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I come down from the car and see three rows of maids, each row probably had at least eighteen maids.
"welcome home master and mistress" they bowed. A tall handsome young man walks up to Lucien and whispers something to Lucien, Lucien immediately dismissed the maids and pulled me past some twist and turns and we finally arrived in front of a black door with intricate designs.
I think they are symbol that represent something, but I don't have enough time to ponder over it, before Lucien pulls me inside the room. And I got super nervous.
"what are you doing" I looked at him cautiously
"calm down darling. I want to take you with me to Azkalor"
"what!" I was shocked, because Azkalor is known as the realm of the demons, of course it was at this moment my slow brain realized that the name of the demon king is Lucien, then I looked at him horror, did I just get married to the demon king.
"but you're to weak the heat of Azkalor will burn you to ashes before you even arrive there. unless you awaken your true form" he whispered coming ever so slowly towards me. "what true form, I'm a human" I gulp moving back cautiously, watching the man who is staring at me like prey.
"wrong, you're a demon. The strongest female demon alive. my mate wouldn't be a human" he chuckled darkly. My back hit a wall and we are now a few inches apart. "and the only way for you to awaken your demon, is by mating with you chosen" he whispered, we are so close, now he only needed to tilt his head for our lips touch."no you're lying, like I would ever believe what the king of demons tells me" I whispered, but I won't deny I feel an unnaturally strong attraction to him "you see, even your body knows the truth, you do too, but you're just denying it" he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer, tilted his
head and kissed me. I wanted to fight back but the unnatural attraction I felt for him overpowered me, he pushed me on the bed not breaking the kiss. I laid on the bed and looked into his eyes, that are fluctuating between red and brown. "I want you" he whispers, I want to scream no, but something or someone's voice spoke, maybe it's just my inner desire "okay, but be gentle".
I woke up a few hours later to a pair of blood red pupils staring at me, I screamed and moved back I then realised I'm butt naked. then all what happened thirty minutes ago came rushing back to me, I look at him in fear and start crying. he seemed shocked and drew near me, probably in an attempt to pacify me but I move back I seriously hate him right now. or was it myself I hated, for letting myself be deceived by the master of deception.
suddenly I start feeling an excruciating pain, starting from my feet and all the way to my head, I rolled on the bed while clutching my head tightly and screamed.
Lucien comes close to me places a finger on my forehead and said "I have granted her permission. awaken" and then the pain disappeared. I felt so weak that I fainted again.
I woke up to the sounded people, I think they are two young girls. marveling at me "is she our queen"
"yes they say she's lord Lucien's mate"
"no wonder, she's a beauty"
"stop marveling at your queen"
the funny thing is that they both sound like young girls may be around sixteen. I open my eyes slowly to look at them "your Highness did we wake you" one of them said, they look horrified as if I would kill them for waking me."no don't worry, please can you tell me who you guys are and where I am" I asked them, sitting up on the Bed and looked around the room. this was not the room I was in some hours ago.
"my name is Izabeth" the red haired girl said I noticed she has red eyes but I guess it's whitish-red if that's even a colour and the blonde haired girl besides her also had the same eye colour "And my name is Lazera" the blonde girl introduced herself. "well nice to meet you Izabeth and Lazera. so where am I"
"you're in the supreme
palace" Izabeth answered "And it's located in Azkalor" Lazera said "what!!" I yelled, at that moment the rooms temperature fell and I heard his voice "leave us" the two girls bowed so low I thought they would break their backs and they ran from the room.
I turned to look at him and he looked gorgeous. he was definitely in his demon form because he had a long black tail with something that look like an arrowhead at the end, he had two moderately big black horns protruding from the sides of his head, his black hair fell past his ears. He stood by the sides of the bed and stared at me lovingly "I know you think I'm gorgeous why don't you say it out loud"
"narcissist" I spat back "come, The demons want to see their queen" he said stretching his hand for me to take "no way, when did I agree to be anyone's queen"
"do you want me to drag you of the bed" he threatened with a teasing smile. I climbed down the bed, he lead me to a room
filled with both male and female clothes, well I guess the male clothes are his. "get ready quickly darling" he smiled and just stood there staring at me "well move out and let me change"
"why should I, I've already seen everyone inch of your body" my cheeks burn scarlet red as I push him out and shut the door.
when I was done dressing, I stood in front of a mirror and my jaw dropped. I didn't look like me, if that even makes sense. I had scarlet red eyes and two beautiful horns sticking out from the sides of my head, I had a long black tail with an arrow head at the end. and I just looked different, I looked too ethereal, to be real. I stepped out of the room and saw Lucien shamelessly gawking at me "it's not shameless when you're mine" I didn't refute because I didn't have enough energy to bicker with him right now.
He held my hands and guided me to a throne room there was a magnificent black one and there was an ethereal red one besides it. Lucien lead me to the red one and gestured for me to sit on the red one while he sat on the black one "my dear demons" Lucien began addressing the millions of demons who surprisingly fit in the throne room, thank god the thrones are on a raised platform "from today onwards this beautiful creature besides me is your Queen. Bow three times" all of them lowered and raised their heads thrice. I just watched everything bewildered, I'm now the queen of Azkalor.
when they finished the bowing all the normal civilians left leaving only the important ones. 'you know like how human kings and queens have members of their court, well, I guess these ones are referred to as the twelve mighty dukes of Azkalor, they will all come and introduce themselves to you one by one' I heard Lucien's voice in my head. and soon the first of the twelve people that stayed behind started climbing the stairs to reach the throne platform, he bowed and then introduced himself. "My queen I am the first duke of Azkalor, duke Armstead" " duly noted you may leave" Lucien ordered. And that's how all twelve introduced themselves. Lucien told me that the same way they are ranked one to twelve that's how their powers are also ranked, so meaning that the first duke is the weakest and the twelfth is the strongest.
After the dukes introduced themselves Lucien lead me back to our room."what a tiring day" I whined and the collapsed on the bed, Lucien looked at me lovingly I felt weird being looked at like that by mankind's mortal enemy. his brows furrowed and he glared at me 'oh I forgot my mind is no longer private' he walked close to the edge of the bed, he pinned my two hands above my head with just one hand and used the other to grab my jaw. for some reason, I mean for a very valid reason all the warning signs in my body blared at once, his irritation seemed to grow upon seeing my fear.
"I try my best to love you, but you still show me those eyes" he said angrily, the pressure he was using to hold my jaw increased and it started hurting me. suddenly I felt an uncontrollable rage but the thing is, it's not my anger. I looked into Lucien's eyes shocked, I was sure it was his rage I was feeling. "it's not my fault" I whispered my jaw is seriously hurting. he seemed to realise it and stood up slowly turning his back to me "Tomorrow a teacher will come to teach you all about our world, I was going to give you a month to learn everything but I changed my mind" he turned his head slightly to look at me since he was backing me "but now you have three days" and then he disappeared. immediately he left, I sat up on the bed and realise my face is wet.

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