Mariah's Divine Bastet, Part 2

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As Mariah continued to walk away, Avdol and Joseph struggled to get back on their feet since they're both stuck together.

"Wait!" Joseph shouted at Mariah. "S-Shit!"

They tried to move together as one, attempting to go after her.

"She went around the corner!" Joseph pointed out. "After her!"

When they tried to move, they both fell on the ground again.

"How can this be?! To think I end up as a human magnet..." Avdol whined.

"Calm down, Avdol!" Joseph told him. "There's no time to complain about her power! We need to focus on defeating her Stand!" He looked around. "Where the hell did she go?! Dammit!"

"I cannot see her!" Both men began thrashing around, attempting to separate. "Besides, we can't stay stuck like this forever! Get up slowly, Advol." Joseph suggested.


A pedestrian walking by spotted them and stopped. He stared at the two men in confusion.

Both Avdol and Joseph managed to stand up again but their faces were still stuck together.

"We're up!" Joseph said. "Now let's try to separate. Since we're stuck together, it means we're being affected by twice as much magnetic force! Let's grab onto that fence over there then pull ourselves apart! Here we go, Avdol! Use your core muscles! Create a rhythm!"

"Yes, Mr. Joestar!"

"One, two!"

"One, two!"

"One, two!"

Both men repeated one after another, syncing their movements together to reach the fence. While doing that, two men watched them as they were confused about what they were doing. Noticing their stares, both Avdol and Joseph stopped.

"M-Mr. Joestar..." Avdol spoke up. "Th-This is exceedingly unflattering."

Joseph tried to look back at the two individuals, turning his head to the side which caused him to pull Avdol to the side as well. "Hey! What are you looking at?!" He called them out. "We're just practicing a dance! A dance!" He began moving side to side as if he were dancing.

"Y-Yes! D-Dancing outside is truly splendid, indeed!" Avdol added.

"Now get lost, dammit!" Joseph told the group.

And with that they stood up and walked off.

"Alright, Avdol, just a little more!" Joseph said. "One, two, and..."

They took a couple steps forward and reached the fence.

"We did it! We made it without tripping!" Joseph stated.

"I-Indeed we have!" Avdol said.

"Avdol, do you think you can slowly slide off of me?" Joseph asked.

"Yes, I believe so..." Avdol responded.

"All right...." Joseph grabbed onto the fence and held a tight grip onto it. "I'll hold onto the fence, you try to slide down my body moving your head towards my toes. Since our heads are sticking together, you should be able to separate at my feet, since the polarity will be the same."

"I-I see..." Avdol said and slowly began to slide down on Joseph's body.

It was going smoothly until Avdol stopped at Joseph's crotch. He knitted his brows.

"What's wrong, Avdol?" Joseph asked, confused as to why Avdol stopped moving.

"Th-This position..." Avdol nervously said. "Does it not appear compromising? Those watching may interpret this differently."

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