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"Good morning." I smiled a politely as Caspian entered the dinning room.

"Morning." Caspian replied back in a monotone voice.

I couldn't admit that I secretly enjoys the breakfasts I have with Caspian. We do not talk about a lot of things but we do not eat in complete silent because that bothers me. I sometimes ask Caspian questions and he replies in his usual form. A few words in a monotoned voice; I've sort of gotten used to it. Caspian is more of a man of action than of words.

Although Caspian is never one to initiate a conversation, he tends to ask me questions. About the babies, the Cafe and our on going expansion. Some of those things I  was sure he knew but I like that he asked anyway. I think he knows that I hate eating breakfast in silence.

"You've been hanging out with Bianca a lot." Caspian said.

His sentence took me by surprise because, he didn't asks question that required and answer which was weird.

"You don't want me to hang out with her?" I asked carefully trying to take notes of micro expressions on his face. It wasn't like he had any.

"I didn't say that." He took his cup that contained his back coffee and raised it to his lips.

"I like hanging out with Bianca. She's cute and nice, although she can be a little too energetic at times." I almost shivered at the thought of Bianca's actions. She was always on her heeled feet.

I could swear I saw the corner of his lips rise. I was really curious about the real relationship between Bianca and the Montgomerys. According to Carolina, Bianca is a spoilt heiress who basically own billions to her name and is adored by the family but Bianca is an Orphan.

   Since I got married into the Montgomery only Bianca was her normal self around Caspian unlike the other who were immediately on guard around him. Caspian took notice of her presence which means he cared about her. Which was again surprising since I don't know Caspian to be caring.

He cares for your kids.

He does. A little too much though.


"Hunter will you stop groaning like a pregnant woman." Carolina snared angrily at Hunter.

"My back aches you monster I can't help it." Hunter snarled back at her putting his finger on his shoulder and trying to give himself a massage which just earned a eye roll from Carolina.

I and Carolina are currently sprawled on my three sitter couch in my office while Hunter was sitting slumped on the one sitter couch that sat adjacent to us.

"Why the hell would you do things you know you are not capable of." Carolina mocked.

"I am very much Capable of helping take a few boxes in. Thank you very much." He eyed her before closing his eyes and groaning little. "I just pulled a muscle in my back."

"Of course you did." Carolina snickered.

I wasn't unusual to this sight. It was pretty much the normal interaction between Hunter and Carolina.

"You just need a good massage." I told Hunter who nodded in agreement.

"I need one bad." He said as he tried to stretch.

"I can help with that." Carolina immediately sat up, the enthusiasm and excitement in her voice sending chills down her spine.

"I'm cool. I can schedule a massage on my own or rather die in this agonizing pain that allow you to come  near me." Hunter shook his head in disagreement, eyeing Carolina to make sure she doesn't come near him.

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