Yellow Temperance

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Anne and Jotaro were at the bottom of the stairs in the main lobby waiting for Noriko. Apparently, Noriko had forgotten her wallet pouch when she and Jotaro picked up Anne from the hotel room. Bringing the girl along was Noriko's idea since she promised Anne they would explore around the city and buy her ice cream.

Within a few minutes, Noriko walked up to two.

"How did you get here so fast?" Anne queried.

The girl's hotel room wasn't close by so it was strange to how Noriko managed to retrieve her wallet that quick.

Ignoring Anne's question, Jotaro turned at Noriko.

"You got what you need?" Jotaro asked.

Noriko silently nodded and they all proceed to head out.


Anne, Jotaro and Noriko walked down the streets not far from the hotel. As they were quietly walking, Jotaro noticed that Noriko hasn't said a single word ever since they left the hotel. It's unusual for Noriko to remain quiet for this long. She would usually talk about interesting facts about her interests, which the delinquent actually found intriguing.

Anne smiled with a gasp when she spotted a small ice cream shop and sprinted her way over there.

The owner, who had spiky hair with shades above his forehead, was casually whistling and turned his attention at Anne.

"Why welcome!" The owner greeted.

"May I have ice cream please?" Anne ordered.

"You see little girl, ice cream is great and all but this baby right here!" The owner picked up one of the coconuts. "I recommend trying out one of these, they're chilled coconut juice!"

"Come on, try it." He offered.

Noriko and Jotaro approach from behind.

"I guess we'll give it a chance." Jotaro said. "Give us three."

"Why thank you! That'll be twelve dollars!" The owner said with a smile.

Anne glared at the shop owner. "Twelve dollars?! Make it six!"

Noriko pulled out her wallet pouch to pay her own beverage.

"Don't worry I got." Jotaro said as he took his own wallet out.

Noriko put her hand down that held the wallet pouch but was snatched away by a thief.

"I'll take that Miss! Hehe! The man snickered as he made a run for it.

Noriko furrowed her brows and summoned her Stand to trip over the man.

The thief fell on to the concrete, dropping the wallet and turned around seeing Noriko already behind him.

She stared down at the man with a dark menacing look.

"You little piece of shit!" She snarled. "Did you really think you could get away with my wallet that easily?!"

Both Anne and Jotaro turned their attention at Noriko.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Noriko kicked the man's face with her knee.

Blood immediately gushed out of the thief's nose.


"Noriko!" Jotaro shouted as Anne widened her eyes in shock.

"You scumbag," Noriko said coldly as she tossed the man back to the ground. "Did I look like an easy pick to you?! How dare you lay a finger on my PRECIOUS WALLET!"

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