Dio's World, Part 1

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The Crusaders finally reached the surface and found the main room of the mansion. They halted with a gasp, seeing how much damage had been done.

"W-What in the hell happened here?" Joseph asked. He approached one of the damaged pillars that had a circular hole on it. "It's a perfectly round opening, like if someone pulled out a cork. W-What is it...?"

Noriko glanced through the hole. She noticed behind the pillar was a door with the exact same similar circular hole on it, seeing more of the destruction on the other side. "The destruction goes beyond this room, Mr. Joestar." She pointed out.

"These are clear signs that Avdol and the others encountered an enemy." Joseph stated then turned to his grandson. "Jotaro! Bust the door down! We're going in!"

"Alright." Jotaro stepped forward, summoning Star Platinum.

"ORA!" The Stand cried out as it broke down the door.


While the Crusaders are battling in Egypt, back in Tokyo, Japan, a familiar elderly blonde woman, a Speedwagon Foundation agent and a butler were driving off from the airport. They had just arrived in Japan a few moments ago and it's been forty-three days since the Crusaders departed.

"Pull over, Rosas!" Suzie demanded. "You can stop the car here."

The car stopped in front of a soba shop called, "Soba Midokoro" .

"Please, Madam, must we really stop for a soba stand?" Rosas asked.

"Why of course! I haven't been to Japan in ages!" Suzie cheerfully replied. "I need a little something to eat before visiting my daughter!" She turned to the Speedwagon Agent, "Would you be a darling and hold Turtlekins for me?" She handed over the turtle to him.

"You mustn't, Madam!" Rosas insisted but the elderly woman ignored him and stepped out of the vehicle with a video camera in her hand. "This place caters to men, Japanese customs dictate that a lady such as you must not eat here! It simply isn't the place for you, Madam Joestar."

"Oh, hush, Rosas!" Suzie simply brushed off. "I'm going to record a commemorative video to mark the occasion! Very good! Very good!" She began recording her surroundings.

She then points the camera at a man sleeping on the ground using a newspaper as a blanket. "This poverty-stricken atmosphere is simply marvelous!" Putting the camera down, she awed at the sight and approached the soba establishment.

Rosas simply sighed.

"Mr. Rosas." The Speedwagon Agent spoke, approaching the butler. "Have you not told Madam Joestar the condition her daughter Holly is in?"

Rosas froze from the question. He then dropped his shoulders.

"Come on, Rosas! Come, come!" Suzie insisted as she stood by the entrance.

Rosas glanced over his shoulder, "I-I'll be right there!" He returned his gaze back to the man. He placed his hand over his shoulder, forming it into a fists and clenched it.

"I... I have not told her yet." Rosas admitted. "She came to Japan under the impression that Ms. Holly only has mild pneumonia. I have served the Joestar family for thirty years, ever since Holly was in grade school. I know I should tell her the truth but... I lack the courage. We arrived in Japan before I had the chance to tell her."

"Ms. Holly is already at her limit." The agent told the butler. "She only has a few days remaining. If you want me to, I could tell her myself."

Rosas closed his eyes with a sigh, "N-No... It is best I tell the Madam, I've lied to her about Ms. Holly for too long. Is it true that she can be cured if that man named Dio is defeated?"

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