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"Woah! It's huge!" One of the sailors stated as they awed.

"I-It's a freighter!"

"Look! We're saved! They got our distress call and dropped the stairs!" Joseph stated as he pointed at the ship.

Jotaro glanced down at Noriko.

"Hey." He lightly shrugged his shoulder for the red-headed girl to wake up.

"Mmmm..." Noriko groaned as her arms tightened their grip on his arm, snuggling more on the delinquent.

Jotaro shrugged his shoulder again, a bit rougher than before. "Hey, wake up already."

Noriko lifted her head up as she rubbed her eyes. "Are we at Singapore yet?" She asked as she yawned.

"No but we're in luck." Jotaro replied and glanced at the ship.

"In luck?" Noriko wondered and looked over at Jotaro. She didn't realize she had her arm wrapped around his.

Her cheeks lightly turned pink and quickly took moved her arm away.

"S-Sorry, Jojo! I didn't know I had fallen asleep on you." She apologized as she looked away.

She knew Jotaro hated it when girls would be all up on him and clingy since it would piss the hell out of him and didn't want to be on his bad side.

"Hmph." Jotaro grunted under his breath.

Noriko turned around and gasped.

"Woah! When did that here?!"

"Just a moment ago." Avdol responded.

"I didn't even see it get close because of this damn fog!" Polnareff remarked.

Jotaro remained silent and narrowed his eyes, he had a feeling something wasn't right.

Joseph noticed his grandson was suspecting about something. "What is it Jotaro? You think there's a Stand on this ship?"

Jotaro glanced at his grandfather. "No, I'm just wondering why the hell they would lower the stairs and not show themselves."

The emergency boats touched the end of the ramp and Polnareff jumped off.

He turned around at the Crusaders, "Look, I know you all must be thinking this is fishy but they did come all the way over here to rescue us! Someone is on this damn boat and even if they're all Stand users, I'll still get on this ship!" The Frenchman declared and walked up the stairs.

Everyone briefly glanced at each other before proceeding to get on the freighter.

As the men got off, Jotaro and Joseph turned around looking back at Noriko and Anne. Both girls were still on the small boat.

Noriko glanced down at the small brunette, "You can go first." She said sincerely.

"Grab on, I'll help you get up." Jotaro offered as he reached over for the young girl to grab his hand.

Anne stood there for a brief moment, hesitating. Making her decision, she jumped into the arms of Joseph Joestar.

The little girl looked over at Jotaro and stuck her tongue out at him.

Noriko chuckled and Jotaro sighed.

"Gimme a break..." He muttered and turned at Noriko.

The girl was already stepping out of the boat to the platform but her foot slipped. Jotaro caught the girl in his arms quickly before she could fall into the water.

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