocked me even more was that someone as important as CEO Lexus has asked for my hand in marriage and my dad didn't tell me, or at least he should have given me a heads up before the meeting. I knew it was something important, but I didn't think it was this big. No wonder all the family gathered for a 'get together' note the sarcasm. "I object, I'm so sorry Pappap but I want to marry for love and nothing else" I said to the surprise of everyone sitting down here. no one had ever disagreed with pappap before. "you haven't seen him before I'm sure you will like him" pappap said trying to coax me into agreeing "I'm sorry, but no" when I said that, its seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back because uncle Leonard stood up walked up to me and slapped me. the whole room was shocked, I looked at him with malice and anger.
I hated this uncle of mine, he has always been hell-bent on making the life of the females in the family a misery, and the worst part was that my family knew but they let him treat the females in our family anyhow. he believes that women or females in general were made by god to be used as tools by men. And I'm the only one who opposes this and stands up to him. though I usually get hurt in the end.
I glared at him, stood up and slapped him back which shocked the family even more "Anita, don't you have respect have I been pampering you to much" my dad said.
this is the thing I didn't like about my dad, he let's himself be used by our family to much. I was about to retort "Enough!, I see you're very unfilial Anita. I think marriage will be the
best thing for you. Leonard call CEO Lexus and tell him to come with the marriage certificate" Pappap said, glaring at me. I have never seen him this angry with me before, but I wasn't going down without a fight. "if you marry me to him, I will cut all ties with you" I threatened them, I wanted to see how far they'll go for this Lexus, and it sure shocked me when they showed me how far they would go for him "let's not even wait for that I'll disown you if you try any nonsense" dad said  angrily, I was so shocked, the person I thought would support me no matter what, seemed to be the one who hated my happiness more. I looked at my step mom and saw her smirking, at that moment I knew lost. I stomped up to my room and locked the door. 'what a disaster' I thought, who knew more surprises were waiting for me tomorrow.

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