D'Arby The Gambler, Part 2

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Noriko and Avdol placed the lifeless body of the elder Joestar on a chair that's behind Polnareff while Jotaro sat down across from D'Arby.

"Before we get started, there's something I'd like to try." Jotaro informed. "Shuffle those cards." He pointed at the playing cards on the table.

D'Arby shuffled the cards while Jotaro never took his eyes off of them.

"They're shuffled." D'Arby stated. "What now?"

Both Noriko and Avdol stood behind Jotaro, they were confused on what Jotaro was planning.

"It doesn't matter which one, but pick a card from anywhere near the deck's top and memorize it. Don't show it to me." Jotaro said.

"Hmph." D'Arby picked a card and glanced at it for a brief moment. "Okay, I've looked."

"I'll tell you what card it is: six of hearts." Jotaro said. "Now I'll tell you every card in order from the top. Five of Spades, Queen of Diamonds, Jack of Spades, Ace of Hearts, Seven of Diamonds, Six of Clubs, King of Clubs, Two of Diamonds."

D'Arby gasped under his breath and spread the cards on the table. Jotaro was correct and they were all in order.

"Wh-?! He knew them all! But D'Arby was the one who shuffled the cards! How did you know?" Avdol asked the delinquent.

"I can name all of the cards in order, from top to bottom." Jotaro said, his Stand manifesting behind him. "My Star Platinum was able to see the order of the cards as they were being shuffled."

"That's very interesting." D'Arby remarked. "But that just means I have to make sure you don't see me shuffling the cards."

"Don't you get it? This means you won't be able to cheat and need to be smarter about it. Consider this your only warning." Jotaro warned.

D'Arby narrowed his eyes, "Good."

As much as Noriko would like to assist her boyfriend during this game, she isn't too familiar with poker at all. She can't even help him cheat if she wanted to.

D'Arby pulled out a new deck onto the table with the security seal still on it, proving that it hasn't been tampered with. While Jotaro was inspecting the cards, D'Arby reached over to a book that was next to him on a small table and flipped through the pages as he watched the delinquent lay out the cards on the table.

"There's one Joker. I don't see anything unusual. They're ordinary playing cards." Jotaro confirmed.

"I'm at 538..." D'Arby spoke to himself. "540... No, page 556..." His eyes glanced at the book and chuckled, he was correct. "I'm at my best again today. I can figure out which page I'm on just by the feel. Jotaro's Star Platinum may indeed have impressive eyes, but I, D'Arby, can memorize by touch."

Jotaro moved the cards together and began to shuffle them.

D'Arby silently watched. "Even when I shuffle the cards, I know exactly where each is going..."

Jotaro finished shuffling the cards and placed the deck in the center of the table.

"Okay! Open the game!" D'Arby announced.

D'Arby grabbed the top pile of the deck and revealed his card, "Ten of Hearts."

Jotaro also grabbed a pile and showed his card, "Seven of Clubs."

"Looks like I'm the dealer." D'Arby chuckled. He reached over to grab the deck and began shuffling them at an angle so Star Platinum wouldn't see the cards.

He placed the deck back on the table, "Go ahead and cut."

Jotaro does as he's told.

D'Arby then grabs the deck again, "Time to deal."

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